• last year
(Adnkronos) - Per il leader della Lega e vicepresidente del Consiglio Matteo Salvini, l’Ops lanciata da Unicredit su Banco Bpm va bloccata usando il golden power. “Sì”, risponde a Bruxelles, dopo aver sottolineato che la decisione spetta al ministro dell’Economia Giancarlo Giorgetti e non al ministro degli Esteri, Antonio Tajani, che ieri aveva espresso dubbi sull’opportunità di utilizzare il golden power per bloccare un’acquisizione Italia su Italia.


00:00But the Minister of Economy will take care of it.
00:02It seems that Taiari is the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
00:04There is a Minister who takes care of the economy,
00:06who, speaking of banks, will decide on the business.
00:09Do you think it should be used?
00:12As you see it?
00:14Because it risks to concentrate the banking sector
00:17and to move banks away from the territories,
00:19from the citizens and from the companies.
00:21Then, on the Italianity of Unicredit,
00:24I challenge anyone to prove to me that
00:27with the actionary of an extreme Italian minority,
00:30Unicredit can be called an Italian bank.
00:33So, even if you treat your operator with a seat in Italy?
00:37Yes, with a seat in Italy.
00:39How many have a seat in Italy,
00:41have factories abroad and pay abroad?
