• last year
(Adnkronos) - “"La reputazione per noi è un dogma, il pilastro fondamentale della nostra strategia d'impresa. Crediamo molto nella formazione e nell'informazione, abbiamo creato il Tg Poste e siamo l'unica azienda ad avere un telegiornale proprio"

Così Giuseppe Lasco, direttore generale di Poste Italiane in occasione della prima edizione del Premio giornalistico Tg Poste, il telegiornale quotidiano di Poste Italiane. Alla premiazione presso La Casina Poste di Roma hanno partecipato i direttori delle principali testate giornalistiche nazionali e i vertici di Poste Italiane.


00:00The reputation for us is a dogma, it is the fundamental pillar of our business strategy.
00:10As I said before, we believe a lot in the reputational element, in the training, in the information,
00:18so much so that we created the TG Post, we are the only company to have our own newspaper.
00:23We have invested in a Post News newspaper that reaches 250,000 families, so employees and pensioners.
00:31And then, for the element of being a country-based company, it is fundamental, almost an obligation,
00:37to have the element of reputational training as a fundamental element of our daily life.
00:49So, we believe a lot in this path and the award that was offered to me and the Delegated Administration,
00:59we married it immediately because it reflects the values of our ideals of transparency and reputational element of our company.
01:13Among other things, we have more than 30 million customers, which are based, let's say,
01:21on the relationship with Post News, on the trust element.
01:23So, for us it is a fundamental step, so we are very happy about this day
01:31and the response of the world of today's journalism was what we proudly expected,
01:38so the presence of all the directors and media in our country is that we are doing well
01:45also in the element, let's say, of reputation and the training of our young people. Thank you.
