• last year
वैशाली: केंद्र सरकार द्वारा लोगों के कल्याण के लिए कई प्रकार की योजनाएं चलाई जा रही है जिसमें से एक प्रधानमंत्री किसान सम्मान निधि योजना(पीएम किसान) है यह योजना भारत सरकार की एक प्रमुख योजना है। इस योजना के तहत किसानों को हर साल सरकार की तरफ से सहायता राशी दी जाती है। वहीं योजना का लाभ किसानों को मिल रहा है लाभार्थी उमेश राय ने बताया कि है। प्रधानमंत्री सम्मान निधि योजना का लाभ मिलता है और जैविक खेती करने को लेकर जैविक कॉरिडोर से 11 हजार रुपए प्रति एकड़ सालाना मिल रहा है। पहले बहुत परेशानी होती थी लेकिन अब सब अच्छे से हो रहा है। लाभार्थी चंद्र भूषण राय ने कहा कि समय पर पैसे मिलने से हम समय पर खेती कर लेते हैं।

#ians #hindinews #latestnews #pradhanmantrikisan


00:30Earlier, we were not able to cultivate the land, but now we are able to do so thanks to the Prime Minister's scheme.
00:44But the problem is that we have to sell our vegetables locally.
00:51We are not able to sell them in the market.
00:55That is why we are not able to cultivate the land.
00:59Earlier, it was very difficult.
01:01Now, we are very good.
01:04We are good at farming.
01:06Earlier, it was very difficult.
01:08Now, we are fine.
01:10We get a farmer's pension.
01:12After that, to cultivate the land on time, we get 11,000-12,000 rupees per acre.
01:18We use the Prime Minister's scheme to cultivate the land.
01:26We buy the manure on time.
01:28We bring the seeds and sow them.
01:31Before this, we used to have a lot of problems.
01:34Due to the lack of money, we were not able to cultivate properly.
01:38We used to cultivate the broken wheat.
01:42We could not cultivate the vegetables.
01:44Now, by getting money, we are able to cultivate on time.
01:49And we are developing.
01:51The problem is that we have 200 acres of land.
01:55We cultivate the wheat and paddy.
01:57But we are not able to sell it.
02:00There is no market.
02:01The reason for the lack of market is that we sell it in the local market.
02:05A lot of farmers are refusing to cultivate the land.
02:07What is the reason for that?
02:09There is no market.
02:10There is no market in the local market.
02:12We are selling it in the local market.
02:15That is why we are not getting much benefit from the land cultivation.
