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দীর্ঘ প্রায় ১০ দিনের টানাপোড়েনের পর অবশেষে মহারাষ্ট্রের মুখ্যমন্ত্রী হতে চলেছেন দেবেন্দ্র ফড়নবীশ। বৃহস্পতিবার হবে শপথ গ্রহণ অনুষ্ঠান।

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00:00A few days ago, the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly hearing was over.
00:04After the hearing, a large number of votes were cast for Mahajyoti Jyoti.
00:10The opposition has flown away with the BJP.
00:13Mahajyoti Jyoti has won 238 seats out of 288 seats in Mahamikash Aghari.
00:21Among them, only one BJP has won out of 32 seats.
00:25Shipsena Satarnoti and Ajit Pawar's Jati Otapadi Congress Party have won 41 seats.
00:34So, from the beginning, it was a big surprise.
00:37Now, who is going to be the Chief Minister of Maharashtra?
00:41On the one hand, the face of Mahajyoti Jyoti was the Vice-Chief Minister, Eknath Shinde.
00:46And on the other hand, the BJP's Devendra Farnabish, who had come a long way from the Sankhagurishta Party.
00:53It was certainly a drama that lasted for more than 10 days.
00:59The Chief Minister of Maharashtra is Devendra Farnabish.
01:02The BJP leader met with the Mongolian Vice-Chief Minister, Eknath Shinde for more than an hour and a half.
01:10And that's when the ice melted.
01:13After the meeting of the BJP's core committee on Wednesday, it became clear that for the next five years, the Chief Minister is going to be Maharashtra's Devendra.
01:23It seems that the confusion that had been going on for quite a few days has finally happened.
01:29The new Chief Minister of Maharashtra is going to be NCP leader Ajit Pawar.
01:35But the principle from the beginning was that the principle that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will take will be the last word.
01:43That's what Eknath Shinde said.
01:45He also said that he will fully support the principle that will be taken.
01:51Now, finally, it was time to pour all the water.
01:55Now, finally, it was time to pour all the water.
02:02I am very happy.
02:05I would like to thank all the people who have voted for truth, justice, and development despite the false propaganda of the Congress.
02:20Our party needs Mr. Devendra Farnich.
02:27For the development of Maharashtra, for the future of Maharashtra, we need Mr. Devendra Farnich.
02:31And we are standing with him with all our strength.
02:34The wish of the people of Maharashtra is that Mr. Devendra Farnich should take oath as Chief Minister.
02:44And after taking that oath, both Mr. Eknath Shinde and Mr. Ajit Dada will work for the Chief Minister.
02:53And I think that the way Mr. Devendra Farnich is a Chief Minister,
02:59he has accepted the post of Chief Minister with such a big heart.
03:04That too for the benefit of Maharashtra.
03:06So, there is progress in politics, and there will be progress here too.
03:10If all goes well, the story of the Chief Minister of Maharashtra standing in the oath-taking ceremony will be shared with Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
03:19Will you stand together?
03:22What about other BJP leaders?
03:25Will the Chief Ministers of several BJP-run states also stand together?
03:31Bureau report for India, Bangla.
