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00:00Scatouni !
00:01It makes me feel so neat !
00:03Scatouni !
00:04It gets me hot inside !
00:06Scatouni !
00:07Why don't you take me for a ride ?
00:10Scatouni !
00:11Sounds real sweet to me !
00:13It's crazy what we do here baby !
00:15It's Scatouni !
00:21And for less !
00:22Welcome to Scatouni !
00:25Where kids and tunes compete for prizes !
00:27And here come your hosts
00:29Who are love from coast to coast !
00:31Chuck Shutters !
00:33Has anyone seen my glasses ?
00:36And the Earl !
00:41So, who's playing today Earl ?
00:43Emily, Freezy, Genesis, Noah, Callum and Zippo !
00:51Okay !
00:53Well, listen up quizzes, cause this is how we play !
00:56All you gotta do is stay in the game
00:58Through three rapid fire rounds !
01:00We're gonna knock two of you out at the end of round one
01:02And then drop the second pair of losers
01:04At the end of round two !
01:06That'll leave two contestants battling it out
01:08To see who goes through to the Scatouni
01:10Quiz Champ Challenge !
01:12What do they win Earl ?
01:14An iPod !
01:16It will be mine !
01:19Okay, let's just get on with round one, shall we ?
01:22It's bang on or bonus !
01:25Okay, all you gotta do is decide
01:27Whether what I'm saying is bang on true
01:29Or bogusly false !
01:31First one to bash the buzzer gets to answer !
01:33So if you think it's true, you shout
01:35Bang on !
01:37And if you think it's false, you shout
01:39Bogus !
01:40One point for a correct answer !
01:42You feeling confident Noah ?
01:44Let's see, I'm up against a pickle from outer space
01:46And a carrot nose whose lower half
01:48Is made up of yellow snow !
01:50It keeps me warm !
01:51Wow, too much canine cologne !
01:54Wow, that was cold !
01:56And what do we do when it's cold ?
01:58Emily ?
01:59Turn up the heat !
02:00Silly human !
02:01You heard the lady Earl !
02:03Turn up the heat !
02:05Yeah, gonna get nice and toasty !
02:08What the ?
02:09Man, this don't look good for Feezy !
02:11Now let's play bang on or bogus !
02:14You've got as much time as it takes Earl
02:16To shave Dudley the props guy !
02:20Go !
02:21Bang on or bogus !
02:23A hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards !
02:25Noah ?
02:26Obviously that's bang on !
02:27Correctamundo !
02:29Next, there are 52 weeks in a year !
02:31Callum ?
02:32Bang on !
02:33Nice work Callum !
02:34Elephants are really scared of mice !
02:36Zeppo ?
02:37Bogus !
02:38You betcha !
02:39Bagels are boiled before they're baked !
02:41Genesis ?
02:42Bogus !
02:43Good luck lady, that was bang on !
02:44There are over a thousand bones in a full grown human body !
02:47Callum ?
02:48Bogus !
02:49Bang on !
02:50It is bogus !
02:51Suzuki invented the popsicle !
02:53Callum ?
02:54Bang on !
02:55Bogus !
02:56Aren't popsicles made of snowmen ?
02:57Not funny man !
02:58Agree !
02:59In the Ukraine it's good luck to find a spider's web in the house on Christmas morning !
03:03Noah ?
03:04What, are we all five ?
03:05It's bang on !
03:06It is bang on !
03:07But you're pushing it bacon brain !
03:09A surgeon holds the world record for the fastest game of operation !
03:12Freezy ?
03:13Bogus !
03:14It's so hot, I can't think !
03:15Incorrect !
03:16It's bang on !
03:17The Hoover Dam is located on the border of Arizona and Nevada !
03:20Emily ?
03:21Bang on !
03:22Correct !
03:23Nice guess Einstein !
03:25A llama spits when it's afraid !
03:27Emily ?
03:28Bang on !
03:29Correct !
03:30Evaporation is the process where boiled water turns into vapor or steam !
03:33Noah ?
03:34Bang on !
03:35Are these going to get difficult at some point ?
03:37I bet you're a real hit at parties Noah !
03:39As a matter of fact...
03:40No two zebras have stripes that are exactly alike !
03:42Callum ?
03:44Bang on !
03:45Correct !
03:46A sea cow is a real animal !
03:48Noah ?
03:49Bang on !
03:50Also known as the dugong, the sea cow can weigh up to 400 kilograms and bears a vague resemblance to Zeppo !
03:55Excellent human !
03:56Right !
03:57Making lots of friends today Noah !
03:58A schnoodle is a type of pasta !
04:00Callum ?
04:01Bogus !
04:02Right on !
04:03According to Irish folklore, a leprechaun is a baker !
04:05Emily ?
04:06Bogus !
04:07Correct !
04:08It takes about 10 minutes for a space shuttle to get into space !
04:11Emily ?
04:12Bogus !
04:13Incorrect silly willy !
04:15I'm starting to think you wouldn't know the answer to what's your name ?
04:18A smogometer is a tool that measures ozone depletion !
04:21Zeppo ?
04:22Bogus !
04:23You betcha !
04:24Nearly done Judd !
04:25Come on quizzes time is running out !
04:27There are 366 days in a leap year !
04:29Callum ?
04:30Bogus !
04:31It's bang on Callum !
04:32Wikipedia is the name of the disease you get when you stare at a computer for too long !
04:36What you got Zeppo ?
04:38Bogus !
04:39You got it !
04:40The Earl of Sandwich invented the sandwich !
04:42Noah ?
04:43Bang on !
04:44Invented in England in the 18th century by John M...
04:47Finish !
04:48Okay !
04:49Round 1 is done and dusted !
04:51So, who do you think we're gonna throw off the show ?
04:55Breezy !
04:56Don't let Noah win !
04:58Some folks just can't take the heat !
05:00That's for sure Earl !
05:02But what about the rest of them ?
05:03Emily ?
05:04You're safe !
05:05Yay !
05:06Yay !
05:07Noah, you're still in the game !
05:10And the obvious award goes to...
05:12Such a show off Noah !
05:13Yeah, a real Noah it all !
05:15Hilarious !
05:16And come on, give me my good news !
05:19Yeah, yeah, you're through too Space Pickle !
05:21Genesis, Callum, one of you is out !
05:24Genesis, who do you think is going home ?
05:26Me !
05:27Why is that ?
05:28I wasn't pressing my buzzer right !
05:30Genesis, I'm afraid you're right !
05:32You are going home !
05:33Callum, that means you're staying on !
05:35Thanks for playing Genesis !
05:37You've been fantastic fun !
05:39But with no points, you're out of the game !
05:42Take it away Earl !
05:45Thanks for playing, but...
05:46You're out of here !
05:49You gave it a go, but...
05:50You're out of here !
05:52Yeah !
05:53Don't hang around town !
05:54You're out of here !
05:58It's time to go, cause that's the show and...
06:00You're out of here !
06:06Well, we've said goodbye to Genesis and Freezy,
06:08and it's time to take a break !
06:10But don't go far away,
06:11cause you'll want to find out who makes it through
06:13in the final frantic round of...
06:23Welcome back to Skatoonie !
06:25Well, we've said goodbye to Genesis and Freezy,
06:27but what do you say to more Q&A in round 2 ?
06:30We're gonna play with...
06:31Shadows !
06:33Oh great, what does he want ?
06:35Shadows !
06:36I gotta hit the penalty box for a sec !
06:38Why don't you get to know each other ?
06:41Care for a volution eyeball ?
06:45They're succulent !
06:50Why ain't you selling more chow to the crowd ?
06:54Get out there, Zamboni Brain, and sell my popcorn !
06:57Yes, Charles...
07:00And then we come to...
07:02Don't worry, Chad, I got you covered !
07:04Watch out, what's on your hand there ?
07:06Keep quiet, Earth Boy,
07:07and I'll give you the eyeballs from the bottom of the bag !
07:10So, how's it going ?
07:12Oh, fine, except the cosmic cucumber here is cheating !
07:15Say what ? Cheating ? How ?
07:17Look at Colonel Zappo's hand !
07:19Lies !
07:20A high-profile officer such as myself would never cheat !
07:24Really ?
07:25Then why'd you try and look at that ?
07:28The kids saw our notes !
07:32That's just my to-do list !
07:34Pick up laundry, feed Cyborg...
07:36Hmm, nothing wrong with being organized,
07:38and anyways, it's time to play...
07:44All right, now, listen up !
07:46What you got is three hats,
07:48each representing a different country.
07:50This week's countries are...
07:54Boy, those India hats make them look ridiculous, huh ?
07:57Them look ridiculous, huh ?
07:58They ain't the ones wearing a bomb bag on their heads, eh !
08:01Oh, I've had enough ! Time to get back in the game !
08:04All yours, Chad !
08:05So, all you have to do is put on the hat that matches the answer and buzz in !
08:10Computer, I want a full profile download of Greece, Canada and India !
08:16Remember, your answer is what you wear, not what you say !
08:19One point for a correct answer and the two lowest scoring players go out !
08:24So let's play...
08:27Yeah !
08:28You have as much time as it takes Doug and his dog pals to bury T-Bone !
08:33Hey, watch out, Dennis !
08:36Hey, give it up !
08:37And we're off !
08:39Where did the Olympic Games originate, Zeppo ?
08:41India !
08:42Wrong ! It was Greece !
08:44What ?
08:45Victoria Day and Boxing Day is celebrated in which country ?
08:48Emily !
08:49Canada !
08:50Correct ! In what country was insulin invented ?
08:52Allum !
08:53India !
08:54No ! It was Canada !
08:56Gondi and Mother Teresa lived in which country ?
08:58Noah ?
08:59India !
09:00Correct !
09:02What's left in your frying pan after cooking bacon ?
09:04Noah ?
09:05Grease !
09:06Correct !
09:07I thought you said there would be no sports !
09:09What country is home to Anne of Green Gables ?
09:11Callum !
09:12Canada !
09:13Bang on, Callum !
09:14Slumdog Millionaire takes place in what country ?
09:16Noah ?
09:17India !
09:18Look, I have a note signed by my parents that excuses me from any and all gym-like activity !
09:21Putting on hats is a gym-like activity ?
09:23Yes, it's actually a sport in the little-known country of Joclovania !
09:27Oh, gosh !
09:28If you say so, lazy limbs !
09:29Next question !
09:30This country is made up mostly of islands and islets.
09:32Emily ?
09:33Grease ! Grease ! Grease !
09:34Well, Emily, your first hat was wrong !
09:36Sorry, no point for you !
09:37In this country, if you want to buy a samosa, you pay with a rupee.
09:41Emily ?
09:42India ?
09:43That's correct !
09:44What country is home to the Alouettes and the Blue Bombers ?
09:47Callum ?
09:48Canada !
09:49Correct !
09:50The sitar is an instrument popular in which country ?
09:52Emily ?
09:53India !
09:54Correctamundo !
09:55The Taj Mahal can be found in this country.
09:57Callum ?
09:58India !
09:59Moussaka and spanakopita are foods that originated in which country ?
10:02Zeppo ?
10:03India !
10:04Wrong ! It's Greece !
10:05What ? No, you're wrong !
10:07Nuh-uh, space case !
10:08What country is home to the Greek salad ?
10:10Emily ?
10:11Greece !
10:12That's correct !
10:13We're almost out of time !
10:14What country would you find Bollywood ?
10:16Noah ?
10:17Greece !
10:19Sorry, Sporto !
10:20Incorrect !
10:21India !
10:22India !
10:23You're right, Emily, but no point !
10:25What country is home to the Acropolis ?
10:27Zeppo ?
10:28Greece !
10:29India !
10:30Bing !
10:31Correct !
10:32I win !
10:33It was Greece, but you can't wear all your hats at once !
10:36Cricket is a popular sport in which country ?
10:38Callum ?
10:39India !
10:40Rightaroody !
10:41That's it !
10:42We're out of time !
10:43Who are the skatoony top goal scorers and who are the big net misses ?
10:46Well, no amount of genius can lift what are obviously weighted-down hats,
10:50and add the fact that Lady in Red here was cheating,
10:52it was only a matter of time before I got burned.
10:54Where can I cheat, bro ?
10:57Oh !
10:58I-I got only one right !
11:00Right ! All brain, no brawn !
11:02Noah, with a score of three, you're outta here !
11:04Yeah, well, it was so easy, I forgot to try.
11:07And Callum, you scored four points,
11:09which means you're through to round three !
11:12A what ?
11:13You're sticking around !
11:15And Emily, boy, this is exciting !
11:17With a score of four points, you are through to the next round,
11:20which means Zeppo...
11:21No ! No !
11:23I will not be denied !
11:25If I cannot triumph, then nobody will !
11:28I will destroy you all !
11:30Third floor bridge, now !
11:33Where did he go ?
11:34Eh, who knows ? Who cares ?
11:36It's time for a break !
11:37But stick around, funky feet,
11:39and find out who makes it through to the final frantic round of...
11:42Skatoony !
11:51Welcome back to Skatoony !
11:53So, who's left, Earl ?
11:54Les derniers joueurs sont...
11:56Emily et Callum !
12:00Bien joué, Earl !
12:01Mais seulement l'un d'entre eux peut passer à la finale de Skatoony Hot Seat,
12:05et pour découvrir qui c'est, ils vont jouer à...
12:07La nourriture rapide !
12:09Maintenant, écoutez-moi, bonobos,
12:11et laissez-moi vous expliquer les règles.
12:12Vous devez répondre à autant de questions de connaissances
12:15que possible dans le temps alloué.
12:17La quantité de temps est décidée par le temps
12:19que votre adversaire prend pour manger une boule de nourriture.
12:22La plus vite vous mangez,
12:23la moins de temps que votre adversaire a pour répondre aux questions.
12:27À la fin de cette ronde,
12:28le compétiteur avec le plus de points
12:30va passer à la finale de Skatoony Hot Seat
12:33pour avoir la chance de gagner...
12:35Un Ipod !
12:36Et après avoir mangé toute cette nourriture,
12:38qu'est-ce que l'autre compétiteur obtient, Earl ?
12:40Indigestion !
12:43D'accord, on va laisser la dame y aller d'abord.
12:45Emily, voulez-vous manger ou répondre aux questions ?
12:48Euh... Est-ce que je peux manger d'abord ?
12:52Bien sûr ! Qu'est-ce que vous voulez manger d'abord ?
12:54Les doigts d'Earl ?
12:55La bouche d'oiseau ?
12:57Ou une boule de...
12:58Jello !
13:00Wibble wobble, wibble wobble, yeah !
13:02Qu'est-ce qu'il y a dans le jello ?
13:04Euh... Les doigts d'Earl et la bouche d'oiseau.
13:07D'accord Callum, prépare-toi pour la quiz !
13:10Emily, commence maintenant à manger !
13:12Quel outil peut être utilisé pour mesurer combien tu as marché ?
13:15Un speedometer, un pedometer ou un walkometer ?
13:18C'est un pedometer !
13:19Quelle couleur est la terre sur Prince Edward Island ?
13:21Brun, gris ou rouge ?
13:23C'est bon !
13:24Quel oiseau est un plat commun en France ?
13:26Ostrich, flamingo ou duc ?
13:28C'est bon !
13:29Combien de livres sont dans la série Harry Potter ?
13:31C'est bon !
13:32Qu'est-ce qui vous attrape quand vous skiez dans l'eau ?
13:33Un bateau.
13:34C'est bon !
13:35Qu'est-ce que Scooby-Doo résoud ?
13:36Des problèmes de maths ou des mystères ?
13:38C'est bon !
13:39Quel équipe de baseball est la plus célèbre de la série ?
13:40Les Blue Jays, les Yankees ou les Red Sox ?
13:42Les Red Sox.
13:43Les Yankees !
13:44Qu'est-ce que vous appelez un livre rempli de synonymes et d'antonymes ?
13:46Un dictionnaire.
13:47Un sauris !
13:48Quel sport jouez-vous si vous bougez la balle et que vous lancez Dunkerque dans le net ?
13:52C'est bon !
13:53Dans la chanson Frosty the Snowman, qu'est-ce que fait son nez ?
13:55Un couteau.
13:56Un bouton !
13:57Combien de continents sont-il en Europe ?
13:58Il y en a...
14:00C'est bon !
14:01Quel jeu utilise le terme Hole-in-One ?
14:03Un but.
14:04C'est bon !
14:05Nous sommes hors de temps !
14:06Alors, comment vous aimez le jello, Emily ?
14:10Pas trop bien ?
14:12OK Callum, quelle est votre arme préférée ?
14:14Le jello.
14:16Le jello ! Le jello !
14:17Arrête de le manger !
14:21Earl, nous avons besoin du jello.
14:23Oh, c'est bon !
14:25OK Callum, voici votre bol de jello !
14:27Est-ce que tu es prête ?
14:28J'ai très faim.
14:29J'ai faim.
14:31Maintenant, Emily, tu dois scorer autant de points que tu peux
14:33dans le temps que ça prend pour que Callum termine ce plat.
14:35OK Emily, voyons comment tu le fais !
14:37Go !
14:38Termine la phrase
14:39Tôt au lit, tôt à...
14:40Tôt à l'école, tôt à...
14:42Bien joué !
14:43Quel est le système d'écriture pour les gens qui sont blindes ?
14:45Le braille.
14:46C'est correct !
14:47Christopher Columbus a atteint le nouveau monde en 1492.
14:49D'où vient-il ?
14:50De la faim.
14:51Très bien, Callum !
14:52C'était du jello !
14:54Comment as-tu fait ça ?
14:58Maintenant, il ne reste plus qu'un d'entre vous
15:00à passer à la Challenge des Quiz-Champs.
15:02Mais qui est-ce ?
15:04Callum est le gagnant du Fast Food
15:06avec 8 points !
15:08Callum, tu passes !
15:11Désolée, Emily.
15:12Ça va.
15:13Je t'ai dit que tu avais faim.
15:14Mais ne t'inquiète pas, Emily.
15:15Ce n'est pas la fin du monde.
15:23Si Colonel Zeppelin ne peut pas vaincre Scatouni,
15:26alors il va détruire Scatouni !
15:29OK, c'est parti.
15:31Emily, tu n'es qu'une petite, non-technique,
15:36tu es sorti d'ici !
15:43Qu'est-ce que c'est, alors ?
15:50Ah, le Colonel Zeppelin doit être le finaliste de Scatouni,
15:53pas ce calme, humain !
15:55Hey, Zeppelin, ne sois pas rude aux compétiteurs.
15:58C'est mon boulot.
16:00Quoi ?
16:01Mangez du canard, Colonel.
16:04Oh !
16:07Wow !
16:09Yeah !
16:10Bien joué !
16:11Où est mon canard ?
16:15Désolée, Charles.
16:16Mon but a dû tomber.
16:19Comment vas-tu, Emily ?
16:20Tu n'as pas brûlé ta tête trop fort, n'est-ce pas ?
16:23Hum, je vais prendre ça comme un oui.
16:25Eh bien, je pense que c'est l'heure de prendre une pause
16:27pour déciprer ce que dit Emily.
16:29Alors, gardez-vous à l'aise, petits cheveux,
16:30et découvrez comment Calum fait
16:31quand il joue dans la prochaine ronde de...
16:34Scatouni Quiz Champ Challenge
17:04Bonne chance !
17:05C'est parti !
17:07Le soleil.
17:17Je ne sais pas.
17:43Wow, wow, wow !
17:44Arrêtez le cloche !
17:45Attention, Calum.
17:46Vous êtes à la moitié de votre temps de quiz de la seconde,
17:48ce qui signifie que c'est le moment pour Earl's Halfway Deal !
17:52Ok, Calum.
17:53En 45 secondes, vous avez réussi à obtenir
17:556 des 10 points dont vous avez besoin.
17:57Je suis prêt à vous offrir un point supplémentaire
18:00en prenant votre score jusqu'à 7.
18:02Ouais !
18:03Mais si vous acceptez,
18:05je prendrai aussi 10 de vos 45 secondes restantes.
18:09Cela vous laissera 35 secondes pour obtenir 3 points
18:13et gagner le prix.
18:15Alors, voulez-vous le deal ?
18:17Pouvez-vous me demander combien de secondes j'en ai ?
18:19Vous êtes à la moitié de votre temps de quiz.
18:21Vous avez 45 secondes.
18:22Ok, je prendrai un point supplémentaire.
18:25Oh, il est smart.
18:27Oh, mon dieu !
18:28C'est un bon mouvement, Calum !
18:29Attendez le cloche, Earl !
18:31Jouons !
18:32Ouais !
18:33Où se trouve Total Drama Islands Camp Wawanakwa ?
18:36Au nord de l'Ontario ou au nord de la Californie ?
18:38Au nord de la Californie.
18:40Au nord de l'Ontario.
18:41Grossent-ils les carottes au dessus ou en dessous du sol ?
18:43En dessous.
18:44C'est correct. Combien d'icebergs sont sous l'eau ?
18:4650, 10 ou 90% ?
18:48C'est correct.
18:49Quel sport utilise un tableau, une queue, du bois et 15 boules ?
18:53C'est bon, vous l'avez fait !
18:55Ouais !
18:56Ok, Calum !
18:58Bien joué, Calum !
18:59Après 4 rondes de quizzes rapides contre vos amis,
19:02les freaks, les snowmen et les invaseurs de l'univers,
19:06vous êtes la championne du Skatoonie de cette semaine !
19:11Ouais !
19:13C'est tout pour cette semaine, Busy Pete,
19:15mais n'oubliez pas de vous abonner pour plus de quizzes skatoonie rapides et frantiques bientôt !
19:21Jusqu'à la prochaine fois !
19:24Ouais !
19:25Ouais, Calum !
19:27Wouhou !
19:59Yeah !