• last year


00:00I have been called to the national press to make one more time a denunciation which is already supported by the National District Prosecutor's Office.
00:15It happens with a group of international criminals who use my name, my voice and the images of the clinic to promote products that are fake.
00:35In this case, they also involve Pfizer, a high-profile global company that I do not understand why they have not protected.
00:48I have called them a thousand times, they do not answer me to inform them about this defense wheel.
00:55They are promoting a product that is three times higher than Viagra, where I guarantee a 100% functioning.
01:07And that is a lie, I will never promote that scam.
01:14It is the flour of the tribe, and if you are deceived, I want you to buy it.
01:20Recently, a group of Russian and Dominican charlatans also used my name and my image to promote a product that cured diabetes and arterial hypertension.
01:35These diseases do not have a cure.
01:39The desperate people bought the product, more than 10,000 people sold the product at $ 17,000 each.
01:50There were dead people, many internal injuries.
01:54Because they stopped their sugar and blood pressure medication to use this stage, which was also wheat flour, according to the public health.
02:03I had to do my own management, I went to the police station to look for how to release the prisoners and the public health.
02:12What surprises me about all this is that on this occasion, no medical institution, call it Dominican Medical College, call it cardiology society, endocrinology society, anesthesiology society.
02:30When this news came out, I had to call to find out where I got this information.
02:36They didn't even ask me that, much less gave me support.
02:40I had to face the truth.
02:42Some are in prison.
02:44Now these new people, along with Faice, use the name of Faice and my name, are escaping the country.
02:54And many desperate people, due to sexual weakness, are calling.
03:00This is a scam.
03:02Do not buy these products.
03:04Do not be fooled.