• last year
(Adnkronos) - “L'apertura dello sportello non è stato un processo né semplice né immediato, ma abbiamo deciso di appoggiarci sin dal principio a due realtà molto importanti: Cadmi e Svs, due centri storici della realtà milanese, al cui interno è presente personale con lunga esperienza e formazione su questi temi. Pertanto, invece di improvvisare, dedicando nostro personale, abbiamo deciso, in un'ottica di rete e di lavoro in comune, di coinvolgere personale che già lavora in questi due centri”. Sono le parole di Patrizia Steca, presidente Cug - Comitato Unico di Garanzia di Milano-Bicocca, a margine dell’incontro, promosso dall’Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, intitolato ‘Gli strappi della violenza: riflessioni e azioni’, in occasione della Giornata internazionale per l'eliminazione della violenza contro le donne.


00:00How did you come up with the idea of opening this door to Milan?
00:05The idea came from far away,
00:07in the sense that we wanted to open this door to our campus,
00:15also inspired by the realities that already exist in the territory of Milan.
00:21Then there was a kind of acceleration
00:25due to very negative events that all of us know,
00:30which have affected young students in recent years.
00:33So there was a kind of even greater realization
00:37of how the phenomenon of violence also involves young people,
00:41very young people.
00:42And so it seemed important to us to also offer,
00:46that is, in our campus,
00:48which is the place where our students spend most of the day,
00:54a service that is aimed at welcoming.
00:58It is aimed at providing immediate support where necessary,
01:02but it is also a service that is aimed at spreading knowledge
01:08about the realities and resources that exist on the territory.
01:14Naturally, opening a door on campus,
01:17we decided to dedicate it to the entire population of Ateneo.
01:20So the door is open not only to the students,
01:24but also to all the workers of Milano Bicocca,
01:27so both the researchers, the teachers,
01:30but also to all the women who work as administrative staff.
01:35Naturally, there will also be an availability,
01:37because it is an open door,
01:39to welcome any women who live in the neighborhood
01:43and who come to know it.
01:45The opening of the door was not a very simple or immediate process,
01:51but we decided to rely on two very important realities right from the start,
01:56which are Cadmi and SVS,
01:59which are two historical centers of Milanese reality,
02:04who have a very long experience on these issues,
02:09a large training,
02:11and therefore, rather than improvising,
02:15dedicating our staff,
02:17we decided to involve staff who already work in these two centers
02:22in terms of network, in terms of common work.
02:30The door will open this week,
02:33so we are really very happy to have succeeded,
02:38and to have succeeded even in the times we had promised,
02:41that is, in the new academic year.
02:43It will be open twice a week,
02:46there will be a telephone service,
02:50this will guarantee continuity of the service,
02:55so the possibility of being close to the women
02:59who will turn to the door,
03:02also in a continuous way,
03:04and not only in presence inside the campus.
