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طبيبة تكشف مفاجأة عن مواسم الاكتئاب

“طبيبة تكشف سرًّا خطيرًا عن ارتباط مواسم معينة بتفاقم حالات الاكتئاب… ما الحقيقة وراء هذه الظاهرة الغامضة؟”

المزيد من التفاصيل والفيديوهات اشترك في قناتنا علي اليوتيوب وتابعونا على الصفحات الرسميه مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ↓↓↓↓

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00:00Do depression have anything to do with specific seasons?
00:04Yes, depression has something to do with specific seasons
00:06and there are specific seasons in which the levels of hormones in the human body differ
00:12and that's why it motivates depression more in some people who already have depression
00:18so it may be seasonal
00:20Reasons for depression
00:22Let's say that a large part of people who have depression
00:26have depression as a result of genetic reasons
00:30or genetic reasons
00:32they have depression
00:34that's why there is a very important question
00:36when we come to Eid, we ask
00:38Is there anyone in the family who has depression?
00:40Is there a history in the family of depression?
00:42This is one of the factors that can cause depression
00:44even without human exposure to anything
00:46depression happens to them
00:48but the subject has a gene
00:50There are certain situations that can be exposed to people
00:52and as a result of these situations
00:54they become depressed
00:56yes, of course
00:58like loss and things that can happen to a person
01:00feelings of sadness
01:02but depression is one of the things that we need to identify more deeply
01:06because there are many times when people can identify that they are depressed
01:10and they may not be depressed or anything
01:12they may be something else
01:14like PTSD, for example
01:16or post-traumatic stress disorder
01:18a person may be exposed to something
01:20and it began to affect his psychology very much
01:22but maybe if we did a depression test
01:24we wouldn't find that he has depression
01:26or he has a simple degree
01:28so let's talk about depression
01:30we talk about it more carefully
01:34depression affects many things
01:36first of all, the mood
01:38which is very bad
01:40and the person becomes different
01:42he tells you that
01:44now I'm in a sad mood
01:46but I always had the impression
01:48that I was someone
01:50talkative and nice
01:52and not depressed at all
01:54it affects our body
01:56very physiologically
01:58depression sometimes makes us unable to get up
02:00with the things we need
02:02to get up
02:04and our body is very comfortable
02:06it also affects the mood
02:08that I no longer have the courage to do something
02:10and by the way
02:12some people may have depression
02:14what we call hidden depression
02:16or low depression
02:18a person may have depression
02:20and he doesn't know
02:22but he feels that he's different
02:24he used to be more open to life
02:26he used to do things more easily
02:28he feels that he interacts with people
02:30yes, he interacts with people
02:32but he interacts with great confidence
02:34he feels that he's doing his best
02:36to interact with people
02:38so a person may have depression
02:40and he doesn't know
