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ما هو الحقن المجهري وكيف يساهم في تحقيق الحمل؟

هل تعرف ما هو الحقن المجهري وكيف يمكن أن يساعد الأزواج الذين يعانون من العقم في تحقيق حلم الأبوة؟ في هذا الفيديو، نكشف لك كل ما تحتاج معرفته عن الحقن المجهري، خطواته، فوائده، والمخاطر المحتملة. تابع معنا لتكتشف كيف يمكن لهذه التقنية الطبية المتقدمة أن تكون الحل الأمثل للعديد من الأزواج الذين يواجهون صعوبة في الإنجاب.

إعداد : فاطمة مصطفى
مونتاج: حسام الديريني

المزيد من التفاصيل والفيديوهات اشترك في قناتنا علي اليوتيوب وتابعونا على الصفحات الرسميه مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ↓↓↓↓

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#ElConsolto #علاج_العقم


00:00In order to talk about marriage, we must first understand why we do it.
00:06The story of marriage is when there are two married people,
00:11and they spend more than two years together,
00:15two years meaning 24 months,
00:17meaning 24 rounds of marriage, and there is no pregnancy.
00:23So we start to look for why there is no pregnancy.
00:27The first thing we look for is the path of the sperm from the uterus to the ovary in the uterus.
00:36The second thing we look for is whether the ovary produces ovaries in a proper way or not.
00:43After that, if we find a defect in the ovary, or the ovary produces weak ovaries,
00:49or if there is a problem in the sperm, we go to the solution of the uterus.
00:56The idea of the uterus is that instead of the uterus meeting the ovary in a natural way,
01:04in the fallopian tubes, and forming the embryo that goes down to be planted in the womb,
01:10no, we don't do that, we take the uterus of the husband,
01:14and we take the ovary from the wife, and we make this uterus.
01:18Why is it called a uterus?
01:20It is the head of the uterus that enters the ovary under the microscope.
01:25After that, we put it in its layer, and we put it in the media that is present,
01:31and it is fed for a period of time inside the vagina,
01:35which matches the temperature of the human body,
01:38and then the embryo is planted inside the womb.
01:41This is the idea of the uterus.
01:43And a normal pregnancy continues, just like any pregnancy.
