• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Sostenere i Saf ma non con politiche di penalizzazione ma di incentivazione che evidentemente devono essere adottate in sede europea come stanno già facendo Stati Uniti e Regno Unito. Ma non con gli Ets che secondo noi non è pienamente condivisibile ma al contrario con una logica di premialità e incentivazione – dichiara Galeazzo Bignami, viceministro delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti, a margine del terzo congresso fondazione PACTA - Patto per la decarbonizzazione del trasporto aereo –. L’onerosità dei Saf non è un’opinione ma un dato di fatto, tra l’altro che andrà risolto in qualche maniera perché costituiscono ad oggi l’unica soluzione tecnologica che abbiamo a disposizione al netto di altre forse che ad ora non sono percorribili. Su questo ci confronteremo con Eni per studiare le soluzioni, evidente che spostare sulla finanzia pubblica i costi non assorbiti dal mercato costituisce una redistribuzione che deve essere condivisa in sede comunitaria”.


00:00What is your opinion on the SAAF's nervousness?
00:04The SAAF's nervousness is not an opinion, it is a fact that still today constitutes a preclusive barrier
00:09that evidently must be overcome or resolved in some way,
00:12because the SAAF itself constitutes the only technological solution that we have available
00:16in the net of militarism, transportation of hydrogen and other forms that are not currently feasible.
00:21It is clear that we must support it, but not with penalties but with incentives
00:26that evidently must be adopted in the European Union, as the United States and Great Britain are already doing,
00:32but not with a logic that in our opinion is that of the ETS, which in reality is not fully shareable,
00:37but on the contrary with a logic of priority and incentives.
00:40It is clear that the introduction of a preclusive barrier, the exercise of this right in the community headquarters
00:45could constitute a penalty compared to the other nations, those that you have mentioned,
00:50because it is clear that air transport is a global market that exerts its own influence,
00:56especially in the intercontinental area, and therefore it is evident that it must be resolved on a global scale.
01:02The introduction at the community level, or even worse, at the level of the Member States,
01:06risks to become a limitation that for Italy would be particularly penalizing
01:10given the geography of our territories, which do not have the possibility of land transport,
01:16as well as other nations.
01:18We do not believe that the ETS directive can be, with a system of bookings,
01:23specularly adopted in air transport.
01:25We would need to find incentive solutions.
01:28We will also deal with what for us is a fundamental interlocutor like ENI
01:32to study what are the most feasible solutions.
01:35I will stop there, as it is evident that moving public finance at unabsorbed costs from the market
01:40still constitutes a redistribution that must be shared at the community level.
