• last year
Riggs | Fore Play
00:00All right, ladies and gentlemen, we're doing something monumental for me here.
00:10We're going left-hand low, okay?
00:19I've never really putted left-hand low before ever.
00:21I'm pretty conventional.
00:22I do what Tiger Woods did.
00:24The only reason is because Tiger Woods did it, which I go interlock for my normal golf
00:29For my putting stroke, I just move this out here and go like that.
00:32I'm going left-hand low simply because I watched Alistair do it the other day, and it looked
00:38fun, so I tried it and actually putted it pretty good.
00:40We got a six-foot left-to-right putt.
00:43For any six-footer for a right-handed golfer, this is about as tricky as it gets just because
00:46it falls away from you, so you got to hit a pretty good putt.
00:53Pace control is not great with the left-hand low thus far, let's be honest with that.
01:00Come on, man.
01:03We might not be left-hand low guys, but what we are is we're an easy-go guy, so I got an
01:10easy-go cart and piners, and I'm going to have two pretty soon.
01:13I'm getting another one so we can have eight people at the house.
01:16I got two four-seaters, awesome.
01:18You can hook it up with four-seaters, two-seaters.
01:20You can put a golf cart or a golf club sort of racks on the back.
01:24I got speakers on the one that's coming in.
01:27Barstoolclassic.com slash easygosweeps, we're going to give away an easy-go S4 to one lucky
01:32listener, viewer, whatever you want to call it.
01:35This might not be efficient, we'll work it on.
01:36We're going to try to make these last four to five, but what is efficient, easy-go.
01:39They're the best in the business, most relied upon.
01:42Golf-cart life is just awesome.
01:43We're down in Florida right now, golf-cart life, easy-go.
01:46Let's bury these last ones.
01:47Come on, man.
01:48Those are just bad efforts.
01:49I'm a little bit uncomfortable with this.
02:04Hammered that one in there.
02:06Two for six.
02:13Three for seven.
02:20Four for eight.
02:21After all that, we can be above 500.
02:24Come on, left hand low, first time ever.
02:29To win an easy-go Express S4, barstoolclassic.com slash easygosweeps.
02:35Play a little bit more break.
02:43What a hot streak.
02:44Easy-go Express S4, barstoolclassic.com slash easygosweeps.
02:49Made the last four.
02:50I made five out of nine.
02:51Not terrible.
02:52Not terrible.
02:53That's a daily.
