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Certains fleuves du monde sont encore plus dangereux que l'Amazone ! Tout d'abord, il y a le fleuve Congo en Afrique, avec ses eaux terriblement profondes et ses courants puissants qui pourraient emporter même de grands bateaux. Puis il y a le Nil, qui peut sembler calme par endroits, mais abrite des crocodiles et des hippopotames mortels prêts à défendre leur territoire. Le Mississippi, aux États-Unis, peut paraître paisible, mais il possède de forts courants, des tourbillons cachés et des inondations fréquentes qui le rendent dangereux. En Asie, le fleuve Yangtsé est un autre fleuve risqué avec des inondations soudaines et des courants qui ont coûté de nombreuses vies. Enfin, le Mékong, qui s'étend à travers plusieurs pays, regorge de périls sous-marins et de poissons-chats géants qui pourraient rivaliser avec n'importe quelle histoire terrifiante de fleuve ! Animation créée par Sympa. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com Pour ne rien perdre de Sympa, abonnez-vous!: https://goo.gl/6E4Xna​ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nos réseaux sociaux : Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sympasympacom/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sympa.officiel/ Stock de fichiers (photos, vidéos et autres): https://www.depositphotos.com https://www.shutterstock.com https://www.eastnews.ru ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Si tu en veux encore plus, fais un tour ici: http://sympa-sympa.com


00:00The Amazon is famous for its piranhas, bulldog sharks and other creatures that you would like to avoid at all costs.
00:10But there are even more dangerous watercourses around the world.
00:13The Congo River, the deepest of them, reaches depths such that sunlight cannot penetrate certain sections.
00:21It is also the only large river to cross the equator twice,
00:24and it pours a sufficient volume of water into the Atlantic Ocean every second to fill more than 13 Olympic swimming pools.
00:31Even the most skilled navigators encounter difficulties in crossing the powerful currents of the river,
00:36the rapids of its upper part as well as the waterfalls and gorges of its lower section.
00:41The tumultuous waters of the Congo are so fast and powerful that they create a natural barrier between species,
00:47like mountains or oceans.
00:49Fish evolve separately along each bank, unable to cross to reproduce, giving birth to new distinct species.
00:56Among the most formidable creatures of these waters is the tiger fish Goliath.
01:01These impressive predators, reaching up to 1.5 meters in length and being able to run at a speed of 40 km per hour, are close relatives of piranhas.
01:10Their jaws are filled with sharp teeth like razor blades.
01:14Females lay hundreds of thousands of eggs, and their offspring are hunters from birth.
01:19This creature is worthy of fear.
01:21It is the only freshwater fish in Africa known to attack crocodiles, and even sometimes humans.
01:26Needless to say, it is better to avoid swimming in these waters.
01:31Throughout the river, there are dense jungles and a hungry fauna,
01:35composed in particular of snakes and hippos, particularly aggressive.
01:39Despite these dangers, the river is an essential transport axis of Central Africa.
01:44The barges that sail there for weeks often host up to 2,000 passengers and sometimes cross.
01:50According to local folklore, another danger could arise, the one that stops the course of the rivers.
01:56This creature, described as an animal similar to a dinosaur, would live in the basin of the Congo River.
02:02Although there were more than a hundred testimonies during the last century,
02:06no tangible evidence of the existence of this beast has ever been brought.
02:12At the turn of the 21st century, a series of mysterious and terrifying events took place on the Kali River, in India.
02:19An animal described as a water pig, in the color of mud,
02:22dragged swimmers by the bottom under the eyes of horrified witnesses.
02:25The British biologist Jeremy Wade undertook to unravel the mystery.
02:29He observed that all these disturbing incidents were concentrated in a very specific area,
02:34extending for about 6 km.
02:36The inhabitants of the surroundings explained to Wade that this creature was getting bigger and bigger and more aggressive as it fed.
02:43Wade used a probe to examine the waters and assumed that the phenomenon could be linked to a whirlwind.
02:49However, the monster ended up catching a water buffalo.
02:52Given their size and impressive weight, the responsible creature must have had extraordinary strength.
02:59The marine crocodiles did not venture so far into the land,
03:02and the most common local crocodiles could not stand the cold waters, these hypotheses were ruled out.
03:07In addition, no bulldog sharks were present in the region.
03:10Finally, Wade noticed several devil catfish in the depths.
03:14Some specimens reached the size of an adult man.
03:17They could not be captured with a simple fishing rod, but a special construction made it possible to master a few.
03:23The largest fish was 2 meters long and weighed three times the weight of an average catfish.
03:28Its size allowed it to attack a human or an imposing animal.
03:32However, Wade stressed that there could be even more gigantic specimens in the waters of the Kali River.
03:41The Orenok, in South America, is particularly dangerous due to its abrupt curves and its powerful underwater currents.
03:48Even with a GPS, it is easy to get lost.
03:51This danger is accentuated by the many unforeseen waterfalls that flood its course,
03:56forcing sailors to remain constantly on alert to survive.
03:59This river is the only natural habitat of the very rare Orenok crocodile,
04:03and also houses fish of just as formidable character.
04:07Among them, the Payara, known as Tetra Vampire,
04:11is distinguished by its long, sharp teeth, similar to daggers,
04:14and two imposing claws that emerge from its lower jaw.
04:18A good orthodontist might be able to improve its appearance, right?
04:21Constantly on alert, it mainly attacks medium-sized, even imposing, fish.
04:27When a human tries to capture it, it defends itself vigorously, inflicting bites and scratches.
04:33Fortunately, no fatal attack on a human has been reported.
04:36An information that, let's face it, has something to relieve.
04:42The Yellow River, in China, owes its name to its characteristic color,
04:46although it has not always been of this color.
04:48Formed at least 30 million years ago, it has changed course more than 30 times over the centuries.
04:54Its current muddy appearance results from yellow sediments transported from a distant plateau.
04:59These fine particles settle at the bottom of the river, thus forming natural dams.
05:04The immense volumes of water transported by the river must inevitably reach the sea,
05:09but this process caused, through the ages, devastating floods that cost millions of lives.
05:15To remedy this, the inhabitants erected higher and higher dams.
05:19However, these infrastructures aggravated the situation,
05:23preventing the water from finding its natural bed, elevated in relation to the surrounding land.
05:28This even led to a displacement of its mouth.
05:31And today, gigantic dams and dikes cross the river in the hope of mastering this capricious colossus.
05:38The Rio Parana, second longest in Latin America, receives many floods from high plateaus near the Andes.
05:45During the rainy season, the waters flow en masse, creating ideal conditions for a feared inhabitant, the piranha.
05:52These waters shelter between 30 and 60 species of these terrible fish.
05:56At the end of 2013, on a suffocating day, piranhas attacked swimmers who came to cool off.
06:02Surprised by the sudden bites, people fled the river on all fours.
06:06And although no life was lost, this event remains one of the most daring piranhas attacks ever recorded.
06:13Biologists concluded that piranhas palometas, probably disturbed in their breeding area, were at the origin of the attack.
06:20In addition, the Rio Parana is distinguished by its powerful current, often formidable for swimmers and boats.
06:27These frequent creeks are also a danger to the riverine populations.
06:32The Nile, the longest river in the world, crosses 11 countries before throwing itself into the Mediterranean.
06:38For centuries, explorers have tried to identify the source, but its origin remains surrounded by mystery.
06:44And to make matters worse, the river makes an unexpected turn in the heart of the Sahara.
06:49Scientists attribute this phenomenon to a vast underground rock formation dating back several million years.
06:55The Nile has been, through the ages, an essential navigable route for many civilizations, but it is also the home of formidable predators.
07:04Among them, crocodiles, which can reach 6 meters long, slightly exceeding the size of an average giraffe.
07:10These impressive creatures, capable of sprinting at nearly 50 km per hour on solid ground, cause the death of several hundred people each year.
07:19Hippos, also present in the Nile, sometimes attack boats, and venomous snakes such as the Black Mamba or the Egyptian Cobra add to the diversity.
07:29However, one of the most sinister dangers remains the mosquito, carrier of diseases that affect hundreds of thousands of people.
07:38In Asia, the Brahmaputra River carries the water of the majestic mountains of the Himalayas.
07:43When the snow melts, it causes huge floods, causing landslides, moving millions of people and decimating hundreds of animals in neighboring national parks.
07:55These massive floods also occur during the monsoon, from June to October, aggravated by torrential rains.
08:01Over the last two and a half centuries, the Brahmaputra River has considerably changed its course.
08:07Erosion is another major danger.
08:10The banks of the river, mainly composed of sand and uneven limestone, cause the loss of many lands, although the rate of erosion has slowed.
08:21The Brahmaputra is also one of the rare rivers in the world where a masquerade occurs.
08:26An imposing tidal wave that goes up the course of the river against the current, where it reaches the ocean.
08:37For more UN videos visit www.un.org
