• last year
Cecilia's (Lani Mercado) hatred for Minggoy (Michael de Mesa) will force Master Moon Raven (Ricky Davao) to give Xedric Apacer (Richard Gutierrez) the key he has been asking for for a long time. Meanwhile, due to his continued blunders, Inspector Clavio (Jano Gibbs) will be completely removed from the Lupin case.


00:11The past is in the past.
00:13The real Cedric Apacer is dead.
00:18Shut up!
00:20The papers will prove
00:23that Cedric Apacer returned to the Philippines.
00:28That's why Cedric Apacer is here in front of you.
00:32You're a great artist, Lupin.
00:35But you're still lacking in the workshop.
00:38Even if they didn't find Lupin last night,
00:41I'm still going to find him.
00:45Looks like your kids are on the right track.
00:48Lupin's men are really good.
00:51And I believe that they're behind the disappearance of the documents.
00:56Maybe they're going through a way that's easier for you.
00:59Just one way to get there.
01:01Whatever you do to them,
01:03for me,
01:05it's Lupin.
01:23This is so boring.
01:25There's no thrill in life.
01:27I'm really bored.
01:29You know what?
01:31It's hard for you.
01:32You always want action and thrill.
01:34Eat your cheesecake and your coffee first.
01:36Enjoy yourself.
01:37Let's go shopping.
01:41I'm not used to this.
01:45It's just so boring.
01:48I'm not used to it.
01:49I can't do this.
01:50You want action?
01:56Grab the bag.
01:58Come on.
02:01Come on, Bridget.
02:03I think I'm richer there.
02:05You know, it's your art.
02:11Here's the guy.
02:13Give me his iPad.
02:17Bridget, look at your mom.
02:20It's just her iPad.
02:22Let's get her happiness.
02:24Besides, I'm not a bad person.
02:26Don't be like that.
02:28You know what?
02:29Don't call me by my name.
02:30It's your art.
02:31Oh, my God.
02:36we're not supposed to call innocent people by their names.
02:41What if...
02:42Oh, my God.
02:43What if I hit you?
02:45You know what?
02:47Eat your cheesecake and your coffee first.
02:49Enjoy yourself.
02:51You know what?
02:52You want action and thrill.
02:54Here's my suggestion.
02:56Try to punch yourself.
02:58You want action?
02:59Do it.
03:00Like that.
03:02It's a good idea.
03:06But not on my face.
03:08I want it on your face.
03:09Do you want it?
03:11Punch yourself.
03:12Like this.
03:13Try it.
03:16It's good.
03:19You don't know how to do it.
03:20Try it.
03:21It's good.
03:22Even if you change your appearance,
03:25even if you put patches on your eyes,
03:29you can't fool me.
03:37Stop him!
03:54I have no choice.
03:59What are you doing to my house, Doroy?
04:06Don't bring your bad luck here.
04:17We'll meet again.
04:29Thank you very much.
04:31If it wasn't for you, I might have been shot.
04:34You're welcome.
04:43Why did you hit me?
04:45Because I'm mad at that traitor, Miguel Apacer.
04:58Why did you hit me?
04:59Because I'm mad at that traitor, Miguel Apacer.
05:24Why do you look like that?
05:27You're evil.
05:29I'm really evil.
05:32Because I destroyed Lupin's plan.
05:35Did he escape from you?
05:38No, he didn't.
05:40We're facing each other.
05:41I'm already stabbed like this.
05:43I'll shoot him soon.
05:46Why didn't you continue?
05:50Hey, I'll continue.
05:53But there's a problem.
05:57Why didn't you calm Alat down?
06:01I can't calm Alat down because she's Master Moon Riven's woman.
06:07She's Cecilia.
06:13Who's Cecilia?
06:16Cecilia Lupin.
06:18The wife of Arsenio Lupin.
06:22Cecilia Lupin is still alive.
06:30Do you know Cecilia?
06:36Sometimes, it's really fun to go shopping.
06:38Do you enjoy it?
06:41What? It's your fault.
06:43You're so arrogant.
06:44Is it my fault?
06:46He's an idiot.
06:49Bridget, are you thinking what I'm thinking right now?
06:54Of course, Ashley.
06:55I'm smart.
06:56You want to eat cheesecake, right?
06:58It's delicious, right?
07:00You're always stupid.
07:01No, we'll follow that man.
07:05Why will we follow him?
07:06What's your plan?
07:07Let's just follow him.
07:11You're stupid.
07:12You're stupid.
07:13You're stupid.
07:14You're stupid.
07:15You're stupid.
07:17He's arrogant.
07:19He's arrogant.
07:20You're stupid.
07:21Don't say that you're big.
07:22Inspector, here's the result of the fingerprint memory.
07:27Here's the fingerprint.
07:42Lupin's fingerprints match perfectly with this cup.
07:48It just means that
07:51Cedric and Lupin are one.
07:57I got you now.
08:01You think
08:04this cup will be the key to catch Lupin?
08:10Maybe the chief will be happy with me.
08:14Of course.
08:17Open the door.
08:25Did you see what you did?
08:27Did you see?
08:29Sir, I'm not doing anything.
08:31That's my evidence against Lupin.
08:35What evidence are we going to use?
08:37It's gone.
08:38Inspector, don't worry.
08:40Because the tape you used in the cup
08:43to get the fingerprint
08:45is still in the laboratory.
08:47That's why we can still use that evidence.
08:50You're right.
08:56I thought I was going to die.
08:59Let's go to your laboratory.
09:01Let's go.
09:02Let's go.
09:14How was your trip, Cecilia?
09:23The usual.
09:25I'm tired.
09:29You look tired.
09:30You should rest first.
09:32I'll introduce you to Miguel's son later.
09:37We've already met.
09:43And I've already been slapped.
09:48I don't want to stay here any longer.
09:51I can feel that
09:53I'm not accepted by this family anymore, Master Moonric.
09:58So just give me what I need.
10:06I'm not going to give you what you want so easily.
10:11Aren't you tired yet?
10:13You've done everything to prove that I'm not Cedric Apacer.
10:18But all of that is just a cover for your face.
10:21What else do you want, Master Moonric?
10:25Master Moonriven, just give him what he's asking for
10:29so that Cedric can leave.
10:34You're not the one who's responsible.
10:36So just give him to Miguel's son.
10:41What if he's not the real Cedric Apacer?
10:45That's already a problem for Miguel's family.
10:48So please, just give him what he's asking for
10:52because I won't be able to be with him for a long time.
11:05Follow me.
11:06Let's go.
11:20That's a fire alarm.
11:22Is there a fire?
11:23Aguilar, what's this?
11:24Sir, the laboratory is on fire.
11:29Where's my evidence?
11:31It's inside.
11:32Sir, it's inside.
11:33Just give me my evidence against Lupin.
11:36It's dangerous.
11:37I just want to shoot him.
11:38It's dangerous, sir.
11:39You can't do that.
11:41You can't do that.
11:52My evidence is inside.
11:57Don't be stupid.
11:59It's evidence.
12:01Sir, I can get a new evidence.
12:05I already have a big evidence against you.
12:08Sir, what do you mean?
12:10That you, Inspector Clavio, is not fit for the job.
12:15You don't have anything to do with Lupin's case.
12:18I'll give it to someone else.
12:28Tito Cecilia.
12:29Sundance, son.
12:32How are you?
12:33I'm sorry that I wasn't here when you arrived.
12:35I had a lot of important things to discuss with the case.
12:38It's okay.
12:39Why are you reading the magazine?
12:42Don't tell me that even you are doubting Cedric.
12:46I started Lupin's case.
12:48And I'm the one who knows him the best.
12:52I'm sorry.
12:53I am now relieving you from this case.
12:56And that's final.
12:57Sir, please don't do this.
13:00Give me one more chance.
13:01I can prove to you that I can solve this case.
13:05I'm sorry. I have to go.
13:06I have a lot of things to do.
13:13Lupin is dead.
13:17he had a big influence on Cedric, didn't he?
13:21Miguel's son did a good job.
13:23He showed up.
13:24He showed up.
13:26But I still don't know where my son is.
13:31Don't worry, Aunt Cecilia.
13:33You will still see him.
13:38She looks like the bust that I saw.
13:43Because she is that bust.
13:50Is she the one who killed Cecilia Lupin?
13:54The wife of Arsenio Lupin?
13:59You were young when your father took you.
14:03It's good that you still remember your father's best friend.
14:11I have a lot of memories.
14:16My father told me a lot of stories.
14:19I still remember them.
14:30This is the key you're looking for.
14:43How do I know that you're not lying to me, Master Monredo?
14:47I know how to listen to people.
14:50Take the key.
14:52Then go to your father's safety deposit box.
14:55Then you'll know if he's lying or not.
15:20You took out the money five times last month.
15:24There's no justification for you to use the money.
15:29Aunt Celia, what kind of job is this?
15:31It's so basic.
15:33We know where the money will come from and where it will be used.
15:39Especially the money that will come out.
15:42I'm justifying it.
15:44It's only been a few months.
15:46My goodness.
15:48It's only been a few months and I haven't submitted a report.
15:52But Aunt Celia, the company is losing a lot of money.
15:56You can't just say that you forgot or that you don't have a report.
15:59That's an SOP.
16:01Let it be.
16:02I'll find the justification that you're looking for.
16:08You know what?
16:10It's better if I don't run the business.
16:13If that's how you'll treat me.
16:17It's better if I don't run the business.
16:20I think it's about time that I run the business that Daddy left.
16:25So that you won't fight anymore.
16:34Oh, there's Pogi.
16:40He looks rich.
16:43And it looks like he has an expensive car.
16:47Wait, I have an idea.
16:50Why don't we have two contests?
16:54What contest?
16:56If Pogi notices us, he'll buy us a fancy car.
17:02Why are you bringing me into this?
17:04I know how to have a contest on my own.
17:06It's not a thrill.
17:08You always want action and thrill.
17:11Fine, I'll give it to you.
17:13What do you want?
17:15It's up to us what gimmick we want.
17:19As long as Pogi notices us.
17:22I'll do it.
17:24Ashley, I'm sure he'll notice me, not you.
17:31Watch me.
17:45It hurts!
17:49It hurts!
17:52It hurts!
17:54It hurts!
17:59This idiot seems to have an advantage.
18:12I missed my beauty.
18:33It hurts.
18:36It hurts.
18:38He didn't notice me.
18:39You're so arrogant.
18:44Dad, what's this?
18:47Those are the fax papers of your chief.
18:50He's relieving you from Lupin's case.
18:53That chief is so gossipy.
18:55He came to you right away.
18:57You're embarrassing me, Claudio.
18:59You know, when I was in the service,
19:01I almost drowned because of the number of cases he assigned to me.
19:05And you,
19:06one case,
19:08and now, he's making it up to you.
19:12You're a loser.
19:14Don't you have any respect for your brother?
19:17Your brother,
19:18he's doing everything right.
19:21Stop it, Dad.
19:22You didn't do anything,
19:23but you're comparing me to my brother.
19:27You're considered old.
19:29You're an idiot.
19:35I can do things that my brother can't.
19:40If that's what you're going to do in your service,
19:43it's better if you just sell chickens.
19:58I'm an idiot.
20:06I'm an idiot.
20:24You're embarrassing me, David.
20:27I'm going to make you pay for this.
20:35I'm an idiot.
20:36I'm an idiot.
21:05I'm an idiot.
21:17Cash bonds
21:20worth $20 million?
21:30what time is my meeting in the other building?
21:32Ma'am, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
21:34I'll bring you the schedule of the meeting.
21:37Okay, thank you.
21:40And Rose,
21:41can I have a copy of the financial reports
21:44from the past few months?
21:47And also, set up a meeting with the auditor tomorrow.
21:51Okay, yes, Ma'am.
21:52Okay, thank you.
22:18This is Abril.
22:20She's the woman I told you about.
22:21And how much is it?
22:23Do as I say.
22:26And I promise you,
22:30I'll give it to her,
22:32no matter how much you ask.
22:39I'll take care of her.
22:43That's the address of the building where you can meet her.
22:47She has an appointment there later at 7 p.m.
22:55make it clean.
22:57Make it bright.
23:05And since you're a bigot,
23:07I'll be your gimmick.
23:09Watch out.
23:10I'm sure she won't notice you.
23:11She doesn't like pretty girls.
23:14She likes beautiful girls like me.
23:16Excuse me.
23:21Excuse me.
23:29What happened to you?
23:31I think I'm dizzy.
23:33Are you sure?
23:34Are you okay?
23:35I'm okay.
23:38I'm just dizzy.
23:40I'm okay.
23:43I don't think so.
23:44She's so stupid.
23:45She doesn't want to lose.
23:47I'm okay.
23:48I just have a headache.
23:52Let's go.
23:54I can't breathe.
23:55I have a headache.
23:57Why are you taking it off?
23:58I can't breathe.
23:59I'm just dizzy.
24:01I can't breathe.
24:02Why are you taking it off?
24:05I can't breathe.
24:07I'm just dizzy.
24:10I can't breathe.
24:11Can you kiss me?
24:13I have a headache.
24:14Hurry up.
24:15He really beat Gaga? He doesn't want to lose?
24:45What are you doing here?
25:02Our office is here.
25:07You, why are you here?
25:10I just got something.
25:13Oh my God, what happened?
25:18Don't be afraid.
25:21Maybe the power of the elevator was just acting up.
25:32Maybe this is just my imagination.
25:36I still have a meeting, I'll go ahead.
25:56Are you okay? You're not dizzy?
26:00Not anymore.
26:02Anyway, what's your name?
26:05Come here.
26:07Excuse me.
26:09Who is this?
26:16Hello, Ashley. Why did you suddenly disappear?
26:19Don't like it, I'm busy.
26:21Hey, where are you?
26:24What are you doing?
26:27You're with him, right?
26:29Hey, Ashley.
26:57Yes, Kuya, I'm already here.
27:00Please let me pass.
27:02Okay, bye.
27:35Tomorrow, on Loopy.
27:42Oh my God!
27:44Someone just snuck up on me.
27:48There's a lot of insects here, right?
27:50I'm the only one who has the courage to go in there.
27:54It's just weather.
27:56Cecilia is with you, I'm with Loopy.
27:58No way, they left food in hell.
28:02Follow me.
28:04Yes, sir.
28:32Let's go.
29:02Let's go.