• last year
Maria Eugenia Rodríguez habla sobre el cuidado ante las enfermedades renales


00:00We are here with Maria Eugenia Rodríguez, who is a renal dietitian, and she is here to talk to us about this campaign, which is called Form as Part of the 33%
00:14It's like a question, and she is going to share with us tips to eat in a healthy way and to take care of our kidneys, especially with the drinks and foods that are consumed during the Thanksgiving season
00:28In advance, I want to say almost until King's Day for Latinos, how are you? Welcome, thank you for being here
00:36Thank you for the invitation, I am happy to be able to speak to Hispanics about kidney disease
00:41Perfect, well, let's talk, we are addressing specifically our audience, we are talking about Latinos who live in the United States, who are twice as likely to suffer from kidney disease
00:56Talk to us about this campaign, Form as Part of the 33% and what it is about, and above all, let's talk about that risk of kidney disease for us
01:09Likewise, it is estimated that 1 in 3 Americans live with the disease, but unfortunately the majority, a fairly high number, it is said 9 out of 10 who do not know that they have kidney disease
01:25And that's what the Form as Part of the 33% campaign is about, because the American Kidney Foundation has created a quiz, a simple questionnaire, where you can enter in minutesforyourkidneys.org
01:41And you can answer some simple questions, where you will be told if you are at risk of chronic kidney disease, and that is what we want, to attend to the person early, because there are medical and nutritional treatments to delay the progression of kidney disease
02:01And that fewer Hispanics need dialysis or a kidney transplant to be able to live, so it is very important that Latinos know that people who live with diabetes or hypertension, that we know that many Hispanics live with these conditions, with overweight or obesity, or if they also have a family history of chronic kidney disease, because they are at risk
02:28Wow, and we are many who, well, I don't count myself, fortunately, among those who have diabetes or hypertension, but it is a very large risk factor for our population, repeat to us again the link to be able to enter and take that quiz or those questions to know a little more
03:19Very good, and we are just talking on the eve of Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Day, it is a time when we all get together, we consume many types of food, some probably not very good for those who suffer from kidneys, or who, without knowing it, suffer from kidneys
03:38So, Miss, give us some, or give us, because we are no longer friends, give us some key tips for people who suffer from kidney disease, what foods can they enjoy during this time of Thanksgiving?
03:58Well, all Hispanics have different traditions, so what I want to emphasize is, number one, to eat with full attention, what does that mean? That we don't skip meals during the day, that we eat nutritious food during the day, right? We don't wait for breakfast all day just for Thanksgiving dinner
04:20It's what a lot of people do, right? They say, I'm going to fill my stomach with turkey and cranberry pie, so I don't eat all day
04:27Exactly, so you do your routine, right? You have breakfast, lunch, and if you are going to eat at night, then when you go to serve your dish, I always say, choose your favorite elements, right? We always have those little things that we like the most, fill your plate with those foods, sit down and eat calmly
04:46Enjoy every bite of the smells, of the textures, right? And sometimes, right, when we feel satisfied, learn to stop eating
04:58A lot of people think, well, it's very difficult, I just have to think, but I think that you, more than anyone, can give us a message for those people who live with kidney disease, so they can enjoy this season, so they can enjoy these holidays, what message can you give them, so they can also enjoy, but keep their health under control, especially their kidney health?
05:23Of course, I always say that the goal is for you to stay healthy for as long as possible, so part of that is food, obviously, but we don't have to stop eating those foods that we really enjoy
05:39So the idea is not that food is boring or that you suffer because you can't eat your favorite food, but that you learn, according to my needs and my requirements, how many of these foods that I like, I can incorporate into my diet
05:55And remember that Thanksgiving Day, like other holidays during Christmas, are certain days only, and 3, 4, 5 days during the Christmas season is not going to ruin everything positive that you are doing and want to do
06:15So give yourself a little freedom in those days, in the sense of enjoying your cultural foods, those foods that unite us, to enjoy the family, right? And if you eat a few things that you thought you exceeded, well, nothing happens, right? The next day you resume your diet plan
