• 2 years ago
How do you like your eggs? I prefer mine sunny side up with a side of crying child.
00:00What's the latest tik-tok trend? Parents cracking eggs on their children's heads.
00:03These clips have gone viral in recent weeks and sparked concerns about child safety and well-being.
00:09Teachers, therapists, and even doctors have weighed in, saying the trend could create a negative dynamic between parents and children.
00:15Some asserted parents were taking advantage of their children's responses for content, whether that be amusement or distress.
00:21Sarah Adams, whose work challenges parental oversharing and child exploitation online, shared her thoughts on the trend.
00:27When I see these videos, I think like, are we that bored as parents and like desperate for content?
00:35Like needing something to post on the internet so bad because it is so consuming to be a part of this world.
00:43The trend started earlier this month, but toddlers weren't the initial focus of these videos.
00:48Instead, it was primarily couples cracking eggs on their distracted partner.
00:52The format quickly took off with hashtag eggcrackchallenge garnering over 70 million views on TikTok.
00:58Some creators are now offering alternatives on how to participate in the trend without raising concerns about the impact on children.