• 3 years ago
"We need the oceans. And the ocean needs us."

Activists are sharing their biggest hope for the oceans ...


00:00It's the ocean. It connects the entire world.
00:02I mean, look at that beauty.
00:05We need the oceans. Well, the ocean also needs us.
00:08And when it's revitalized, we are revitalized.
00:17My biggest hope for the ocean is that we all see how interconnected we are to its vitality,
00:22because I have children. And so for me, it's about future generations,
00:27the hope for humanity. We can mobilize globally to change the world and specifically for the oceans
00:33by raising awareness, taking leadership within our governments and changing legislation,
00:39protecting the oceans and protecting our natural world by working collaboratively
00:44across all nations around the world.
00:46My biggest hope for the ocean, it's for people to really use the platforms to create awareness
00:53on what's really important to do for its revitalization.
00:57On a personal level, I use my platform, EMBLI, to try to spread awareness,
01:02spread the right messages, to sensibilize people to take urgent actions,
01:07because we need to take urgent action right now.
01:09My biggest hope for the ocean is that we finally tap into this
01:14really untapped potential of the blue economy that could provide over 40 million jobs globally.
01:20This matters to me personally, because I live in New York City. It's surrounded by oceans.
01:25So the more that we can tap into aquaculture that both preserves people and planet,
01:29then the faster we can address the climate crisis and rising sea levels in coastal cities.
01:34My biggest hope for our oceans is that they can survive and thrive without human intervention,
01:40not because of it. We must mobilize globally to achieve this hope,
01:44not just because the oceans are a huge source of food and jobs for our global communities,
01:51but because they create over 50% of the oxygen that we breathe
01:55and absorb more carbon dioxide than the atmosphere.
01:59My biggest hope for the ocean is a point of balance,
02:03balance where humanity and the rest of the living ecosystem can thrive together.
02:08It matters because I love the life that I have, and I want to keep living it,
02:11and I want to make sure that future generations get that same opportunity too.
02:16People on this planet are contributing, whether they want to or not, to the destruction of our
02:22oceans. And the only way we get this under control is if we work together.
02:26What is better than a walk on the beach and salt air and exploring all of the wondrous
02:35life that exists out there? And the fact that we know more about outer space than we do
02:43this glorious thing is crazy. It really takes all of us collectively to make waves.
02:53The oceans are rising, and so are we.
