सर्दियों के महीने आते ही नाक बहने और गले में खराश का मौसम भी शुरू हो जाता है. भरी हुई नाक और गले में खराश के साथ जागना अप्रिय है. और पूरे दिन मौसम खराब होने का एहसास होना थका देने वाला है. सुबह कॉफी पीने के बजाय नींबू और लौंग के पानी का एक गर्म कप पिएं - खांसी और जुकाम के लिए एक घरेलू उपाय जो आपको इसके लाभों से आश्चर्यचकित कर सकता है.
As the winter months arrive, so does the season of runny nose and sore throat. Waking up with a stuffy nose and sore throat is unpleasant. And it is tiring to feel under the weather all day. Instead of drinking coffee in the morning, drink a warm cup of lemon and clove water - a home remedy for cough and cold that may surprise you with its benefits.Winter Morning Drink: Clove Lemon Water Benefits In Repeated Cold Cough..
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As the winter months arrive, so does the season of runny nose and sore throat. Waking up with a stuffy nose and sore throat is unpleasant. And it is tiring to feel under the weather all day. Instead of drinking coffee in the morning, drink a warm cup of lemon and clove water - a home remedy for cough and cold that may surprise you with its benefits.Winter Morning Drink: Clove Lemon Water Benefits In Repeated Cold Cough..
#wintermorningdrink #wintermorningdrinkcoldcoughremedy #wintermorningdrinkforblockednose #clovelemonwaterbenefits #clovelemonwaterkefayde #clovelemonwaternewstoday #clovelemonandhoney #clovelemonhoneytea #clovelemonhoneytearecipe #clovelemonhoneyteabenefits
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Does Drinking Hot Water Relieve Headache,Garam Pani Peene Se Sir Dard Thik Hota Hai | Boldsky