• last year
The suctionless technology, featured in the Just Spas Cyclone Spas range, goes above and beyond Australian safety standards. It's all about ensuring you have the safest spa experience possible.

Our innovative filtration system eliminates the traditional suction point, completely removing the risk of hair or clothing getting trapped. And the design of our spas and jet configuration ensures water is directed towards the filtration system through gravitational pull, resulting in an overall cleaner spa.

And that's not all. Our Cyclone Spas boast an unparalleled 100% Filtration Technology that's designed to clean a massive 1,000 litres of water every 10 minutes. We take spa safety and cleanliness seriously, and we're committed to providing you with the very best spa experience possible.

See the full range of our Cyclone Spas range: https://justspas.com.au/cyclone-spas/
