Prepare to be captivated by Nugget is Dead: A Christmas Story, a heartwarming holiday drama directed by Imogen McCluskey. Premiering on CBS on November 21, 2024, this enchanting film blends love, laughter, and adventure into an unforgettable tale. Featuring standout performances by Kerry Armstrong, Gia Carides, Vic Zerbst, and an exceptional cast, it promises to deliver a magical cinematic experience that will touch your heart and brighten your holiday season. Don’t miss the premiere—mark your calendars for a truly delightful holiday treat!
Nugget is Dead: A Christmas Story Cast:
Kerry Armstrong, Gia Carides, Priscilla Doueihy, Damien Garvey, Lelong Hu, Claude Jabbour, Mandy McElhinney, Diana McLean, Tiriel Mora, Tara Morice, Jenna Owen and Ed Oxenbould
Stream Nugget is Dead: A Christmas Story November 21, 2024 on Paramount+!
Nugget is Dead: A Christmas Story Cast:
Kerry Armstrong, Gia Carides, Priscilla Doueihy, Damien Garvey, Lelong Hu, Claude Jabbour, Mandy McElhinney, Diana McLean, Tiriel Mora, Tara Morice, Jenna Owen and Ed Oxenbould
Stream Nugget is Dead: A Christmas Story November 21, 2024 on Paramount+!
00:00Mum, what is it?
00:02Oh, Steph.
00:03Nugget is dead.
00:07We're not dead, but not good.
00:09Maggie's having a mid-life. She just needs a sports car.
00:11Oh, Steph, he's not doing well.
00:13I knew it. I knew this would happen.
00:16Shay, do your sexy dance.
00:17Did you guys hate me before, eh?
00:19Look at what Shay-Shay's got.
00:21I think it's working. Keep going, babe.
00:23Come on, Nugget.
00:24I told your father he wasn't doing well last week,
00:26but nobody listened to me as usual.
00:27You know, he didn't eat his treat this morning.
00:29That's weird. Normally he goes bananas for Shay.
00:31He humps me too, Ross.
00:32He humps me too?
00:33Mum, what is going on? What are you talking about?
00:35Ryan, check his eyes.
00:36How are the whites of his eyes looking?
00:38They're white.
00:39That's it, Steph. We're taking him to the vet.
00:41Mum, slow down.
00:42What is actually wrong with him?
00:44He collapsed.
00:45He didn't look good, Stephie.
00:48Collapsed how?
00:49He was up, and then he laid down suddenly.
00:51John, just pick up Stephanie when you pick up your mother.
00:53Mum, okay, can you put Dad on the phone, please?
00:56I'll do this myself.
00:58Well, nobody worry about me.
01:02Dad, what is going on?
01:04Oh, and make sure you bring Stephanie straight to the vet.
01:07Your mother wants me to come and bring you straight to the vet.
01:11Are you serious?
01:12He's not being himself, Steph.
01:14And there's no point taking any chances.
01:17Look, I'm leaving now to pick up your Nan,
01:19so I'll be over in about 70.
01:22Oh, and make sure you bring Seb.
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