• last year
Nick heath the president of the Beaumaris football club where Bianca Jones and Holly Bowles played has paid tribute to the 19-year-old saying her death is a devastating loss.


00:00Yes, a family representative made contact this afternoon and basically informed us that
00:08they had to make that horrible decision that no family should have to make where they had
00:14to turn off the life support of Bianca once they realised that all avenues of medical
00:22assistance were exhausted and there was no chance she'd wake up.
00:27So it's a horrific situation.
00:32The family took comfort from the fact that all the extended family were at her bedside
00:37at the time.
00:39Again, still horrific that everyone had to experience that.
00:44Despite that, the family have said they've just been overwhelmed by the support that's
00:50come from not only our local community here but right across Australia.
00:57For more UN videos visit www.un.org
