• last year
Schools in Pembrokeshire are leading the way in reducing issues with mobile phones, with the County Council among the first in Wales to develop a policy to support it.
PCC states that the rationale behind the policy is the ubiquitous presence of mobile phones and devices that presents significant challenges to how pupils behave and learn in school settings.
A spokesperson for PCC said: “Increasingly, there is mounting evidence suggesting that the unchecked use of mobile phones in schools is having a detrimental impact on pupils' mental health and academic progress, while also draining the energy of school staff who must manage resulting problems.
“As well as distraction by normal messaging there are the risks of bullying, sexting or sharing inappropriate chats and images.”
Education officers set up a Local Authority and Schools working group to develop guidance on removing mobile phones during the school day following the success Ysgol Penrhyn Dewi had when it was introduced last year.
Ysgol Penrhyn Dewi, Milford Haven School, Haverfordwest High, Pembroke Dock Community School and Gelliswick VC Primary School were involved in the group which has developed mobile phones guidance for schools to introduce this academic year.
Pembroke Dock Community School Headteacher Michele Thomas said: “Establishing good habits in primary school to be mobile free supports the transition into secondary schools with the same policy.
“Nearly all Pembrokeshire schools prohibit the use of mobile phones during the school day, which has helped learners have a clearer focus on their work and reduces distractions. In addition the policy reduces the risk of any inappropriate use. The policy has been working well and will have long term benefits all round.”
Rachel Thomas, Headteacher of Ysgol Penrhyn Dewi added: “The prohibited use of mobile phones and storage of them during lesson time has changed our entire school community’s safeguarding, wellbeing and learning environment completely.
“My latest mantra is that we live in a society where children are banned from playing conkers but are allowed mobile phones and online devices which put their safeguarding, wellbeing and childhood at risk.”
Funds have also been allocated to support schools with the logistics of removing phones, such as storage facilities, and all secondary schools are now implementing or are planning to introduce the policy guidance this year.
Sean Thomas, Assistant Headteacher for Behaviour, Culture and Ethos at Milford Haven School said: “As a school, we anticipated this policy being challenging to implement, at least for the first few weeks. However, the pupils, staff and parents have bought into it fantastically, it has been a huge success.
“Pupils and staff have all commented on an increased focus during lessons, less distractions and a calmer environment.”


00:00Hi, I'm Chloe. And I'm Zach. And we're the Head Prefects of Northampton School.
00:03We're now a few weeks into our new mobile phone policy. So let's go see what the pupils and
00:07teacher think of it. Now that you don't have your phone, has it changed your interests?
00:12Well, I have been trying to fill the time of like break times and lunch times specifically,
00:17so I've gone to more clubs a bit more and I enjoy more time, yeah.
00:23How has NHS going phone free enhanced the learning environment?
00:27It's been a wonderful start to the year at NHS. The pupils feel more engaged,
00:32happier and it feels a more positive environment to learn and work in.
00:36How has NHS becoming phone free impacted your time with your friends?
00:41I've noticed a lot of my friends have started talking a bit more, especially during breaks
00:45and in between lessons, they like to talk a bit more.
00:49Has the new mobile phone policy impacted classroom management issues?
00:54Absolutely. We're spending far less time managing behaviour because people are not
00:58using the phones anymore. And so we can concentrate more on the learning and helping students.
01:05How has not having a phone at school impacted your wellbeing?
01:08I haven't had my phone 24 hours a day, which means it's improved my mental health and wellbeing.
01:14Now that pupils have no access to mobile phones during school hours,
01:17have you seen a positive impact on academic performance?
01:20Since we've become a phone free school, we've seen a huge improvement in pupils'
01:26behaviour and attainment. Lessons are much calmer and they're now paying attention
01:31to the tasks that we ask them to do.
01:33How has NHS becoming phone free impacted your focus?
01:36Without my phone, I've been able to concentrate better in class.
01:40Has the absence of mobile phones changed your communication at school?
01:44Yeah, definitely. I think it's really nice to see everybody walking around,
01:48actually talking to each other rather than texting each other. Everybody's communicating
01:52really well. It's nice to see discussions rather than people just posting things on
01:57social media. And yeah, it's been really nice to see.
02:01As you can see, there's been really positive feedback from both teachers
02:04and pupils on our new mobile phone policy.
02:07We're very proud of our fellow pupils and we hope everybody keeps up the good work.
