• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Negli ultimi anni, nonostante il calo del mercato domestico che sta interessando tutta l’Italia, nella nostra regione abbiamo recuperato i flussi turistici del 2019. I buyer che ci portano le sedi estere hanno contribuito a farci raggiungere il +58% dal mercato statunitense, il +63 dal Canada, il +47% dall'dall'Australia e, venendo al Sudamerica, l'Argentina ci porta il +123% e il Brasile il +164%. Abbiamo creato un mercato che prima non c’era". Sono queste le parole del Direttore Generale dell'Agenzia di Promozione Territoriale della Basilicata Antonio Nicoletti, raccolte nel corso della terza edizione di Roots-in, la borsa internazionale del turismo delle origini a Matera.


00:00Back to Ruzzin, the appointment dedicated to the tourism of the origins, what is it and then how was the idea of ​​organizing a fair of this type born?
00:14The tourism of the roots or origins is the journey that the Italians who have gone away, the emigrants, the journey they make to discover their roots, to discover their genetic code starting from the places from which their ancestors started.
00:34It is one of the most emotional journeys that exist, it is one of the most dense journeys of values ​​and meaning and Basilicata has wanted to propose itself in this market both because in the world there are many and because it is a journey that is attentive to the territories, to the internal areas, to the villages that are at the center of the agenda of development of the tourism of Basilicata.
01:03For three years we have been carrying out this fair, which is not only dedicated to our region but is offered to the whole of Italy with the partnership of Enit, which allows us to select every year around 80 buyers from all continents who come here and first tour our Basilicata and then meet the sellers who represent the offer of all of Italy.
01:30We have all the regions of Italy, except two maybe this year, with an institutional presence of 13 regions that have their stand, we have about 150, more than 150 sellers and to them we have dedicated, to them and all the operators, we have also dedicated the laboratories, the labs and the opening forum, which are moments of deepening of small specific themes that can enrich the offer.
01:59So Rootsin is not only a workshop where you meet, ask and offer to sign contracts, but it is also a moment of deepening and growth of the sector.
02:11Deepening means studying artificial intelligence, understanding how mindfulness can be an additional offer in a market that changes day after day and finally the theme of the opening forum is dedicated to Made in Italy.
02:29Why Made in Italy? Because our first ambassadors in the world are the Italians in the world and the Italo-descendants and therefore wanting to create mechanisms of opportunity for our territories we wanted to dedicate to this theme the opening day.
02:48So we will deepen craftsmanship, luxury, there will be ITA, which is our technical partner, to tell how they themselves are ambassadors of Made in Italy and there will be institutions, starting from ENIT, from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, with the Italian project that completes the picture of what is the state of art in terms of tourism of the roots in Italy and for the Italians in the world.
03:18Made in Italy.
