Ignite your Success in Raw Foods with these Easy to Follo...

  • 15 years ago
http://www.RawAndFit.com Welcome to RawAndFit.com! I came to the realization that raw foodism was the way to live my life after both of my parents were diagnosed with cancer shortly after I returned from college. I was still in study-mode, so I hit the books, looking for a natural cure to their cancers. I read something on Wikipedia about a test that was done for patients with prostate cancer that totally reversed their cancer. Interesting, I thought. I started my study there, and I haven't stopped since! Interviews, reading countless books, personal experiments, EVERYTHING I could think of. Finally, I decided that this information should be free for everyone. Raw food meal plans and sample vegan diets are a staple to the basic information everyone should get. I aim to offer high-quality content for living foodists, raw foodists, and anyone who wants to get their bodies super healthy. I integrate yoga into my life and have never felt taller (and I'm only 5' 10" !!). My body is responsive, strong, and healthy. My secrets are few, but will change your life. Please head over to http://www.RawAndFit.com and check out all of the great, free information for transforming your body to become raw and fit. You'll lose weight naturally with this simple raw food diet, and you'll reach a level of clarity that you've never experienced before! I used to be ultra-low energy. I'd be yawning at noon, thinking about going to bed early. I had NO energy, and to make it worse -- I lived in a city with a crazy fun night life. I had to figure something out. Then, like an omen, I was on a trip to Miami with my girlfriend and I had the realization. We were a thousand miles from home, excited to be on vacation together, but couldn't stay awake! We had no energy, but wanted to do so many things. I decided there that I had to figure out this problem. Low energy and disease forced me to create a new chapter on my, and my families life. I have researched hundreds of hours into the topic of raw food living. I want to share this in...

