• 15 years ago
http://www.RawAndFit.com Rachel Rose is a Raw Food Success Story! She is a young, super healthy and fit med student in New York, doing her rotations. During her busy life, she finds time to live a supremely optimal life of health and happiness by being a raw foodist and working out regularly. But, it did not come without her fair share of roadblocks and troubles along the way. Rachel faced problems with eating too much fat as a raw vegan, fighting the urge to eat cooked foods, and finally beating everything that stood in her way to fuel her body with the kind of nutrients it needed to survive and thrive. This success story will shave off MONTHS of your time and effort transitioning to a raw food diet. Use her 3 Action Steps to guarantee yourself success, literally overnight. Don’t make the same mistakes she did – get these time saving shortcuts for FREE at http://www.RawAndFit.com There, you’ll be able to check out her favorite recipes, her workout tips for vegans to get their bodies in excellent shape (and no, it’s not protein bars!), as well as her insights on changing the world around to – without actually trying! Rachel is so successful that if you just mirrored ½ or ¼ of her tips, you’d lose weight and double your energy! Seriously – this girl takes up to 3 Spin Classes a DAY and only eats raw foods! Think you could do it? Give the full 80-Min interview a listen and take good notes. She’s saving you time and answering all your questions!

