MEDI1TV Afrique : JT Economie - 14/11/2024
00:00Welcome to MEDIEN, the newspaper of the economic news.
00:12We start in Morocco where the Council of competition organized this Wednesday in Marrakech a press conference
00:18under the theme of competitive neutrality and access to the market.
00:23This event brought together a set of Moroccan political and institutional actors
00:27as well as representatives from Europe and the United States
00:30aiming to discuss issues related to loyal competition and access to the public market.
00:35Morocco has put in place an advanced regulation to fight against anti-competitive practices
00:42and coordinate economic concentration operations,
00:45said Ahmed Darho, president of the Council of competition.
00:49For his part, the president of the Belgian CGEM,
00:52affirmed that competitive neutrality and fair access to the market
00:56are the guarantors of an economic, dynamic and inclusive environment.
01:01This is an important subject that aims to focus on important issues
01:08which are the treatments, which can be subvention treatments
01:13or access to certain advantages within a public or private enterprise.
01:19It is legitimate that public authorities help a certain number of sectors
01:25or facilitate a certain number of investments
01:29with either subsidies or advantages or even licenses that are granted.
01:35Around the world, there is always this reflection on the balance to be found
01:39between a fair competition on one side
01:42and obviously an active state policy in terms of investment.
01:46The private sector is called upon to take two-thirds of the evolution of this economy
01:52instead of one-third currently,
01:55and we want it to be done in transparency,
01:58we want it to be done in a fair spirit
02:01and this is where the Council of competition intervenes.
02:04It intervenes precisely to regulate, it intervenes to give more transparency
02:09and also to avoid monopolies in the future,
02:12to give more opportunities to small and medium-sized enterprises
02:15to be able to participate in the economy
02:19and participate in supply calls, for example,
02:22so all this goes in the right direction
02:25to evolve and advance serenely in an economy
02:29that will develop in all transparency and in all fairness.
02:34And still in Morocco, the International Monetary Fund Administration Council,
02:40the IMF has approved the decrease in favor of Morocco of the second slice
02:44in favor of the facility for resilience and durability
02:47for an amount of $ 415 million.
02:50Authorities continue to show a strong commitment
02:54in favor of the transition from Morocco to a greener economy,
02:57indicates the IMF in a recent statement.
03:00This new funding brings the total decrease in favor of this program
03:04to about $ 747 million.
03:09And we stay in Morocco, which in the first 10 months of 2024
03:13welcomed 14.6 million tourists,
03:16or 2.3 million additional arrivals,
03:19while the official projections bet only on 1 million more for the whole year.
03:23This performance, which exceeds the absolute record of the whole year 2023,
03:27represents an increase of 19% compared to the first 10 months of the previous exercise.
03:32The arrivals of foreign tourists have increased by 22%
03:36and those of Moroccans living abroad have progressed by 16%.
03:40For the only month of October, Morocco welcomed about 1.5 million tourists,
03:45an increase of 30% over a year,
03:48a spectacular boom that sets new records for the end of the year.
03:53And then we go to France now,
03:55where unemployment is slightly rising to 7.4% in the third quarter of 2024.
04:00According to the figures communicated by the National Statistical Institute,
04:03this rate was at the same level a year earlier,
04:06and from 7.3% in the second quarter.
04:09This summer, 35,000 additional people found themselves unemployed,
04:14a very low evolution that makes the Institute say
04:17that the unemployment rate is almost stable.
04:20Unemployment has increased significantly among young people,
04:23falling by 19.7% over the next 15 to 24 years,
04:26or 1.8 additional points over a quarter.
04:33And let's go to the United States,
04:35where inflation has rebounded in October for the first time since March
04:39to 2.6% over a year,
04:42against 2.4% in September.
04:44Over a month, the price increase is 0.2%,
04:47an increase identical to that of the previous month,
04:50according to the CPI index published on Wednesday by the Department of Labor.
04:54The influx of prices in the United States since 2021
04:57has played a very important role in Donald Trump's election.
05:00Prices have increased,
05:02recalling more than 20% since Joe Biden arrived at the White House
05:06in an international inflation context
05:09linked to the post-COVID economic recovery.
05:13And that's the end of this economic newspaper.
05:16Very good follow-up of programs on Median.