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00:00About the ladies' club meeting?
00:01Yeah, but I wish I had some advance notice.
00:04I must have had twenty husbands in here before I could get my fat heated.
00:07Well, it was a last-minute thing.
00:09Look, I'm not knocking it.
00:11They keep up this three-a-week schedule, I'll be wearing silk underwear for life.
00:17Makes you wonder if maybe all these housewives' clubs aren't secretly financed by the chicken-pluckers of America.
00:54They like to have their own way, and what daddy doesn't know won't hurt him.
00:59I think my mom's just swell, but she starts to yell, every time we have a brawl.
01:05Just wait till your father gets, until your father gets, wait till your father gets home.
01:11See what I mean? Wait till your father gets home.
01:14We know.
01:25Oh, what a day.
01:27I can't wait to get out of these hot clothes, relax, and have a nice home-cooked meal for a change.
01:31For a change?
01:32Irma's had to go to ladies' club meetings the last couple of nights,
01:35so the rest of us have been getting dinner from the chicken-pickup joint.
01:38Well, she's gonna make it all up to you tonight, pal.
01:40Looky there, all dolled up to give her hubby a big, smoochy welcome home.
01:44Come on, Ralph.
01:45You've been married long enough to know wives don't get dressed up just for their husband.
01:49Obviously, she and I are supposed to go somewhere,
01:51and I'm late and forgot all about it.
01:53I guess you're gonna catch it.
01:55Maybe I can get away with it, if I work fast.
02:01I'm sorry, but we'll be late.
02:14See you soon. Bye-bye.
02:18See you soon. Bye-bye.
02:21Jamie, when your father comes home,
02:23would you tell him I've had a last-minute call
02:25and have to go to another meeting of the ladies' club tonight?
02:28How long before you're ready, Irma?
02:30Harry, I didn't know you were home.
02:32Oh, come now, dear.
02:33You didn't think I'd forget about tonight, did you?
02:36Forget about tonight? But I...
02:38Yes, sir.
02:39I've really been looking forward to us stepping out ever since you told me about it.
02:48Just one little thing, Harry. That suit.
02:52It's still formal? Would my brown be better?
02:54I was going to suggest one of my dresses.
02:57Your dresses?
02:58It would be less conspicuous, dear,
03:00since it is a ladies' club meeting.
03:02A ladies' club meeting?
03:05Oh, there's my ride.
03:07Harry, I didn't have time to make supper.
03:09Maybe you can pick up some chicken for everybody.
03:12But, Irma, these meetings...
03:13This is the third night in a row.
03:15I know, dear.
03:16That chicken pick-up joint's going to be putting in a parking space with my name on it.
03:20I'm sorry, but these meetings really are important,
03:23now that we've decided to go into charity work and help disaster victims.
03:27But you've got disaster victims here.
03:29A whole family coming down with a coleslaw rash.
03:33No, Mom's right.
03:34She is doing something important,
03:36so we shouldn't mind putting up a little inconvenience for her sake.
03:39Thank you, Jamie.
03:40Bye, Irma.
03:42That was some speech.
03:43The preceding was a paid political announcement.
03:46Remember, she makes my sandwiches for school,
03:49and I don't want to be stuck with a whole week of liverwurst.
03:52Smart boy.
03:53A sell-out, but smart.
03:56Hi, Papa.
03:57How come you're all dressed up for dinner?
03:59Oh, I just thought my basic blue would go nice with greasy fingers.
04:03Oh, chicken again, huh?
04:05Couldn't you go somewhere else for a change?
04:07I don't know.
04:08Oh, chicken again, huh?
04:10Couldn't you go somewhere else for a change?
04:12I don't think so.
04:13I have the feeling now they've grown to expect me.
04:21Got your regular order coming right up, Mr. Boyle.
04:24Oh, you heard about the ladies' club meeting?
04:26Yeah, but I wish I'd had some advance notice.
04:29I must have had 20 husbands in here before I could get my fat heated.
04:32Well, it was a last-minute thing.
04:34Look, I'm not knocking it.
04:36They keep up this three-a-week schedule,
04:38I'll be wearing silk underwear for life.
04:42Makes you wonder if maybe all these housewives' clubs
04:45aren't secretly financed by the chicken-pluckers of America.
04:49Yeah, hey, it ain't always been easy, pal.
04:52My first place was in a neighborhood that had nothing but bachelors.
04:55Nobody came in the door.
04:57Day was swinging, I was starving.
04:59So I moved here where there were mostly married guys around, you know,
05:03and after only three months,
05:04I was able to buy a new truck just from the coleslaw.
05:08Oh, which reminds me, no slaw with mine.
05:10Yeah, I always say,
05:11if you want to find out just how many active, dedicated,
05:15charity-minded wives live in the neighborhood,
05:17just count up how many chicken take-out stands there are around, right?
05:23Why are they having all these meetings anyway?
05:25Mama said her club wants to go in for community betterment,
05:28but they haven't been able to decide on a good cause yet.
05:30What's wrong with a good, sensible, old-fashioned commie witch-hunt?
05:33I suggested they do something about smog.
05:35That's a big problem today.
05:37And you got the Ruskies to thank for it.
05:39But the smog comes from our cars and our factories.
05:42Come on, Alice.
05:43You can't believe that good, solid, union-made American cars make smog.
05:48The stuff comes into our cities in cans.
05:50What cans?
05:51All them spray containers.
05:52You know, hair sets, shaving cream, paint.
05:54They got enemy agents in our factories
05:56sneaking condensed smog into all them spray cans.
06:01You really believe our smog is coming out of spray cans?
06:05There's your big Soviet weapon.
06:11Our whole country is spritzing itself into slavery.
06:15Hi, everybody. I'm back.
06:17Oh, how did it go, Mama?
06:18Did you find a project?
06:19Well, we discussed several.
06:21Carol Breslow suggested we establish a sanctuary to save birds.
06:26Oh, I'm afraid you're too late with that idea, Irma.
06:29In the last three weeks, this family alone has eaten more birds than you're ever going to save.
06:33Anyway, we finally decided we would raise money to fight disease.
06:38But it's not going to be easy.
06:40Raising money?
06:41No, finding the disease.
06:43All the good ones are taken.
06:45Yeah, it's terrible the way them big charities have hogged all the real goodies.
06:48Like your heart disease, your polio, your TB.
06:50They just walked in and grabbed them off.
06:52And now we're paying for it.
06:53There's not enough of them to go around.
06:57Oh, hi, Beverly.
07:03What is it again?
07:06Yes, tell the others. Bye.
07:09Guess what, Harry!
07:11We've got a disease!
07:13We have?
07:14Beverly found it in an old copy of the Reader's Digest.
07:19It's called ileumosis, or something like that.
07:22How exciting!
07:23And you haven't heard the best part.
07:25Sometimes it's almost fatal.
07:28Oh, better and better!
07:30Harry, don't take this lightly.
07:32Ileumosis is a big problem today.
07:34Well, if it's such a big problem, how come nobody ever heard about it?
07:37But it must be a big problem if it's in the Reader's Digest.
07:41She's got a point there.
07:42I think it's great, Irma.
07:43Congratulations on your new sickness.
07:45Enjoy it and good health.
07:48Oh, what they need is some big posters
07:50showing one of the ladies pushing a guy in a wheelchair with ileumosis.
07:53How do you know people with ileumosis need wheelchairs?
07:56Don't be a nitpicker, Harry.
07:57Wheelchairs are real soccer stuff on posters.
07:59Yeah, but you have to be truthful.
08:01All right, if anybody comes nosing around,
08:03you can always say the guy got hit by a car on the way home from the doctors.
08:08Oh, that's terrible! Just terrible!
08:11I'll call you later.
08:14What's the matter, honey?
08:15Was that one of them, you know, what kind of phone calls?
08:18That was Beverly again.
08:20She found out they now have a cure for ileumosis.
08:25Oh, what a lousy break.
08:28Hi, everybody.
08:31What's the matter, Mom?
08:32She'll be okay, Chet.
08:33Just got some rotten news on the phone.
08:35Seems the country's been struck down by a terrible epidemic of healthiness.
08:39Of course it's not bad news,
08:41but our club has been trying so hard to find a good cause.
08:44You could buy our vigilante group a new flamethrower to help us guard the country.
08:47You could put a little plaque on it reading,
08:49Coming right at you, courtesy of the Westside Ladies' Club.
08:51Oh, maybe we'll have some fresh ideas in the morning.
08:56Poor Mama. I hope her club can think of something.
08:59So do I. And soon.
09:01Because if we keep getting all our meals from the pickup stand,
09:04we're going to have a disease around here before they think of one.
09:07Parrot fever.
09:15I hardly slept at all last night
09:17trying to think of something for our club to do.
09:20Honey, why don't you and the other women just go on with your regular meetings,
09:23play a little bridge, and sooner or later an opportunity will present itself.
09:28But we're anxious to do something now.
09:31Oh, if we only could find a good cause.
09:34Couldn't you just raise money to help build a new hospital?
09:36Wait, I got a real good cause.
09:38To prevent juvenile delinquency and keep kids off the streets.
09:42How about building a racetrack where we can zoom around on minibikes?
09:47Well, that'd certainly help fill a new hospital.
09:50Oh, Harry, will you be able to fix the sprinklers today?
09:53Well, I'll try, honey.
09:54I've got the hedges to trim, all the weeding, the upstairs closet to paint,
09:58the garage to clean out, and the roof to fix.
10:00See you tonight. I'm off to the beach.
10:02The beach?
10:03Well, there's nothing to do around here.
10:06That boy sure loves the water, doesn't he?
10:08Not when it comes with a bucket and mop.
10:11If your club decides to fight sleeping sickness,
10:13Chuck would make the perfect poster boy.
10:16I'd be glad to help you, Pop.
10:17Thank you, Jamie.
10:18Boys should always help their fathers.
10:20That's right.
10:21So if you want me to work, you just have to say the word.
10:24Okay, I'll say the word. How much?
10:26Fifty cents.
10:27You're on.
10:28An hour?
10:29You're off.
10:30All morning?
10:31You're back on.
10:32But isn't Ricky coming over to play?
10:34He can't. He's home with the mumps.
10:36You can start with the garage.
10:37Wait a minute!
10:38Did you hear what Jamie just said?
10:40Sure, his two favorite words.
10:42Fifty cents.
10:43He said mumps.
10:45Don't you see, Harry?
10:46We found it.
10:51Well, actually Irma's idea is for the club to raise money
10:54for the children's ward of the new hospital
10:56where they'll be treating all the usual childhood diseases.
10:59Not bad. Not bad at all.
11:00But they'll need a slogan.
11:02Hey, I got it. You ready?
11:04Donate today.
11:05Give mumps their lumps.
11:07That's good, huh?
11:08Huh? Huh?
11:10Brings tears to your eyes.
11:11Well, that's my special muscle, Harry.
11:13Promotion hit with a big idea.
11:15Hey, I got another.
11:17Give plenty.
11:18Don't weasel on measles.
11:19Watch the end of the cutters, Ralph.
11:21And how about put your money in
11:23so some little kid's gallstones can come out.
11:26But I don't think little kids have gallstones.
11:28Who's to know?
11:31Hey, look what you did.
11:32You cut my tie off.
11:33Who's to know?
11:40Who does?
11:42The campfire girls?
11:44Oh, well, thanks.
11:47How goes the campaign?
11:49Not too good, dear.
11:50Don't tell me they've cured the mumps.
11:52We can't seem to find a good way to raise money.
11:55We want to sell something, but everything's taken.
11:58Like what?
11:59We wanted to sell cookies, but the Girl Scouts have those.
12:02The book drive has candy bars
12:04and the campfire girls are selling marshmallows.
12:07The Civic League has the donuts
12:09and the nursery school the cake sale.
12:11With all that going on, what's left to sell?
12:14How about toothbrushes?
12:17Terry, this is serious.
12:19We have to raise money.
12:22Look, how many women in the club?
12:24About 40.
12:25Okay, now suppose each of them hands in 10 bucks.
12:28Now there you go, that's $400.
12:30We couldn't do that.
12:31Charities are supposed to raise money, not give it.
12:34What would people say?
12:36Well, those with a mumps sure wouldn't object.
12:39I'll get it.
12:42Come in, Carol.
12:43I was just telling Harry the trouble we were having.
12:46The troubles are over. Problem solved.
12:48Oh, you found a way to raise money?
12:50There's the answer, right there.
12:52Trading stamps.
12:53We can redeem them for medical equipment.
12:55What a wonderful idea.
12:57But someone still has to paste these into books.
13:02Oh, Harry, that's so sweet of you to volunteer.
13:05That'll leave Carol and I free to go out and collect more stamps.
13:09Oh, look, I'd like to help, but...
13:11It's all settled.
13:12Everyone's got a pitch in.
13:13Shoulder to the wheel and roll for the shore.
13:16Come on, Irma, I'll drive.
13:18Have those done by the time we get back.
13:22Carol does have a point, dear.
13:24We all should do what we can.
13:26Then let her lick them with that big mouth.
13:28She'd be a natural.
13:30Harry, please, do this one little thing.
13:33Remember, it's for mumps.
13:35It may be for mumps, but after licking all these, I'm gonna have lockjaw.
13:43Come on in, Carol, I'll make coffee.
13:47How'd it go, dear?
13:50What's the matter, Harry? Cat got your tongue?
13:53No, it just happens to be glued to the roof of my mouth.
13:56Bien, on ne pouvait pas trouver quelqu'un pour contribuer aux stamps,
13:59donc il n'y aura plus rien à faire.
14:01Oh, j'aurais pu t'embrasser pour ça, Irma.
14:03Sauf qu'ils ne nous repartiraient jamais.
14:06En tout cas, on a une meilleure idée.
14:08On va faire une vente de garage.
14:10On a probablement de l'ancien matériel ici.
14:12Je peux prendre la vente pour toi.
14:13Merci, mais tu n'auras pas besoin de prendre rien pour nous.
14:16Pourquoi pas?
14:17Bien, tu vois, mon chéri,
14:19la vente va être ici.
14:22Harry, dépêche-toi, c'est tard.
14:25Qu'est-ce qu'un petit bisou au revoir?
14:27Ok, mais souviens-toi, je t'ai prévenu,
14:29tu pourrais être coincé avec moi toute la journée.
14:31Ah, toi, t'es quelque chose.
14:33Il est toujours là,
14:34parce qu'il nous a cassé des stamps de commerce pour nous.
14:37Je sais ce qu'il veut dire.
14:38Ces stamps, c'est un meurtre.
14:39J'ai cassé deux livres,
14:40ils l'ont laissé pour le reste.
14:41Depuis alors, je n'ai jamais collé d'autres stamps.
14:43Qu'est-ce que tu as pour tes deux livres?
14:45C'est de l'alcool.
14:46C'est de l'alcool?
14:47Oui, c'est de l'alcool.
14:48Depuis alors, je n'ai jamais collé d'autres stamps.
14:50Qu'est-ce que tu as pour tes deux livres?
14:52C'est de l'alcool.
14:53C'est de l'alcool?
14:54Oui, c'est de l'alcool.
14:56De toute façon, je prendrai une chance.
14:58Ok, après tout,
15:00quelle meilleure façon de créer une amitié?
15:03Cela me rappelle ma première femme.
15:05Je ne voulais jamais la quitter.
15:08Je n'arrivais pas à comprendre
15:09l'idée d'avoir un bisou au revoir.
15:11Juste une chose, Harry.
15:13Pourrais-tu gérer l'argent
15:14et garder compte de ce que nous prenons à la vente?
15:17Je pense que je peux le faire.
15:18Et arrêter à la maison de la Corbin
15:20et récupérer leur lampe de soleil brûlée?
15:22Et à Alan Deinhardt pour sa bouteille de bière?
15:25Voici une liste complète
15:26d'adresses et des choses à récupérer.
15:28Ces gens ne seront pas à la maison ce soir,
15:30alors vous devrez les récupérer
15:31pendant votre heure de déjeuner.
15:32Et avez votre secrétaire
15:33à envoyer des lettres d'annonce
15:34à tous ces gens.
15:36Mais, Irma...
15:37Oh, voici un dessin d'une table
15:38que nous aurons besoin.
15:39Vos hommes à la plante
15:40peuvent le faire.
15:41Et avez ces posters imprimés.
15:42Et pensez à une ad
15:43et appelez le journal.
15:45C'est tout?
15:47Oh, je ne peux pas vous dire
15:48combien je me sens bien
15:49maintenant que je suis finalement
15:51au travail pour une charité.
16:00Ils ont vraiment eu
16:01beaucoup de choses, n'ont-ils pas?
16:02Oui, et j'ai une épaule
16:03qui se lève pour le prouver.
16:05Hey, ce poster
16:06a l'air familier.
16:08Il devrait l'être.
16:09Il devait être notre.
16:10Nous l'avons donné aux Girl Scouts
16:11pour leur vente de garage
16:12il y a deux ans.
16:13Je suppose que ça a été acheté
16:14et vendu de plus en plus
16:15depuis toujours.
16:16De plus en plus?
16:18Vous voyez, les gens
16:19aiment acheter de la merde.
16:20Mais après qu'ils l'aient à la maison
16:21et qu'ils trouvent
16:22qu'ils ne peuvent pas l'utiliser,
16:23ils la laissent sortir?
16:25Ils la vendent
16:26à leur vente de garage.
16:27C'est l'Amérique d'aujourd'hui.
16:29Nous avons remplacé
16:30l'emplacement de la ville
16:31avec un garage de deux voitures.
16:34Où voulez-vous
16:35que je mette ces couches?
16:36Ils ont l'air
16:37comme si elles n'avaient jamais été utilisées.
16:38Elles ne l'ont pas été.
16:39Maman a pensé
16:40qu'on devait avoir
16:41de nouvelles choses
16:42pour vendre aussi.
16:43Elle les a achetées?
16:45Elle les a achetées
16:46avec tous ces livres d'emprunts.
16:48il y a des nouvelles merveilleuses.
16:51juste merveilleuses.
16:52Vous avez juste découvert
16:53que les mouches sont fatales.
16:56Le club a décidé
16:57de finir sa campagne
16:58de dons
16:59avec une fête
17:00de goût de vin
17:01le dimanche soir.
17:02Nous allons charger
17:035 dollars par personne.
17:04Nous allons faire une fortune.
17:05Mais chérie,
17:06le dimanche est seulement
17:07deux jours après.
17:08Comment peux-tu avoir
17:09tout ce que tu as besoin?
17:10J'ai déjà tout ce que j'ai besoin.
17:11Qu'est-ce qu'il y a dedans?
17:14Un nouveau vêtement
17:15pour moi à porter.
17:16Je serai à l'intérieur.
17:17Je veux prendre
17:18un peu d'air.
17:19Mais, Irma,
17:20les gens viendront.
17:21Qui va gérer
17:22le garage, Sam?
17:23J'avais espéré
17:24que tu le ferais, Harry.
17:25Après tout,
17:26je ne peux pas faire tout.
17:40c'était tellement gentil
17:41de nous laisser utiliser
17:42ta maison.
17:44Nous ne l'avons pas fait.
17:45Ceux-ci ont été achetés
17:46avec de l'argent
17:47de la vente du garage.
17:50Réfléchis, Harry.
17:51Nous allons faire
17:52des sacs de l'argent ce soir.
17:53Juste pensez à
17:54combien tout ça
17:55aide les moumous.
17:56Ça peut aider les moumous,
17:57mais c'est sûr
17:58que ça détruisera
17:59beaucoup de lèvres.
18:02Maintenant, Harry,
18:03sois gentil.
18:05c'est un bénéfice.
18:06Quel bénéfice?
18:07Les nettoyeurs secs?
18:08Si vous voulez,
18:09nous pouvons partir maintenant
18:10que la fête a prouvé
18:11d'être un grand succès.
18:12Oh, tu es sûre
18:13que c'est un succès?
18:15Quatre personnes
18:16m'ont complimenté
18:17sur mon vêtement.
18:19Avez-vous remarqué
18:20que toutes les personnes
18:21prominentes dans la ville
18:22sont arrivées ce soir?
18:23C'était valable
18:24de venir juste
18:25pour s'inspirer de l'atmosphère.
18:30Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé avec lui?
18:31Probablement qu'il s'est inspiré
18:32trop de l'atmosphère.
18:42Je pense qu'ils ont oublié
18:43de leur dire
18:44qu'il n'y avait que de la jus de graines.
18:47C'est horrible!
18:49Ils détruisent leurs voitures
18:50et le logement
18:51et tout le reste.
18:52Alors pourquoi?
18:54c'est de...
18:56...des moutons.
19:01Alors, comment est-ce
19:02que la charité a réussi
19:03à gagner de l'argent?
19:04Eh bien, d'abord,
19:05ils ont collecté
19:0615 livres de cartes.
19:07C'est bon.
19:08Mais ils les ont utilisés
19:09pour acheter des toilettes
19:10pour la vente de garage.
19:12C'est bon.
19:16C'est bon.
19:19Je dois mettre un bon mot sur ça.
19:29Seulement 42 dollars!
19:30Ça ne prend même pas
19:31une semaine!
19:32As-tu dit à Irma?
19:33J'irai lui dire maintenant.
19:34Pauvre fille,
19:35ça va vraiment être un choc.
19:38Tu as tous les chiffres?
19:40Laissez-moi imaginer
19:41combien on a fait.
19:42Je ne pense pas
19:43que tu voudras.
19:44Je dirais
19:45environ 50 dollars,
19:46n'est-ce pas?
19:48Et tu n'es pas déçue?
19:50Pas du tout.
19:52tu te souviens
19:53de comment on cherchait
19:54une bonne cause?
19:55Eh bien,
19:56on en avait eu
19:57tout le temps
19:58sans le savoir.
19:59Et ce n'était pas les moutons,
20:00c'était nous.
20:02Nous, 40 femmes.
20:04On était les unes
20:05qui ont reçu la charité.
20:06On est sortis
20:07de l'escalade
20:08du jeu de cartes,
20:09de l'escalade
20:10du travail à la maison
20:11et des enfants
20:12et on a fait
20:13quelque chose de différent.
20:14Je suppose que tu l'as fait.
20:15Ce n'était pas facile
20:16parce qu'on est
20:17le genre de femmes
20:18qui sont juste
20:19un peu perdues
20:20entre les deux.
20:21On n'est pas
20:22des femmes libres
20:23mais on veut être
20:24plus que des femmes à la maison
20:25et pour ces quelques semaines,
20:26on l'a été.
20:29si je vous appelle
20:30encore une fois
20:31je veux que vous sachiez
20:32que c'est juste
20:33parce que vous l'êtes.
20:39Maman a une surprise
20:40pour vous.
20:41Une nouvelle robe?
20:42Vous savez comment
20:43notre vieux toaster
20:44était si lent?
20:45Regardez ce que j'ai acheté
20:46la semaine dernière.
20:47Bienvenue à la maison.
20:51Oh, mon amour,
20:52ça ne marche pas.
20:53Ne vous inquiétez pas, chérie.
20:54On peut toujours
20:56à la prochaine vente de garage.
21:01Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada