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00:05Hey, there it is! Japan! Man, that is something!
00:09It sure is beautiful! And so peaceful! So tranquil!
00:13Yeah! That's what I was gonna say!
00:16There they are! Ha-ha! The blighters are right on schedule!
00:20Yeah, but we still gotta bring them down, Krauss! D'n'tcha?
00:24Watch it, Bum!
00:26Now listen carefully, Bumbler! We fire the cannon, it hooks onto their basket, and the weight brings them down!
00:34I get it! They drops like a lead balloon!
00:37That's right, you scrambled brain! Stand by to fire, Smirky!
00:43They're almost over the Imperial Gardens!
00:47When they land in the Imperial Gardens, it's going to be ta-ta Finny!
00:54With Finny in the pokey for thirty days, he'll never complete the trip in less than seventy-nine days! Ha-ha-ha!
01:03Ready, Smirky? They're coming over the gardens! Ready? Fire!
01:10I say! Good show!
01:14I wish we had time to stop and look around! It's so quaint!
01:19We're behind schedule!
01:21Yeah, but I sure could get hooked on a place like that!
01:28Boy, we are hooked!
01:37Are you all right, Jenny?
01:38Fine! Wonder where we are!
01:40How about you, Hoppy? Are you all in one piece?
01:43I'm in one piece, but I'm bent in places!
01:46Welcome to the Imperial Gardens!
01:49Crumden! I should have known a creep like you had something to do with our sudden descent!
01:53Yes, indeed, old chap! I just thought I'd throw a lot of weight around!
01:57Yeah! Five hundred pounds, to be exact!
02:02Don't think making us land here is going to slow us down!
02:05My dear chap, landing in the Imperial Gardens means you've landed in trouble!
02:10Yeah! You guys are in trouble!
02:12Not as much trouble as you're going to be in, Crumville!
02:15Tut-tut-tut-tut, Mr. Finnyfog!
02:18No violence, please! The Japanese gendarmes frown on that sort of thing!
02:26It's a police siren, and they seem to be coming this way!
02:29Finny, look at the sign!
02:31It says, 30 days for trespassing!
02:39You're about to do 30 days in the local lock-up, Mr. Fog!
02:42What a sneak!
02:44Thank you! 30 days! That means Crumden gets the million pounds!
02:48Precisely! Precisely! Run for it!
02:52Wait for me!
02:54I say, that's not cricket! You're supposed to stay and be arrested, you know!
02:59Quick, into that petty cap!
03:06Quickly, into the fierce arrow! We can't let those culprits escape the arm of the law!
03:11Yeah, that's right! What did you say?
03:15Never mind, you silly bloke! Come on!
03:25Hey, Crumden! Here comes the police! Looks like they're after us!
03:30Faster! We mustn't let them get away!
03:37Faster, Hoppy! They're gaining!
03:39My arm!
03:41They're getting closer!
03:43Pump harder, Hoppy! Harder!
03:45I'm pumping! I'm pumping!
03:47They're still gaining! Give me that gimmick camera, Hoppy!
03:50Hoppy! Look out! That's...
03:58Somebody! Anybody! Catch me!
04:01Heads up!
04:06Hi, fella!
04:09Vinnie, Hoppy flew right into this wrestling arena!
04:12Come on!
04:15No! You got it all wrong! I can't wrestle!
04:20I just dropped in to take your picture! Me, big fan!
04:28No, Hoppy! That's the gimmick camera!
04:30Hoppy, don't!
04:32That's a nice fella!
04:35Smile! Let's get a nice close-up!
04:39Oh! Must've pushed the wrong button!
04:47Wait a minute! That was a mistake!
04:52Hey, look, Crumden! Is he going to wrestle?
04:57Seems he has himself in a bit of a pickle!
04:59Wait a minute! Can't we talk this over?
05:05I like you! I like you! I really do!
05:14Put me down, fatso! Help!
05:20I joke! He's coming right at us!
05:22Yeah! Why is he picking on us?
05:27Gee! I feel like I'm flying!
05:35What am I doing here?
05:36Oh, hi! Glad to make your acquaintance!
05:44Hey, Crumden! Get me out of here!
05:47Come on! Now's our chance to get back to our balloon!
05:50Dash, no! They're hot before they get away again!
05:55Step on it, Hoppy! Crumden has spotted us!
05:58There they are! After them!
06:02They're gaining on us!
06:03We have to slow them down!
06:05Hey, look, Crumden! Here comes the paddy wagon again!
06:12Dash it all! Step on it, babbler!
06:29They're on our tail again, Hoppy! More speed!
06:35Now the blighters are in for a bit of a surprise!
06:38That's number eleven, smirky!
06:46Oh! That dastardly Crumden!
06:48Move up, Vinnie! Here it comes for another bite!
06:53Move up! Here it comes again!
06:55This is as far as I can go!
06:59Watch it! There's a canal just ahead!
07:02Too late!
07:03Buckle your safety belts! We're coming in for a landing!
07:10What a clever idea, Hoppy!
07:13Who, me?
07:15He won't outwit me! I shall press on!
07:20Press on with number four, button smirky!
07:28They're zeroing in on us!
07:30They're zeroing in on us!
07:32You mean, rocketing in on you!
07:34Press rocket release!
07:35Press rocket release!
07:41It's a rocket! A rocket!
07:43We'll be blown sky high!
07:46Look! The rocket's jammed into our stern, but didn't explode!
07:49Now what happens?
07:52I spoke too soon!
07:54Thanks, Crumden!
07:56Oh, what did I ever do to deserve this?
07:59Nothing can stop us now!
08:01Look out!
08:05Now what?
08:06Hang on! We're headed straight back towards the Imperial Gardens!
08:09Vinnie, look!
08:11A balloon! Quick! Everybody on board!
08:15We're free!
08:16Wait for me!
08:20Dash it all! They've eluded me once more!
08:25Too late, Crumden, but you're gonna get yours!
08:29I wonder what the Bounder meant by that?
08:31That's what he meant, Crumden!
08:36Tsk, tsk! Crumden should know better than to try to trespass in the Imperial Gardens!
08:41Yes, he should!
08:43It's all right, gentlemen!
08:45I can explain everything!
08:50Do you think they'll hold us for thirty days, Crumden?
08:53Thirty seconds with you is too long, you blithering baboon!
08:59You too! Repeat, baboon!
09:02And if the shoe fits, wear it!