• last year
(Adnkronos) - Il valore della produzione delle aziende di Trasporto Pubblico Locale cresce del 4,4% nel 2023, aumentano i flussi di investimento ma la crescita delle tariffe rispetto all’inflazione registra un timido 1,1% dal 2016. Sono in sintesi i dati presenti all’interno del sesto rapporto Intesa Sanpaolo – Asstra “Le performance delle imprese di trasporto pubblico locale”. Nonostante le imprese risentano ancora, a livello medio nazionale, di una riduzione strutturale di passeggeri rispetto al dato pre-Covid, i dati mostrano una progressiva ripresa: nel 2022 i passeggeri trasportati sono cresciuti del 31% rispetto al 2021, nel 2023 del 15% rispetto al 2022.Il rapporto presentato fotografa lo stato economico e finanziario delle aziende di trasporto del settore. Le sfide future riguarderanno la transizione energetica e il conseguente rinnovo delle flotte. L’innovazione è uno degli obiettivi principali delle aziende di trasporto pubblico locale. Come spiegato da Matteo Colamussi, presidente di Asstra Puglia, la regione del mezzogiorno potrebbe recitare un ruolo da protagonista in questo processo.


00:00The value of the production of public-local transport companies grows by 4.4% in 2023.
00:11Investment flows increase, but inflation-related growth records a shy 1.1% since 2016.
00:19In summary, data from the sixth St. Paul-Astra report on the performance of public-local transport companies are present.
00:27Despite the fact that companies still feel a structural reduction of passengers compared to the pre-COVID data,
00:34the data show a progressive recovery in 2022.
00:38Passengers transported grew by 31% compared to 2021, in 2023 by 15% compared to 2022.
00:47The trend gives a positive sign, but it is undeniable that there are problems.
00:53We have not yet reached the quota before 2019, especially in the suburban area.
00:59Today the big issue is to continue investments through the National Transport Fund.
01:06Ecological transition is important, it is one of the challenges of the country,
01:11especially with regard to the change of vehicles, but a reflection must be opened.
01:19It is not only important to buy vehicles, and this is what the government is doing with PNR investments,
01:26but it is also necessary to calculate management costs.
01:31A diesel bus does not have the same costs as an electric car in daily management.
01:38The report presented shows the economic and financial status of public-local transport companies.
01:44The future challenges will concern the energy transition and the subsequent renewal of the fleets.
01:49Public transport, in terms of energy transition, is important both for the ability to renew its own fleets,
01:59but also as a public service and as a way of moving the demand from private transport
02:08to public transport, which inevitably has a lower impact on the congestion of our roads, pollution and so on.
02:17Innovation is one of the main objectives of companies.
02:21As explained by Matteo Colamussi, president of Astra Puglia,
02:24the region of Mezzogiorno could play a leading role in this process.
02:29The Puglia region is the protagonist of a MASS,
02:34which is an innovative tool, a platform that will finally connect the various services offered.
02:41This is not only for the many tourists who increasingly flock to our region,
02:46but also for the many people who hope to use our vehicles again every year.
