Exciting times for the Chantry Quire as they embark on their 25th anniversary season, 2024-25.
00:00Good morning, my name is Phil Hewitt, Group Arts Editor at Sussex Newspapers. Really lovely
00:06to speak to Peter Orwood now. It's a very significant year for Chantry Choir, celebrating
00:12its 25th anniversary. And you came to the Choir, what, eight years ago? And the Choir
00:17is in a fantastic place, isn't it, by all the sound of it, as you celebrate this anniversary.
00:24It's a great year for the Choir. Yes, they're singing well. We've drawn together some strong
00:33singers from Sussex who really enjoy getting into some quite challenging music. And so
00:45we're able to put on some fairly enterprising... And you talk so enthusiastically about the
00:50Choir. What is it that you enjoy so very much about working with them?
00:54I love working with them because they're such enthusiastic singers. There are some super
00:58voices there. If they aren't quick sight readers, they are quick learners. And they take the
01:06music away and make sure that they do know the dots, so that when we arrive at rehearsal,
01:12we don't have to be note bashing. We can really be shaping the music. And that's a great
01:20advantage. And it means you can take on some really interesting pieces. So we're able to
01:26do some great programmes with this group. That's lovely. And when you think about the
01:30last few years we've had, then this anniversary becomes all the more significant, doesn't
01:35it? Choir's had a torrid time with the pandemic, but you've survived and you're flourishing.
01:40How did you manage to do that? How did you survive?
01:43The Choir were just so eager to come back after the pandemic. And it's not been the
01:49case with all Choirs, but they were so eager to come back and get singing again. And being
01:55a small Choir, we were able to fit into a large venue and work together at the earliest
02:02opportunity. And so I think that we picked up the cudgels pretty swiftly and got underway
02:09again. And the anniversary itself is a lovely opportunity
02:12to take stock, but also to look forward, isn't it?
02:15An anniversary is pretty random, really, isn't it, Phil? You pluck these things out of the
02:22air. All anniversaries are birthdays and so on. But nonetheless, it is a great opportunity,
02:28as you say, and it's a great chance just to bring people together. So we've invited former
02:35members of the Choir to come and join us for our special anniversary concert in March 2025,
02:41which is going to be held at Boxgrove Priory. And this is a performance of Monteverdi's
02:48amazing piece, The Vespers, which a lot of singers love but don't actually get much opportunity
02:57to sing. And so if we can bring together a group, we normally work with about 26 singers,
03:04but on this occasion, I'm hoping that we'll be working with well over 40, 40 to 50 singers.
03:11That's because it's a big piece, but it's also quite intricate at times and needs a good high
03:19level of musical understanding and appreciation to perform well.
03:23Absolutely. They enjoy the challenge, don't they?
03:27They do, they do. And we've got a great band together for this. I mean, the instrumental
03:32side of this, as you know, is not easy, the Monteverdi. And we've actually got the best
03:39cornet player, cornet with a double T, in the land, Jeremy West, to come and play for us. And
03:47he's bringing the band together. So he tells me he's got some very exciting players of national
03:53standing to come and join us on that occasion. And we'll have some very fine solos too. So
03:58I'm really hoping that this will be a great focus of the Choir's work.
04:03It sounds a lovely celebration. Congratulations on the anniversary and all good wishes for the
04:09season ahead. Lovely to speak to you. Thank you.
04:11Thank you. Thank you, Phil.