• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Per l'Organizzazione mondiale della sanità una delle strategie da utilizzare nel contrasto all'antibiotico resistenza è la vaccinazione".

Così Massimo Andreoni, professore emerito di Malattie infettive dell'Università di Roma Tor Vergata e direttore scientifico della Società italiana di malattie infettive tropicali (Simit), nel suo intervento in occasione del focus 'Prevenzione e vaccini' nell’ambito del convegno "Health Innovation Show 2024" promosso da Mesit Fondazione medicina sociale e innovazione tecnologica a Roma in collaborazione con Altems, Ceis e Innovazione&Salute Roma3 e anche con il contributo non condizionato di Sanofi e Gilead.


00:00According to the World Health Organization, one of the strategies to be used in contrast to
00:10antibiotic resistance are vaccinations. This is because, obviously, by vaccinating ourselves and not
00:16having respiratory infections, which are the ones that we most frequently encounter and
00:23which often lead to the use of antibiotics erroneously, because they are in most
00:28cases viral infections, well, vaccination, preventing these cases, greatly reduces
00:36the inappropriate use of antibiotics. Today we have several vaccines that can be
00:43inserted in this area, in addition to the influenza one and the one for Covid that we know very well,
00:49there is also the possibility of using the vaccine for the syncytial respiratory virus,
00:55which is one of the viruses most involved with respiratory infections,
01:00especially in the autumn and winter period. So vaccinating ourselves allows us not to take
01:06antibiotics erroneously and to create microorganisms within our body,
01:13bacteria that are antibiotic resistant, which will therefore determine great problems
01:18if we go against these infections.
