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El Ángel de Aurora Capitulo 76 Completo HD
El Ángel de Aurora Capitulo 77 Completo HD
El Ángel de Aurora Capitulo 78 Completo HD
El Ángel de Aurora Capitulo 76 Completo HD
El Ángel de Aurora Capitulo 76 Completo HD
00:10Una reina sola
00:12No, sir. No para nada en eso te estás convirtiendo y es a ver
00:17No, nada una sola
00:19que se va a hundir en su propio lodo
00:23Yo no quiero que me arrastres contigo
00:26Si hubiera sabido que ibas a salir igual que tu padre
00:31Ni siquiera me hubiera tomado la molestia de parirte
00:37Tú no eres un campero
00:45Piensa bien las cosas no te conviene estar en mi contra
00:55Yo no soy una reina sola
00:57Cassandra necesitamos hablar con la señora por favor
00:59Cassandra, Cassandra por favor
01:01¿Cómo se atreven a entrar así? ¿Qué quieren?
01:03Necesitamos platicar sobre lo que pasó con Canutos
01:11Aurora, ni siquiera pudiste estar en nuestra boda por irte a conmigo
01:13No, no, no, no, no, no
01:15No, no, no, no, no, no
01:17No, no, no, no, no
01:19No, no, no, no, no
01:21No, no, no, no
01:23Ni siquiera pudiste estar en nuestra boda por irte a consolar a Ángel
01:27Dudo que estuvieras al lado de Demián en otros momentos cuando te necesitaba
01:33Y tristemente en eso Demián y yo nos identificamos
01:35Elena por favor, no es forma de hablarle a Aurora
01:37Estoy diciendo lo que siento papá
01:39Y ya no soy una niña para que me digas que puedo decir y que no
01:43Ustedes se la han pasado cuidando a un desconocido
01:47Díganme, ¿qué hizo Ángel para ganárselos y que se la pasen comiendo de su mano?
01:49Porque de verdad
01:51¿Quién te envenenó el alma con estas ideas?
01:53Nadie, nadie me envenenó
01:55Con tus acciones y las de Aurora, tengo todo claro
01:57Elena, por favor
01:59Déjala, déjala, déjala
02:03Elena sigue muy dolida y no la juzgo
02:05Después de todo lo que pasó
02:07Disculpa Aurora, yo voy a hablar con ella
02:13Julio, a ver Julio
02:15Tú sabes por qué fui con Ángel
02:19No fue culpable como lo mostró el video
02:25Ante pruebas no hay engaños
02:29Tú y yo también hemos tenido problemas
02:31Por tu obsesión
02:33Por cuidar a Ángel como si fuera tu hijo
02:37Él ya no está entrando en una etapa
02:39Muy difícil, complicada
02:41No tiene una madre
02:43Y perdóname
02:45Pero Antonio tampoco ha sido el padre del año, ¿no?
02:49Julio, el día de la boda yo tenía que saber la verdad
02:53Ángel estaba muy afectado
02:55¿Y tú crees que para Elena fue muy fácil?
03:01¿Usted fue la culpable de que mi amigo Carlos se suicidara?
03:05Yo no soy culpable de nada
03:07Lárguense, ahorita mismo le hablo a seguridad
03:09No nos vamos a ir hasta que no hablemos de Carlitos
03:13Y más vale que nos vaya contando
03:15Porque de una vez le digo
03:17Nosotros sabemos muchas cosas
03:23Casandra, déjanos solos, por favor
03:25Sí, Casandra, déjanos solos, por favor
03:27Sí, Casandra, déjanos solos, por favor
03:39Usted manipuló a Carlos
03:41Le destrozó la autoestima
03:43Y por eso él se suicidó
03:45Y no vamos a permitir que haga lo mismo con Luis Alberto
03:49No tengo idea de las estupideces que dicen
03:53Pero los voy a demandar
03:55Por difamación y por violencia de género
03:57No, señora
03:59Nosotros no la estamos violentando
04:01Ni tampoco la estamos difamando
04:03Y vaya a la policía
04:05Va a ser interesante saber qué es lo que tiene que decir sobre Carlos
04:09Y debería de ir
04:11Para que la policía ve los mensajes de una vez
04:21¿Pero qué te pasa, Cassie?
04:23No es que ya se armó, doña Espe
04:25Ya se armó
04:27¿Qué se armó? No te entiendo
04:29Se armó la Gresca
04:31¿Qué Gresca?
04:33La bronca, la pendencia, la bulla, la pelotera, doña Espe
04:35Ahora sí va a correr sangre
04:37A ver, a ver, Cassie, me está muy nerviosa
04:39¿De qué está hablando?
04:41Ay, no, no, seguramente para estos momentos
04:43Aquiles y Glorio ya deben de estar muertos
04:49Pues oye, qué bueno que convenciste a tu jefe, carnal
04:51Yo creo que está muy alterado
04:53Por todo lo que está pasando
04:55De plano le diga que ya no hay ver con el Pintas
04:59No sé, me da miedo que le vaya a pasar algo
05:01Lo veo tan mal a mi jefe
05:05¿Y tú cómo estás?
05:07A ti no te veo tan achicopalado
05:09Ay, carnal, pues no tengo de otra
05:11A mí me tiene mi Anita
05:13El Rolas y mi jefe
05:15Si yo me caigo, me deprimo, mi familia se va al traste
05:17Eso sí, carnal
05:19Oye, pero ¿qué pasó con la Elena?
05:21Ya sé que en la iglesia no pudimos hacer mucho
05:23Pero ya pudiste hablar con ella, ya le explicaste
05:25Qué show, las cosas
05:29Ella hace que a Sueño se dio la oportunidad de escucharme
05:33¿Saben qué es lo que me cuesta trabajo creer?
05:35Cómo ella me olvidó tan rápido
05:37O sea, como si no fuera nada
05:39No, pero bueno, vamos a meterle
05:41Que se nos hace tarde
05:43Dale, pues
05:47¿De qué mensajes están hablando?
05:51De unos que vimos en el celular de Carlos
05:55¡Qué mentirosos son!
05:57La mamá de Carlos jamás les dio su celular
06:01Y están tratando de culparme de algo que yo
06:03No tengo nada que ver
06:05Y les advierto, esto va a tener consecuencias
06:07Y muy graves
06:09¿Quién entró a mi oficina, Casandra?
06:13¿A quién dejaste entrar?
06:17¿Fueron ustedes los que entraron a mi oficina?
06:19No, nosotros nunca entramos
06:23Y tú eres el que está alborotando el gallinero, ¿verdad?
06:27Seños y señoritas
06:29Disculpe el atrevimiento
06:31Patron, hay que saber
06:33Que los empleados y uno
06:35Le hicimos en honor una danza
06:37¡Échame la música, por favor!
06:47Claro, tú fuiste el que entró a mi oficina
06:51Yo no sé de qué me está hablando, señora
06:53Pero no vamos a permitir que lleve por el mismo camino
06:55A Luis Alberto
06:57Por el mismo camino que llevó a Carlitos
06:59Un par de estúpidos
07:03Están despedidos
07:07Dile a Brianna que prepare la liquidación de...
07:09¿Cómo se llaman?
07:11De estos dos imbéciles
07:13Que están adentro de mi oficina
07:15No los quiero volver a ver en mi empresa
07:25¿Dónde estás?
07:27¿Por qué no estás en la oficina?
07:29Me urge verte
07:37¿Dónde estás?
07:43Un día de estos me voy a cansar de ti
07:45De mi almohada
07:53Ay, Cassandra
07:57Es que yo...
07:59No puedo ser papá de nadie, Cassandra
08:01No puedo
08:09Tú sabes que llevo conociendo a Demian
08:11En el mismo tiempo que tú
08:13Por eso
08:15Y solo por eso
08:17Nos pareció sorpresivo que le dejaran la presidencia a Aurora
08:19Pero aún más, mi amor
08:21Que se vayan a vivir a las flores
08:23Ya lo hablé con Demian
08:25Y estamos de acuerdo en irnos
08:27De hecho, yo le pedí que así lo hiciéramos
08:31¿Por qué no se toman las cosas con calma?
08:33Retomen el plan, mi amor
08:35Váyanse de luna de miel
08:37Piensen mejor las cosas
08:39No tengo tiempo para eso
08:41Dejé muchos pendientes y quiero terminarlos antes de mudarnos
08:45Tú tienes un problema conmigo
08:49Estás molesta conmigo
08:51De hecho
08:53Estás enojada también con Aurora
08:57Por lo de Ángel
08:59Ay, papá, ya no quiero hablar de Ángel
09:01Soy una mujer casada
09:03No me respetes, mi vida
09:05Ángel ya quedó en el pasado
09:07Pero si para ustedes dos
09:09Es el centro de sus vidas
09:11¿Entiendan que para mí no?
09:13No, tú eres el centro de mi vida, mi amor
09:19Algún día
09:21Te contaré las razones
09:23Por las que estoy ayudando a Ángel
09:25Perdón, papá
09:27Pero tengo cosas que hacer
09:31¿Puedo hablar contigo?
09:41Te brillaron los ojos, ¿verdad?
09:43Ahí están, veinte mil del águila
09:45Para que no te queden ceguetas
09:47Los otros veinte mil
09:49Y la otra mitad para cuando terminen
09:51El business, el trabajo
09:53Y esta vez no quiero fallas
09:55Ustedes se encargan de golpearlo
09:57Y cuando acaben
09:59El Pintas
10:01El Pintas lo va a mandar al cielo
10:05Órale, sale, sagrada
10:07Espero que
10:09Con la decisión de Demián
10:11Entiendas que tu sobrino
10:13No tiene nada en contra tuya
10:15Al contrario, Demián te apoya
10:17Por favor, no quiero que hablamos de Ángel
10:21No vine a hablar de Ángel, Elena
10:23Elena, te quiero decir algo
10:25No quería entrar a la junta
10:27Pensé que a eso venías
10:29Porque tanto tú como mi papá no tienen otro tema de conversación
10:33Creo que estás confundiendo las cosas
10:37Se te olvida que he estado contigo todo este tiempo
10:39Has tenido mi apoyo incondicional
10:43Te he defendido de Isabel y de Demián en su momento
10:47Y he estado a tu lado a veces
10:49Hasta en contra de mi propio papá
10:51Hija, no me digas hija
10:53Solo vine a comunicarte
10:55Que el proyecto de videojuego
10:57Está cancelado
11:01¿Y si piden las cámaras de seguridad?
11:03No, doña Espen, no la hagas
11:05Se nos armaría, pero regacho
11:07Florito, amigo, tranquilo
11:09Si nos corren, te lo juro que vamos a encontrar trabajo
11:11¿Qué le voy a decir a mi mamá?
11:13¿Que me corrieron por andar de espía y de chismoso?
11:15Bueno, yo insisto
11:17Nos van a ver a todos en las cámaras
11:19Y nos van a correr
11:21Las van borrando cada mes
11:23Bueno, ¿y qué van a hacer ahora sin trabajo?
11:25Bueno, ya encontraríamos eso, seguro
11:29Mi mamá me va a poner en una tunda
11:31De esa que no me deja sentarme en días
11:33¿De verdad todavía te pegan, Glorio?
11:35Sí, más o menos
11:39¿Sí? Dime, Isabel
11:43Sí, sí, voy para allá
11:47Me quiere en su oficina de inmediato
11:51Ese proyecto ya estaba autorizado, Aurora
11:53¿Sabes cuánto he trabajado en esto?
11:57Esto no es personal
11:59Tiene que ver con el costo-beneficio
12:01Es un proyecto que es demasiado caro
12:03Esos presupuestos fueron revisados y aprobados
12:05Yo no los revisé porque estaba en la dirección regional
12:09La decisión no es solamente tuya
12:17Aurora decidió cancelar el proyecto de videojuegos
12:19Ya estaba aprobado por la junta directiva
12:23Yo estoy de acuerdo con mi tía
12:25Elena, era un presupuesto muy alto para el beneficio
12:29¿Podemos hacer una reestructuración?
12:31No, no es necesario
12:33Estamos haciendo negocios
12:37Y si esta decisión es por el bien de la empresa
12:39Pues no hay nada más que hablar
12:41Pero Demian, no podemos cancelar el proyecto
12:43Lo hablamos en la casa, ¿sí?
12:45Hablamos más tarde
12:49Podemos hablar tú y yo en la casa
12:59Wow, wow, ten cuidado
13:01No querrás pintarte por accidente
13:07Justo el tono que te pedí
13:09Excelente trabajo
13:15No, ni te sientes
13:17Yo necesito la vida y necesito la verdad
13:21¿Entonces nadie entró a mi oficina aquella vez?
13:25No, nadie, seguro
13:29Además de tonta, mentirosa
13:33¿Dejaste entrar a ese par de imbéciles?
13:35No, yo nunca dejé entrar a nadie
13:39¿Y qué querían? ¿Qué estaban buscando?
13:43Le dijiste a Aurora y a Julio César lo que escuchaste aquí en mi oficina, ¿verdad?
13:47No, yo no sé a qué se refiere
13:49Este es tu último día en la oficina, Cassandra
13:51No te quiero volver a ver aquí
13:55Lo siento, señora Isabel
13:59Puedo dejar de ser su asistente si quiere
14:01Pero no puede despedirme
14:03¿Y por qué no?
14:05Agarra tus cosas y te largas ahorita mismo
14:07Lo tiene que decir la señora Aurora
14:09Usted no me puede despedir estando embarazada
14:15Sí, estoy esperando un hijo de él
14:23Amiga, creo que estás viendo enemigos donde no los hay
14:25Lo del presupuesto no lo había revisado, Aurora
14:27Ya no sé ni qué pensar
14:31Siento que todos están en mi contra, hasta el mismo Demián
14:33¿Y por qué tu marido estaría en tu contra?
14:37Decidió de manera abrupta cederle la dirección a la empresa a Aurora
14:39Cuando él mismo hizo todo lo posible para que la sacaran
14:41Tengo la impresión de que ahora es cuando lo vas a conocer realmente
14:53¡Chiquititos! ¡Qué gusto verlos!
14:55No sabes la lata que me dieron para que viniéramos
14:59¿Cómo estás, mi niña hermosa?
15:01¿Y tú, Rolitas?
15:03Vinimos por ti para llevarte a comer quesadillas
15:05al puesto que era de mi jefa
15:07Por favor
15:09El contrato está a nombre de Romualdo García
15:11Y aquí está la copia de su credencial de elector
15:13Sí, es él
15:15Si lo llega a ver, debe comunicarse con nosotros de manera inmediata
15:19Soy Ángel Santos
15:21La persona que hizo la denuncia en contra del Pintas por el cargo de homicidio
15:23Estamos haciendo un registro de sus cosas
15:25Para ver si encontramos alguna pista
15:27Pero nos dice el dueño de la casa
15:29Que no se puede encontrar
15:31¿Y qué pasa?
15:33¿Qué pasa?
15:35¿Qué pasa?
15:37No, no hay ninguna pista
15:39Pero nos dice el dueño que desde hace días no viene
15:41Mis compas también están dispuestos a declarar en su contra
15:43Así es, señor
15:45Titi tiene información, que estoy seguro les puede servir
15:47Pongan todo como estaba
15:49Ese tipo puede regresar
15:51Y a ustedes les voy a tomar su declaración
15:55Perfecto, señor
15:57Estamos seguros que el Pintas fue el que mató a nuestro compa Mario
15:59No solo lo estamos investigando por el delito que le imputan
16:01También Romualdo es el presunto violador
16:03de la señora Aurora Campero
16:05I thought you were gone, Antonio.
16:08Julio told me you wanted to talk to us.
16:10Yes, yes, yes, please take a seat.
16:13It's better if it's important.
16:16Because I have to move forward with the changes,
16:20with the statute that Demian asked me for.
16:23I don't think there's anything more important.
16:26Well, I asked you to be here because I don't want you to be alone.
16:29And I don't want you to have misunderstandings either.
16:32We can avoid all misunderstandings
16:35if you stop using Ángel to get Aurora's attention.
16:38Enough, enough, enough, please.
16:41What do you have to tell us, Antonio?
16:44I made you a promise, right?
16:46A promise that I have to talk to you about.
16:49Is it about Gabriel?
16:51I don't want to talk about Gabriel.
16:54I don't want to talk about Gabriel.
16:57Is it about Gabriel?
17:01You found him.
17:04You found my son.
17:26You found my son.
17:28You found my son.
17:30You found my son.
17:32You found my son.
17:34You found my son.
17:36You found my son.
17:38You found my son.
17:40You found my son.
17:42You found my son.
17:44You found my son.
17:46You found my son.
17:48You found my son.
17:50You found my son.
17:52You found my son.
17:54You found my son.
17:56You found my son.
17:58You found my son.
18:00You found my son.
18:02You found my son.
18:04You found my son.
18:06You found my son.
18:08You found my son.
18:10You found my son.
18:12You found my son.
18:14You found my son.
18:16You found my son.
18:18You found my son.
18:20You found my son.
18:22You found my son.
18:24You found my son.
18:26You found my son.
18:28You found my son.
18:30You found my son.
18:32You found my son.
18:34You found my son.
18:36You found my son.
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18:44You found my son.
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18:52You found my son.
18:54You found my son.
18:56You found my son.
18:58You found my son.
19:00You found my son.
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19:22You found my son.
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19:52You found my son.
19:54You found my son.
19:56You found my son.
19:58You found my son.
20:00You found my son.
20:02You found my son.
20:04You found my son.
20:06You found my son.
20:08You found my son.
20:10You found my son.
20:12You found my son.
20:14You found my son.
20:16You found my son.
20:18You found my son.
20:20You found my son.
20:22You found my son.
20:24You found my son.
20:26You found my son.
20:28You found my son.
20:30You found my son.
20:32You found my son.
20:34You found my son.
20:36You found my son.
20:38You found my son.
20:40You found my son.
20:42You found my son.
20:44You found my son.
20:46You found my son.
20:48You found my son.
20:50You found my son.
20:52You found my son.
20:54You found my son.
20:56¿Después de todo lo que hice
20:58por ti, me tratas así?
21:00Si vuelves a asomar tu horrenda cara
21:02por esa puerta, te voy a matar.
21:05Tú eres madre, Isabel.
21:07Me cuesta creer
21:09que alguna vez te hayas dado cuenta
21:12que dar vida, tener un hijo
21:14es la bendición más grande.
21:16Ay, no seas ridícula, por el amor de Dios.
21:18Si quisiera oir cursilerías,
21:20le hablo a Aurora.
21:34It's amazing to work here.
21:36It's an excellent work environment.
21:38Thank you for convincing my dad.
21:44You'd better not betray me either.
21:54I understand it's going to be a shock for Gabriel,
21:58but I want to know more.
21:59Okay, okay. Sit down. Calm down.
22:03Did you see him?
22:05Did you talk to Gabriel?
22:07Wait a second.
22:09Angel, are you okay?
22:11More or less, Mr. Antonio.
22:13I left the office because the police found out
22:15where Pintas lives.
22:16Angel, don't do that.
22:17Let the police do their job.
22:19Don't risk it.
22:22I didn't want to worry you.
22:24I heard something.
22:26Did you know Pintas is also accused
22:28of raping Ms. Aurora?
22:30Wait, Angel. I'll put you on speaker.
22:32I'm with Aurora and Mr. Orrel.
22:40Ms. Aurora, the police found out where Pintas lives.
22:47The bastard who killed Rolas' father, El Morro.
22:50But he's also accused of something else.
22:54He's the man who raped you, Ms. Aurora.
22:57You said it was Pintas.
23:00Are we talking about two people?
23:02Because in Aurora's case,
23:05we're talking about Romualdo or Juventino.
23:08Yes, they're the same person.
23:11Pintas' name is Juventino Macias.
23:14Well, kids, in view of the success we've had,
23:18we're going to break a cup and...
23:20Everyone to their own house?
23:23You know I can make quesadillas too?
23:26And not just that, I can also make pambazos, gorditas, sopes.
23:31So you're going to take my job away?
23:34How about we ask May for permission and I'll show you?
23:37So you're going to go?
23:40I'm going to show you how to make quesadillas.
23:42So you're going to go?
23:44But only if Maggie lets us make some with cheese
23:47and some with pumpkin flowers and salsa.
23:49Come on, Maggie, please, please, please.
23:52Hey, don't you have an appointment with Mr. Demian?
23:55Don't worry about that.
23:57The truth is that they came and the day lit up for me.
24:00Hey, no, but we don't want to cause you any trouble either.
24:04Oh, look, they canceled a project without telling me
24:07that I didn't cancel an appointment.
24:17Ángel, come to your house.
24:18I'll catch up to you there.
24:19Just go to the construction site for my dad
24:21and we'll go there.
24:25I'm about to find my son and the man who changed my life,
24:30just thinking that he was so close to...
24:32Yeah, yeah, yeah, don't worry.
24:34I don't think this is a coincidence, OK?
24:39I don't understand you, Julio.
24:41That man, El Pintas,
24:43I think he's also been after Ángel
24:46because we found him at his house.
24:48Do you remember?
24:49Elena once told me about him.
24:51El Pintas, you said?
24:52Yes, that's what I said.
24:54El Pintas, who argued with him at Ángel's house.
24:58He's a friend of Mrs. Victoria and Mr. Pascual.
25:02He gave me the impression that he's known them for a long time
25:07I don't know, I found it very strange
25:09that he's not a good person.
25:11Well, then Mr. Pascual does know him.
25:14When I asked him about Romualdo, he said no.
25:17It's best to wait.
25:18We have to catch him.
25:21I'm going to catch Ángel.
25:22Excuse me.
25:27You can't believe it, Julio.
25:29They're finally going to catch that monster.
25:33But most importantly, I'm about to meet my son.
25:43I'm very angry with you.
25:45Because you've been very close to those two clowns
25:47that I just chased and it's not okay.
25:51Do you mean Glorio and Aquiles?
25:53Did you chase them?
25:56You shouldn't care.
25:57Look at you, you're a young man,
26:00a millionaire,
26:01you don't have to hang out with a couple of scandalous chickens.
26:05They're two useless people
26:06and since they have nothing better to do,
26:08now they're accusing me of the death of one of their colleagues.
26:13I understand that they are somewhat impulsive,
26:16but I didn't think they would tell you anything about Carlos.
26:18That's why.
26:19Don't hang out with them.
26:20They don't know what to lie about or what to make up.
26:24But did you hang out with Carlos?
26:30I don't hang out with employees anymore.
26:33But Isabel, Edgar is your employee.
26:37And now me too.
26:39I'm asking you a favor.
26:41Don't make me angry, okay?
26:46Did you know they broke into my office?
26:49No, Isabel.
26:52I mean, and your friends didn't tell you anything
26:54about Carlos' messages either?
26:56They didn't tell me anything.
27:24That happens when you don't think about the consequences, Aquiles.
27:28What if it wasn't me?
27:29Why are you scolding me?
27:30Also shout at Glorio.
27:31Luisillo, my mom is going to hit me
27:33because they fired me from work.
27:35Give me a hand, don't be bad.
27:36Wait a minute, don't hang up.
27:38Guicho, Elena is going to come with us to sell quesadillas.
27:41Isn't she coming?
27:43Can I take Glorio and Aquiles?
27:45Clarín, we put them to wash dishes and they always need hands.
27:50Aquiles, I'll see you at Maggie's house.
27:52I have a business to propose to you.
27:54Okay, are you ready?
27:55Because we still have to change, my love.
27:58Demian, I want to talk about what happened
28:00at the meeting with Aurora.
28:02Yes, we'll talk about it at the meeting.
28:04What's wrong?
28:06Nothing, my love, it's just that it's getting late.
28:09Did you argue with your mom about the presidency?
28:12I argue with her every day.
28:14Let's go.
28:17Demian, I'm not going to the meeting.
28:22Maggie came with the kids and I'm going to go with her to her house.
28:26This is an important meeting.
28:28Elena, I'm going to introduce you to key people.
28:32It will be another time, yes.
28:35We can talk about another date at night.
28:38Thanks for understanding.
28:39See you at the house.
28:54Beautiful old woman.
28:56I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
28:59I'm sorry.
29:01I'm sorry.
29:03I'm sorry.
29:05I'm sorry.
29:07I'm sorry.
29:08I'm sorry.
29:10Beautiful old woman.
29:13I had to get back from work because
29:17I couldn't go on.
29:19It's just that
29:22I don't know how to live without you, old woman.
29:32Everything reminds me of you, my love.
29:37And I don't know what to do anymore.
29:40Why did you have to die, Victoria?
29:48Why did you leave me alone?
29:52Oh, Pascual.
29:54You don't know how happy and full I have been by your side.
30:02You gave me the two greatest
30:06joys of my life.
30:13And with you,
30:15with you I have lived an endless adventure, Pascual.
30:21And the ones we are missing, my beautiful old woman.
30:26You're going to get well.
30:28We're going to dance again like the day we got married, remember?
30:32Save them for later, old man.
30:34It's just that I can't, my old woman.
30:37The scare has always been the strongest.
30:42I can't.
30:44I can't.
30:46I can't.
31:10I'm going to kill you, you know that!
31:12I have no other reason!
31:16I have no other reason!
31:19Come on, come on!
31:20You're the ones who have already been buried. Come on, come on!
31:25You're dead, my love.
31:31Now you're dead.
31:36You're dead, my little angel.
31:40You're going to pay for what you did to Rolas.
31:43What did you say to Mrs. Aurora?
31:46We've already reported you, Pintas.
31:48They're going to catch you.
31:54Come on, get in!
31:58Take my hand off!
32:00Take my hand off!
32:04Let go of my hand, you bastards!
32:06And you came out just like your father.
32:10Very good for the arms.
32:12It's a shame that your time has come.
32:15Leave him alone, dad.
32:17I'm going to kill you!
32:28Please don't go.
32:30This is your house, Julio Cesar Díaz.
32:32They can't sell this house.
32:34Think about your nephew.
32:36He's just starting his marital life.
32:39Demian has decided to move to the Flower House.
32:42So don't try to blackmail me with that.
32:45You think I don't support you and that I don't care,
32:48but I already submitted my statement.
32:51Aurora, that man is about to be caught.
32:54He lied to us all.
32:56He approached me and asked me for a job.
32:58And I don't think he was the only one who sent the anonymous.
33:02It could also be who sent those men to hurt you again.
33:08I have a horrible feeling.
33:10Do you feel bad?
33:12Are you okay?
33:14No, I don't feel bad.
33:22Now that you're up there,
33:26take care of our children.
33:30Don't let anything bad happen to them.
33:35Look at me!
33:37You can only do this, you scoundrel!
33:39You can't do this!
33:41Oh, you're greeting my son-in-law,
33:43and also my comrade!
33:46Take care of yourself, you bastard.
33:49I'm going to cut your wings, little angel.
33:58You're going to die, you bastard!
34:00You're going to die!
34:02You're going to die!
34:07You don't give up, do you?
34:11Because if the memory is sweeter.
34:17Let's go!
34:19Let's go!
34:21Let's go!
34:23Let's go!
34:25Let's go!
34:27Let's go!
34:29Call an ambulance, please.
34:33Run, coward!
34:36We're going to catch you, Pintas!
34:40You have to relax, you're very stressed.
34:42Yes, be calm for your heart.
34:46Oh, really, don't be a hypocrite.
34:49What do you care about my health?
34:51Hey, don't say that.
34:53Of course I care about your health.
34:56Oh, Aurora, come on.
34:58Don't sell your part of the house.
35:01Think about it.
35:03Or at least remember that,
35:05by law, Demian and I,
35:07you can consider us as the first options to buy it.
35:11Because, as I say, we are family.
35:14We have already started the procedures
35:16so that the buyer of the Aurora part
35:18is Gabriel.
35:30I've been knocking for about ten minutes and nothing.
35:33Have you seen Edgar?
35:35He hasn't come here, he doesn't answer my messages either.
35:38Why? Do you think something happened to him?
35:41No, I don't know.
35:43But I'm going to ask the guard to let me in the house.
35:46I'm going there.
35:50Come on, get in!
35:56Come on, get in, bro!
35:58Come on, get in!
36:00Come on, get in!
36:02Be careful.
36:04It's done, Gandayas.
36:06Let's pay the blind man a visit.
36:10Mugres, cuintles, soplón, chivato.
36:15You know what?
36:17I think it's an excellent decision.
36:19What decision are we talking about?
36:21Oh, that your aunt decided who was going to sell her part of the house.
36:27Like this.
36:29To your cousin Gabriel.
36:31Aunt, why are you doing this?
36:36Why? Because he's my heir.
36:40So you're going to leave the house?
36:42Because I thought you had done it because you were angry.
36:45No, we're going to my house for now.
36:47It's the best, right?
36:49I can't live with your mom anymore.
36:53I'm tired of your manipulations.
36:57That you cheat on me, that you hide things from me.
37:00I should have put a stop to you a long time ago.
37:03I just have to tell you that if I find out
37:06that you were in cahoots with Rucha,
37:08I'm not going to touch my heart.
37:11And I'm going to put you in jail.
37:13How can you say something like that?
37:16If that's what you think of me, Miriam, go away.
37:19Well, that's what I'm doing.
37:21And can you save that it's an excellent idea
37:24that Gabriel stays with the house?
37:26Yes? Because I don't believe you.
37:28Okay, I'll save it.
37:30But you're wrong, because I'm happy.
37:35You are unable to rejoice over the well-being of others.
37:39You are not happy that I can find my son.
37:42And also, your mother is not happy
37:45that you give up the company.
37:47Because everything is a lie.
37:49It's part of a huge lie
37:51that you have armed with your manipulations.
37:54But it's over.
37:57My love, let's go, because I really have nothing to say here.
38:00I know it's not a good time, but...
38:04Can we talk, please?
38:07I need to tell you.
38:09I don't believe you either.
38:11I'm sorry, but it seems to me
38:13that you and your mother are planning something
38:15and I prefer not to get involved with you anymore.
38:19Let's go.
38:25Damn bitch.
38:27Of course you're going to find your son, but dead.
38:31You'll see what I'm going to do to your son.
38:33I don't care.
38:35Shut up.
38:36I don't want to know about you.
38:38I don't want to know about you, I don't want to know about your plans.
38:40I don't care.
38:41And what do you think, Mom?
38:42The next one to leave the house is me.
38:43You can stay and enjoy your solitude.
38:54The ones who attacked me were El Pintas and his accomplices.
38:57They call them Bumpy and Wahwee.
39:00Understood, Mr. Santos.
39:02We'll let him rest.
39:05But make sure we catch Juventino, alias El Pintas, as soon as possible.
39:12Excuse me.
39:14Let's go.
39:20Damn Pintas.
39:22You're going to pay for everything you've done.
39:25Boss, I have to talk to you.
39:30Aurora, they attacked Angel.
39:32God, what did they do to him?
39:34How is he?
39:36Baby, now he's fine.
39:38He came out of surgery, but...
39:40I think it's best if you don't come.
39:42He's resting, but come.
39:46Antonio, I had already thought about it, but...
39:49I want you to be honest with me.
39:51You're not looking for Gabriel, are you?
39:54You already found him.
40:01I barely managed to get Cleme to give me these papers.
40:04Are we leaving?
40:06Honey, Angel came again.
40:08What happened?
40:10I can't believe this is happening again.
40:12How could I hate Angel so much?
40:14Let's go, honey.
40:16We have to go to the hospital.
40:18No, no, no.
40:20We have nothing to do there.
40:22Julio, it's Angel.
40:24He needs me.
40:26That's what I'm telling you.
40:28It's Angel, not Gabriel.
40:30No, it's your son.
40:32It was enough for you to take care of that boy
40:34as if he were part of your family.
40:36He has his father, Antonio.
40:38Let them solve their problems.
40:40No more.
40:42No more, really.
40:44I let you pass the wedding, but no more.
40:46You have to let Angel
40:48do his life on his own.
40:50I need you here.
40:54Two of mushrooms, please.
40:56Of course.
40:58Two of mushrooms are coming out.
41:00Why don't you rent a place, Maria?
41:02You could even put up a sign.
41:04I did think about it,
41:06but I don't want to take the job.
41:08It's Mrs. Vicky's legacy.
41:10Besides, I already asked the owner for permission
41:12and the clients already know here.
41:14I don't know.
41:16Yes, yes.
41:18I'll be right back.
41:20Good evening.
41:22Two of chicken.
41:24Of course.
41:27Here you go.
41:30Good evening, blondie.
41:31Ex-girlfriend of the little angel.