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Amor Amargo Capitulo 7 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 8 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 9 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 7 Completo HD
00:00:00♪ Amor amargo. ♪
00:00:09Con ella es con quien tiene que hablar, señor Jiménez,
00:00:12con la nueva directora de la fábrica.
00:00:27Hola, Gabriela.
00:00:30No sabía que estabas al frente de la empresa.
00:00:33Sí, acabo de asumir el puesto.
00:00:42Qué bien.
00:00:44Qué bien que sea mucho más fácil
00:00:46llegar a un arreglo contigo.
00:00:52Espero que así sea por el bien de la fábrica.
00:00:55¿En qué te puedo ayudar?
00:00:58Parece que este señor no entiende
00:01:00que en este pueblo no son bienvenidos.
00:01:03Abuela, yo me encargo de atender a los señores.
00:01:06Por favor, acompáñeme a la sala de juntas.
00:01:09Guillermo, acompaña a Gabriela.
00:01:11Sí, te amo.
00:01:15Por aquí, por favor.
00:01:19En unos segundos estoy con ustedes.
00:01:22Quiero hablar algo con tu abuela, si me lo permites.
00:01:25¿Por qué no nos vemos?
00:01:42No son de por acá, ¿verdad?
00:01:44Nunca las había visto.
00:01:46¿Necesitan algo?
00:01:47No, estamos bien.
00:01:49A sus órdenes, Julio.
00:01:53¿Y ustedes?
00:01:56Ay, mamá, fuiste muy grosera, ¿por qué no saludas?
00:02:00¿Qué, no lo estás viendo, mijita?
00:02:02Se ve y parece maleante.
00:02:04¿Tú crees?
00:02:05Estoy fastidiada.
00:02:06Y nada más el muladar al que nos trajo el naco
00:02:09venido a más de Jaime.
00:02:10No, mamá, no le llames así.
00:02:11Acaba de morir.
00:02:12Gracias a Dios.
00:02:14Me alegro que se haya ido de este mundo.
00:02:16Ya no soportaba ni su olor.
00:02:18Lo mejor que nos pudo pasar es que Jaime y la tal Beatriz,
00:02:21su amante, estén muertos.
00:02:25¿Qué pretende con esta jugada, señora?
00:02:27¿Utilizar de escudo a su nieta?
00:02:29Ya me va conociendo.
00:02:31Después de nuestro último encuentro,
00:02:33creí que se iría de todos los santos,
00:02:36pero usted es de los aferrados.
00:02:39A mí no me va a amedrentar, y eso que le quede muy claro.
00:02:44Gabriela, es muy importante para mí.
00:02:50Buena jugada, señora Buena, pero yo también soy buen jugador.
00:02:55De mi nieta, manténgase alejado.
00:02:59Yo decido si me acerco o me alejo.
00:03:01No me dé órdenes.
00:03:03Yo vengo por usted a desenmascarar su maldad.
00:03:07A hacerle pagar lo que le hizo a mi padre.
00:03:15Bueno, señoras y señores,
00:03:18bueno, señores, los escuchamos.
00:03:21Guillermo, gracias por tu apoyo,
00:03:23pero yo me voy a encargar de la junta.
00:03:25Ah, pensé que mis ideas iban a ser valoradas.
00:03:30No, creo que no me entendiste.
00:03:32Que me dejes a solas con ellos.
00:03:48Te están esperando en la sala de juntas.
00:03:52Por el bien de todos, espero que...
00:03:56Que lleguen a un buen arreglo.
00:04:00No más.
00:04:03Por favor.
00:04:05Como se han presentado, Guillermo San José
00:04:08maneja todo lo relacionado a la comercialización de la fábrica
00:04:11en la Ciudad de México.
00:04:13Si necesitas algo, llámame.
00:04:17Gracias, Guillermo.
00:04:25Marta, hablé con Juan Pedro y me contó un poco...
00:04:28Mira, Miriam, no me gusta hablar de estos temas contigo,
00:04:31tú lo sabes.
00:04:33Los asuntos de la fábrica son míos
00:04:35y no quisiera que pensaras que me quiero aprovechar
00:04:37de que son novios.
00:04:39No, Marta, yo nunca he pensado eso.
00:04:42Yo sé que la están pasando muy mal
00:04:44y Gabriela va a solucionar este problema.
00:04:46Solamente es cuestión de tiempo.
00:04:48Es que no está nada fácil.
00:04:50Mira, creo que Gabriela,
00:04:52a pesar de sus buenas intenciones,
00:04:54pero es que no sabe en la que se está metiendo.
00:04:57Mi hermana va a resolver el asunto.
00:05:00Si esta semana no se resuelve,
00:05:02yo ya no voy a poder seguir.
00:05:04Ni yo ni los demás trabajadores.
00:05:06Si no hay pagos,
00:05:08es muy probable que estalle la huelga.
00:05:21Mi madre decía que toda plática es mejor
00:05:24si se hace acompañada de un chocolate caliente.
00:05:27Así que...
00:05:29Disculpen, los invito a que prueben el mejor.
00:05:33El chocolate San José,
00:05:35elaborado por mi familia por casi 75 años.
00:05:39Tomás, por favor.
00:05:51Ahora, díganme, ¿en quién los puedo ayudar?
00:05:56No sé si estás enterada, pero antes de morir,
00:05:58mi padre compró la deuda de la fábrica.
00:06:01Ahora solo tienen un solo acreedor.
00:06:03Para eso estoy aquí.
00:06:07Para escuchar de qué manera pueden pagarme.
00:06:18¿Cómo es posible que este desgraciado
00:06:20haya comprado las deudas de la fábrica?
00:06:23No, si se le antoja ejecutarnos,
00:06:26así lo puede hacer, ¿eh?
00:06:30Mira, tita, si me permites,
00:06:33lo poco que yo veo
00:06:35es que te has dedicado a subestimar al enemigo.
00:06:37Oh, peor aún, te has olvidado de ese enemigo.
00:06:40¿De qué estás hablando?
00:06:42Está claro que los Jiménez vienen tras la fábrica, ¿no?
00:06:45Y hasta hicieron tiempo para esperarse el momento adecuado
00:06:47y ofrecer comprarla.
00:06:49¿Sabes cuál es la ironía de todo esto?
00:06:52Mientras tú le dabas todo el poder a Beatriz,
00:06:56ellos te soplaban en la nuca.
00:07:06En resumidas cuentas,
00:07:08¿se tomaron la molesta de negociar con nuestros acreedores
00:07:11y comprarle la deuda a cada uno de ellos
00:07:15para tener control sobre la fábrica?
00:07:18Ni yo lo hubiera hecho mejor.
00:07:21¿Y por qué hicieron eso?
00:07:24¿Qué hombre de negocios compra deuda
00:07:26cuando está enfrentando tantos problemas financieros?
00:07:30Un hombre de negocios exitoso y con visión como mi padre.
00:07:34No hay nada que explicar, Gabriela.
00:07:36Son negocios y ya.
00:07:44Ay, me cuesta aceptarlo, pero tienes razón.
00:07:49Ahora entiendo que ese abogado que compró terrenos aquí
00:07:52en el pueblo trabajaba para Jaime.
00:07:55¿Puedes creer que construyó una casa grande
00:07:59muy cerca de la cabaña donde vivía con María?
00:08:04La pobre tona de su madre.
00:08:07Sí, lo creo.
00:08:09¿Y tú qué pensabas?
00:08:11Que se habían alejado del pueblo para siempre.
00:08:14Si bien dicen por ahí, ¿no?,
00:08:16que con los años uno se vuelve más ingenuo,
00:08:19porque también traicen muchas cosas en el pueblo,
00:08:22digamos, ¿no?
00:08:24Ya sabes, habladurías, palabrerías
00:08:26que yo jamás voy a creer... creería, ¿no?
00:08:29Por ejemplo, usted dice que...
00:08:32que un día, este...
00:08:34intentaste matarlo porque iba a huir con Beatriz.
00:08:38¿Es verdad eso?
00:08:40Podrás ser mi sobrino, pero no voy a permitir
00:08:42que vengas a cuestionar lo que ha sido mi vida.
00:08:45Haz tu trabajo.
00:08:47Déjame en paz.
00:08:48Yo solo quiero abrirte los ojos, tía.
00:08:50Porque, mira, ¿no te parece extraño?
00:08:54Que tu nieta y el hijo de ese hombre
00:08:58estén ahorita frente a frente en la sala de junta,
00:09:03¿Cómo voy a decir, Jaime?
00:09:07Pues a mí no me gusta engañar a nadie.
00:09:10Y creo que están al tanto de la situación
00:09:11que está atravesando la fábrica.
00:09:14Sí, y aquí lo que tenemos es una transacción comercial.
00:09:17Y vinimos para saber cómo van a saldar esa deuda con nosotros.
00:09:21Eso es todo.
00:09:22Si no es posible llegar a un acuerdo,
00:09:25vamos a tener que demandar y a rematar la fábrica.
00:09:30Será el fin de Chocolate San José.
00:09:32Que, por cierto, está muy bueno.
00:09:38Amor amargo
00:09:42Informado de manera ágil y precisa.
00:09:44Así iniciarás tu día en las noticias.
00:09:47En las primeras horas siempre, con las primeras historias
00:09:50en cualquier parte de México y el mundo.
00:09:52Soy Carlos Hurtado y te espero en las noticias.
00:09:55Un noticiero de Enemaz,
00:09:56lunes a viernes, 5.50 de la mañana,
00:09:58con las estrellas.
00:10:21¿Quién es la señora García?
00:10:23Es una madre que adora a sus hijas.
00:10:25Mi mamá dice que merecemos una vida mejor.
00:10:29No se cansa de repetirlo.
00:10:32Es muy lista.
00:10:33Yo diría que es astuta.
00:10:35¿Hasta dónde llegarías por el amor a tus hijas?
00:10:37Las hijas de la señora García.
00:10:39Lunes a viernes, 9.30 de la noche.
00:10:41Esto es tercer grado deportivo.
00:10:43El futbolista mexicano es conformista.
00:10:45¿Por qué se conforma, David?
00:10:46La manera en que los futbolistas desarrollan
00:10:49lo que los entrenadores piensan,
00:10:50en México es muy pobre.
00:10:52No son inteligentes.
00:10:54Los futbolistas, por su parte, cada vez exigen más los estelares.
00:10:57Tercer grado deportivo, todos los lunes,
00:10:59al terminar en punto por las estrellas.
00:11:02Estas son las noticias en punto.
00:11:04La convención nacional republicana en Miwoki
00:11:06es una celebración de identidad.
00:11:08Han reportado un aumento en el número de rescates
00:11:10de personas en peligro de ahogarse en el mar.
00:11:12Las autoridades siguen buscando la fuente de esta contaminación.
00:11:17Cada noche, tu punto de encuentro con la información.
00:11:19En punto, 10.30, por las estrellas.
00:11:46Estelares de Juan Luis Guerra, Luis Fonsi,
00:11:49Cariño León, David Bisbal, Alejandro Fernández,
00:11:52Carlos Rivera, Becky G, Grupo Frontera,
00:11:54Ray, Pitbull, Ángela Aguilar, Carlos Vives
00:11:57y mucha más música.
00:11:59Sábado, 16 de noviembre, nueve de la noche,
00:12:01con las estrellas.
00:12:17Todos somos Teletón.
00:12:18Teletón es México.
00:12:20Teletón, 14 de diciembre.
00:12:22Llénate de energía por las mañanas.
00:12:24A las nueve, consejos, ejercicio
00:12:26y el ritmo de las estrellas bailan en hoy.
00:12:28¡Primera calificación de perfección!
00:12:31Y al terminar, recetas, notas, invitados
00:12:34y todo sobre los famosos en Cuéntamelo Ya.
00:12:37Vámonos, por favor, al mundo de las telenovelas.
00:12:39De lunes a viernes, con las estrellas.
00:12:42Les dijeron que tenían que ser más rápidas.
00:12:45Más ágiles.
00:12:47Más fuertes.
00:12:49Que este juego era goza de hombres.
00:12:52Pero se dieron cuenta que nadie podía definirlas.
00:12:56Las mejores jugadoras en México
00:12:59están en la Liga MX Femenil.
00:13:01En VIX.
00:13:02Informado de manera ágil y precisa.
00:13:04Así iniciarás tu día en las noticias.
00:13:07En las primeras horas, siempre.
00:13:09Con las primeras historias.
00:13:10En cualquier parte de México y el mundo.
00:13:12Soy Carlos Hurtado y te espero en las noticias.
00:13:15Un noticiero de N+.
00:13:16Lunes a viernes, 5.50 de la mañana.
00:13:18Con las estrellas.
00:13:46¿Todo derecho?
00:13:47No sé quién soy.
00:13:49¿Le conseguimos a Landia gratis?
00:13:51Tenemos que sacarlo de ahí.
00:13:53Ese hombre es nuestro.
00:13:55En Dola de Locos, sabemos hacerte reír.
00:13:58Viernes, al terminar el noti.
00:14:00Por las estrellas.
00:14:01Todos sospechan un romance.
00:14:03Yo creo que Medina y la jefa tienen algo.
00:14:05Alejandra lo confiesa.
00:14:07Tuve un romance con el asesino.
00:14:11Y Rafael hace lo mismo.
00:14:13Estoy enamorado de Alejandra Álvarez del Castillo.
00:14:15¿Se dará esa relación?
00:14:17Lunes a viernes a las 2.30 por las estrellas.
00:14:43Estas son las noticias en punto.
00:14:45La Convención Nacional Republicana en Milwaukee
00:14:47es una celebración de identidad.
00:14:49Han reportado un aumento en el número de rescates
00:14:51de personas en peligro de ahogarse en el mar.
00:14:53Las autoridades siguen buscando la fuente de esta contaminación.
00:14:56Cada noche, tu punto de encuentro con la información.
00:14:59En punto.
00:15:0010.30 por las estrellas.
00:15:02Roque le arrebata la vida a Mariana
00:15:04y Vicente termina en un orfanato
00:15:06en el que conoce a Jasmine.
00:15:08Pronto una familia adoptará a la niña
00:15:10y Vicente de nuevo quedará solo.
00:15:13Lo único que guardará con él
00:15:15es la promesa que le hizo Jasmine
00:15:17de nunca olvidar a...
00:15:19El Niño de las Rosas.
00:15:21Capítulo de estreno.
00:15:23Las lecciones que da la vida pueden ser complicadas,
00:15:25pero con un buen café del dicho
00:15:27te ayudamos a enfrentarlas.
00:15:29Pobre mi niña, se debe haber angustiado mucho.
00:15:31Cuidar al niño no pensé que iba a ser tan difícil.
00:15:33Él no tiene por qué meterse en cómo educamos a nuestra hija.
00:15:36No te pierdas la semana de la infancia.
00:15:38Como dice el dicho.
00:15:39Historias que conectan contigo.
00:15:41Fundación Televisa te invita.
00:15:43¡Amor amargo!
00:15:46¡Que se queda en nuestra historia!
00:15:51¡Y cómo me arrepiento!
00:15:54La venganza no es tan dulce
00:15:57como yo pensaba
00:16:00después de todo que el amor
00:16:03ya no vale nada.
00:16:13Comandante, encontraron un auto abandonado
00:16:15a las afueras del pueblo.
00:16:17¿Sabe quién es el propietario?
00:16:19Déjate de misterios ya, ¿no? Por favor.
00:16:21La señora Beatriz San José y...
00:16:24Veo que ya tengo su atención.
00:16:26La señora Beatriz San José y el señor Jaime Jiménez
00:16:28se quedaron de ver ahí.
00:16:30Según el dueño del lugar, también estaba con ellos una mujer.
00:16:33Pasa información para mi carpeta, comandante.
00:16:38Créeme, Gabriela, contigo al frente.
00:16:40Estamos en la mejor disposición para llegar a un buen acuerdo.
00:16:44Me voy a quedar con los documentos
00:16:46para leerlos detenidamente.
00:16:50Pero si tú quieres terminar con la fábrica San José,
00:16:53estás cometiendo un pésimo error.
00:16:55Gabriela, mi padre está muerto.
00:16:57Yo solo estoy retomando lo que él estaba haciendo.
00:17:00Tiene más dinero de lo que pensé.
00:17:02Lo está utilizando para hacerme daño.
00:17:05Compró la deuda de todos los acreedores de la fábrica.
00:17:10Pues tenemos que unir fuerzas, Leonor.
00:17:12Convénce a tu nieta.
00:17:14Yo puedo comprar esas deudas.
00:17:16No sé por qué no acepta mi ayuda.
00:17:19[♪ 761, baila el violín solo en español de la playa de San José de Santa Cruz, Puerto Alto, Colorado de Estado de México, Peru, USA, España, USA, Estados Unidos, EE. UU. & EE. UU. & EE. UU. & EE. UU. & EE. UU. & EE. UU. & Losina U.S.A.]
00:17:49Yes, you lost your daughter, but I'm not going to leave you alone.
00:17:53I'm going to do it for Beatriz, the woman I've loved the most in my life.
00:17:59I have enough money to pay for the months of the payroll and more.
00:18:08Okay, look, I accept that you help us.
00:18:14Okay, look, I accept that you help us.
00:18:19Nothing would give me more peace of mind than to save my favorite.
00:18:23We will do it.
00:18:25You will not lose the place that you and your family have in this town
00:18:29because you have always been the queen and will continue to be the queen.
00:18:34We will do it.
00:18:36We will do it.
00:18:42I don't understand why you attack the factory.
00:18:45My dad had an agreement with your mom to buy this factory.
00:18:48I'm not making it up.
00:18:50They were about to close the sale.
00:18:54My mom never discussed that with me.
00:18:57I don't know.
00:18:58Emilio told me.
00:18:59That's why my dad came.
00:19:02And what did he gain from that?
00:19:04I don't know, I have no idea.
00:19:05I never knew what he wanted or what he planned,
00:19:08but I do want to fulfill my father's will.
00:19:12And yes, I would lie to you if I told you that he did not have a war declared with your grandmother.
00:19:17But the factory is not just a whim of my grandmother.
00:19:21It's much more than that.
00:19:26I want you to know what the factory means, San Jose.
00:19:30Come on.
00:19:35Let's go.
00:20:05Let's go.
00:20:10As you can see, this is not my grandmother's factory.
00:20:13It is the factory of many families of this town,
00:20:16which for decades has been their livelihood.
00:20:26Hello, Juan.
00:20:28Do you know all these people?
00:20:33How are you?
00:20:34Very good, very good.
00:20:35I'm very sorry about your mother.
00:20:39Nice to see you.
00:20:40How is your son?
00:20:41He already went to the capital.
00:20:43Oh, I'm very happy.
00:20:45Congratulations on my part.
00:20:46Thank you very much, miss.
00:20:49Are you the son of Jaime Jiménez?
00:20:53Yes, that's right.
00:20:54Did you know him?
00:20:55Of course.
00:20:56He was a very hardworking boy.
00:20:59It's a shame what happened to him.
00:21:03I'm very sorry.
00:21:05Are you going to stay here in town?
00:21:08That's right.
00:21:09I'm staying in Todos los Santos.
00:21:11My company is going to bring a lot of work, so yes.
00:21:14And if she wants, I'll stay by her side.
00:21:22We are not only talking about the factory workers,
00:21:26but also about who sows the cocoa, who collects it,
00:21:29who selects it, who dries it.
00:21:31Hello, Miss.
00:21:32Hello, how are you?
00:21:33Good afternoon.
00:21:34Good afternoon.
00:21:35Nice to see you.
00:21:38Don't let these people down.
00:21:39It's something my mother did.
00:21:40Since I was a child, I saw her love for them.
00:21:43Hello, Miss.
00:21:44Hello, how are you?
00:21:45Good afternoon.
00:21:48How is your son?
00:21:49Very well, thank God.
00:21:51Say hello to him.
00:21:52Thank you, thank you.
00:21:54Closing the factory would mean ending the prosperity of all these families.
00:21:59You never said you wanted to close it.
00:22:02Well, but revenge is never good.
00:22:05Look, I don't know what's in the history of our families,
00:22:08but do you think it's fair to allow that history to continue hurting us?
00:22:29How are you?
00:22:31I'm new in town.
00:22:35Tell me something.
00:22:36You don't talk or you don't want to talk to me?
00:22:41I don't talk to strangers.
00:22:43Andrés Jiménez.
00:22:45I'm not a stranger anymore.
00:22:50I'm not a stranger.
00:22:52I'm not a stranger.
00:22:54I'm not a stranger.
00:22:56I'm not a stranger.
00:23:00What's your name?
00:23:03Can you help me with Mom, please?
00:23:04She's buying and buying and I can't count.
00:23:06Candela, Candela.
00:23:08Keep me away from your mom, okay?
00:23:10I don't care what she does or doesn't do.
00:23:13I can't stand her.
00:23:14Especially after she wished my dad's death.
00:23:31Are you going to tell me what happened to you?
00:23:35I fell off a horse.
00:23:36Nothing important, don't worry.
00:23:38Do you think I'm going to believe that story?
00:23:42Who did you fight with?
00:23:48Okay, I understand.
00:23:49If you don't want to tell me, I respect that.
00:23:52Look, I don't know if I should explain myself with this,
00:23:54but I'm going to tell you.
00:23:56Look, I don't know if I should explain myself with this,
00:23:58but in the factory you are the director and I am the aggressor.
00:24:00Surely we are going to have situations that can confront us.
00:24:04But there is a Gabriela and a Tomas
00:24:06who have nothing to do with debts
00:24:08or with the hatred of their families.
00:24:11What do you mean?
00:24:13That I love you in my life.
00:24:15I want to be for you.
00:24:16And that you are for me.
00:24:26What we feel is the real thing.
00:24:29And it's ours.
00:24:31It's yours, it's mine.
00:24:32It's what really belongs to us.
00:24:41What we feel is stronger than we imagine.
00:24:45We will fight against everything that wants to separate us.
00:24:55We will fight against everything that wants to separate us.
00:25:26With all the entertainment, sport and climate.
00:25:30Wake up, a newscast from NMAS.
00:25:32Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning.
00:25:34With the stars.
00:25:36Informed in an agile and precise way.
00:25:38So you will start your day in the news.
00:25:41In the first hours, always with the first stories.
00:25:44In any part of Mexico and the world.
00:25:46I'm Carlos Hurtado and I'll wait for you in the news.
00:25:49A newscast from NMAS.
00:25:50Monday to Friday, 5.50 in the morning.
00:25:52A newscast from NMAS.
00:25:53Monday to Friday, 5.50 in the morning.
00:25:55With the stars.
00:26:22Club America.
00:26:23This Saturday, December 7, invite your family and friends.
00:26:27Three categories.
00:26:28Three, five or ten kilometers.
00:26:30Make sure your place and sign up at www.clubamerica.com.mx.
00:26:36Big hearts.
00:26:38The lessons that life gives can be complicated.
00:26:41But with a good cup of coffee, we help you face them.
00:26:45Poor girl, she must have suffered a lot.
00:26:47Taking care of the child, I did not think it would be so difficult.
00:26:49He does not have to get involved in how we educate our daughter.
00:26:52Do not miss the week of childhood.
00:26:54As the saying goes, stories that connect with you.
00:26:57Fundación Televisa invites you.
00:26:59Celebrate 25 years of Latin Grammy with us and the stellar presentations of...
00:27:03Juan Luis Guerra, Luis Fonsi, Cariño León, David Bisbal, Alejandro Fernández, Carlos Rivera, Becky G, Grupo Frontera, Rake, Pitbull, Ángel Aguilar, Carlos Vives and much more music.
00:27:15Saturday, November 16 at 9 at night.
00:27:17With the stars.
00:27:18This is third grade sports.
00:27:20The Mexican footballer is conformist.
00:27:22Why are you conforming, David?
00:27:23The way footballers develop what coaches think in Mexico is very poor.
00:27:28They are not intelligent.
00:27:30Footballers, on the other hand, increasingly demand more stars.
00:27:33Third grade sports. Every Monday at the end of the point.
00:27:37For the stars.
00:27:38Roque snatches Mariana's life and Vicente ends up in an orphanage where he meets Jasmine.
00:27:44Soon a family will adopt the girl and Vicente will be left alone again.
00:27:49The only thing he will keep with him is the promise he made to Jasmine of never forgetting the Boy of Roses.
00:27:57Premiere chapter.
00:27:58They told them they had to be faster, more agile, stronger.
00:28:05That this game was a man's joy.
00:28:08But they realized that no one could define them.
00:28:13The best players in Mexico are in the women's MX league, in VIX.
00:28:18In the Angel of Aurora.
00:28:20The secret that separated them will be revealed.
00:28:22The police found where Pintas lives.
00:28:24He's the man who raped you.
00:28:25You are not my son and Victoria is not your mother.
00:28:29And there are promises that could not be fulfilled.
00:28:32You found my son.
00:28:33Of course you will find him, but dead.
00:28:35Monday to Friday, 4.30 pm.
00:28:38Everyone suspects a romance.
00:28:40I think Medina and the boss have something.
00:28:42Alejandra confesses.
00:28:44I had a romance with the killer.
00:28:49And Rafael does the same.
00:28:50I'm in love with Alejandra Álvarez del Castillo.
00:28:53Will that relationship take place?
00:28:55Monday to Friday at 2.30 pm on Las Estrellas.
00:28:59Stay informed of all sporting events.
00:29:02They have the possibility to enter the next phase of the competition.
00:29:06They could do it directly or not.
00:29:09The reality is that they are looking for the tri-championship.
00:29:11Contacto Deportivo.
00:29:12Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
00:29:1411.30 pm.
00:29:16With the stars.
00:29:18The lessons that life gives can be complicated.
00:29:21But with a good coffee of the saying, we help you face them.
00:29:25My poor girl must have been very anxious.
00:29:27Taking care of the child I did not think it would be so difficult.
00:29:29He does not have to get involved in how we educate our daughter.
00:29:32Do not miss the week of childhood.
00:29:34As the saying goes.
00:29:35Stories that connect with you.
00:29:37Televisa Foundation invites you.
00:29:39Did you know you are part of Teletón?
00:29:41Yes, you.
00:29:42In every dream come true.
00:29:43You are there.
00:29:44With every donation you make.
00:29:46You become his present and his future.
00:29:48Let's join more than ever.
00:29:50To improve thousands of lives.
00:29:52We meet the goal.
00:29:53We are all Teletón.
00:29:54Teletón is Mexico.
00:29:56Teletón. December 14.
00:29:58Everyone will fight for a little of this guest.
00:30:01Sorry, I'm looking for an address.
00:30:03All right.
00:30:04I do not know who I am.
00:30:06We got Charlandia for free.
00:30:08We have to get him out of there.
00:30:10That man is ours.
00:30:12In Dola de Locos.
00:30:13We know how to make you laugh.
00:30:15Friday at the end of the noti.
00:30:17By the stars.
00:30:19Your son is involved in a gang that tried to kidnap my son.
00:30:23What happens is that ...
00:30:24Clear the light.
00:30:26Do not move.
00:30:27Mrs. Pura, do you hear me?
00:30:28We have a presentation order.
00:30:29The owner of the gym reported him for the theft of a large sum of money.
00:30:32And I will not allow anyone to take me out of my own company.
00:30:39These are the news in point.
00:30:41The National Republican Convention in Miwoki is a celebration of identity.
00:30:45They have reported an increase in the number of rescues of people in danger of drowning in the sea.
00:30:50The authorities are still looking for the source of this contamination.
00:30:53Every night your meeting point with the information.
00:30:56In point.
00:30:58By the stars.
00:31:04Bad day?
00:31:06My brother-in-law does not appear.
00:31:09And my wife does not stop talking about him.
00:31:14That he does not find him.
00:31:17I would not worry much about Chévez.
00:31:20He himself told me that he received a lot of money for some businesses that fell to him.
00:31:24Surely he is drunk.
00:31:30Where did you get so much money?
00:31:37Where are you?
00:31:38What do you see me?
00:31:40Nothing, my friend, calm down.
00:31:45Mrs. Eleonor, but what a pleasure to see you.
00:31:48I am more pleased, Francisco.
00:31:51Thank you for coming to town in such a short time.
00:31:53No, it is that you have nothing to thank.
00:31:55But tell me what are the plans you have for me?
00:32:35I trust that you will be careful and smart.
00:32:39Yes, Mrs. Eleonor.
00:32:42Nothing else, I do not know very clearly what I'm doing here.
00:32:47Seriously, you do not know?
00:32:49Or rather you want to hear about me?
00:32:52Well, I guess it has to do with Gabriel.
00:32:57You suppose well.
00:32:59You suppose well.
00:33:02Losing his mother was not easy.
00:33:06That's why you're here.
00:33:08So that she knows the way.
00:33:11That she understands that her loyalty is with me, with her family, with her sisters.
00:33:18I understand.
00:33:23But you keep taking medicine for nerves.
00:33:28Like there are many, right?
00:33:32I had left it, but since Gabriela canceled the wedding and ended up with me,
00:33:37I asked the psychiatrist to give me something to sleep.
00:33:40Because without Gabriela I feel like I'm dying.
00:33:45Do not die.
00:33:47Convince her that you are here to work in the company as her advisor.
00:33:53Take the opportunity to reconquer her.
00:33:58You are the ideal man for her, I do not fit the smallest problem.
00:34:02Only you, Arenio.
00:34:04I can do that without any problem, because I love her.
00:34:07Make her need you.
00:34:11Surely you will get her back to your side.
00:34:19We know what's going on and we understand that this situation is important and urgent for you.
00:34:25There are already many late salaries, right?
00:34:27Yes, we know.
00:34:29And now that my sister is in front of the factory, she will find a way out of all this.
00:34:35We'll wait a little longer.
00:34:39Just a little longer.
00:34:42If they had told me a week ago that I would be in front of this factory,
00:34:48I would have laughed in their faces, mom.
00:34:52Dear Gabita.
00:34:57Look, cousin, if you allow me a suggestion.
00:35:00I think we should take a lot of care of Tomas.
00:35:03He and his partners seem to have everything in order, everything very safe.
00:35:07Let's not go from being our biggest creditors to the owners of the factory.
00:35:13Yes, I know, Guillermo.
00:35:16When did my mom and my grandmother allow these debts to become a snowball?
00:35:23What happened, Miriam?
00:35:27Guillermo, thank you very much for the documents.
00:35:30I'm going to talk to my brother.
00:35:38What happened, Miriam?
00:35:40Did you know that Mom wanted to sell the factory?
00:35:43Well, I didn't know, but I just found out from Tomas.
00:35:46Well, Marta just told me.
00:35:49My mom told him the last time she saw her.
00:35:53And obviously my grandmother was not going to accept that.
00:35:55Well, yes.
00:35:59But everything she built is coming down.
00:36:12I don't want to be inopportune, but things with the workers are not good at all.
00:36:19Look, I know my grandmother didn't ask me to do this, but I want to help you.
00:36:25And look, if we don't pay them soon, and by soon I mean tomorrow, they're going to go on strike.
00:36:31Where am I going to get that money?
00:36:34There is no cash.
00:36:40I don't know what I'm going to do.
00:36:49Tomas, the situation in the company is not good at all.
00:36:52And I think Gabriela is right about what she's telling us.
00:36:55I don't think they're going to pay.
00:36:57I agree. Besides, this was what your dad wanted.
00:37:00To end them, not to negotiate.
00:37:02I'm not going to do that while Gabriela is in charge.
00:37:05I'm going to take care of her until the last moment.
00:37:08But I'm going to make Leonor pay for everything my dad did to her.
00:37:16I've never seen you like this.
00:37:18You've always been so sure of yourself.
00:37:21You don't even mess with your grandmother.
00:37:24What's going on?
00:37:26I was very strong because Mom was here.
00:37:29She was with us, Miriam.
00:37:32She was guiding us, giving us advice.
00:37:36Making us feel invincible.
00:37:39But now that she's gone, what do I want?
00:37:43Now that she's gone, what do I want?
00:37:47You have me.
00:37:51And Eva.
00:37:54We're going to get out of this together.
00:37:56Yes, I know that.
00:37:59But there are so many problems that I'm not sure what to do.
00:38:04I mean, on the one hand, we don't have to pay the workers.
00:38:08And on the other hand, the debt we have is huge.
00:38:14You don't know how much trouble you're putting me in, Mom.
00:38:24And you live here? Where are you from?
00:38:27Well, I'm from Dallas, United States.
00:38:30Oh, wow. Cool.
00:38:33And you? Are you from here?
00:38:36No, look, I live in the orphanage where the nuns raised me.
00:38:40Because my parents abandoned me and...
00:38:43I'm very sorry.
00:38:45Oh, no, no, no.
00:38:47Mr. Mercedes has never taught us to feel sorry for our past.
00:38:55Hey, do you know that girl over there?
00:39:00Do you like her?
00:39:04I like her, but she's a little weird.
00:39:29Wait, come!
00:39:35I'm going to meet the artisans.
00:39:38I don't want them to think that I'm abandoning them.
00:39:41They have to understand that first things first.
00:39:43Look, right now, Gabriela, the priority is the family, the factory.
00:39:47There's something I haven't told you.
00:39:50Tomas bought all the company's debt.
00:39:53And he's going to help us? That would be great.
00:39:55No, I don't think so.
00:39:57He wants to get his money back.
00:39:59He wants to stay with the factory.
00:40:01What kind of person is that Tomas?
00:40:04It seems that my grandmother hurt his father a lot.
00:40:06There's a story of pain that Tomas has always heard.
00:40:09And in that story, the villain is his grandmother.
00:40:12But that's absurd, Gabriela.
00:40:14What do we have to do with that?
00:40:16Well, maybe nothing.
00:40:18Or maybe everything.
00:40:20However, I still hope that Tomas will reconsider that decision.
00:40:36Wouldn't you like to be with an alpha male like me?
00:40:39Metanico, please take your knee off the couch.
00:40:42It's not a car, it's a collection ship.
00:40:44It's not an expense, it's an investment.
00:40:46In Casados con Hijo, we know how to make you laugh.
00:40:49Tuesday at the end of El Noti.
00:40:51By Las Estrellas and available on VIX.
00:40:53Wake up. Information and stories to start your day well.
00:40:56Analysis to understand what's behind every event in Mexico and the world.
00:41:02With all the entertainment, sports and climate.
00:41:07Wake up. A newscast from N+.
00:41:09Monday to Friday, 7 to 9 in the morning.
00:41:11With Las Estrellas.
00:41:13Who is Mrs. Garcia?
00:41:15A mother who adores her daughters.
00:41:17My mother says we deserve a better life.
00:41:20She doesn't get tired of repeating it.
00:41:23She is very smart.
00:41:25I would say she is cunning.
00:41:27How far would you go for the love of your daughters?
00:41:29The daughters of Mrs. Garcia.
00:41:31Monday to Friday, 9.30 at night.
00:41:33Keep yourself informed of all sporting events.
00:41:36They have the possibility to enter the next phase of the competition.
00:41:40They could do it directly or not.
00:41:42The reality is that they are looking for the tri-championship.
00:41:45Contacto Deportivo. Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
00:41:4811.30 at night.
00:41:50With Las Estrellas.
00:42:13Celebrate 25 years of Latin Grammy with us
00:42:16and the stellar presentations of
00:42:18Juan Luis Guerra, Luis Fonsi, Cari León,
00:42:20David Bisbal, Alejandro Fernandez,
00:42:22Carlos Rivera, Becky G,
00:42:24Grupo Frontera, Rake, Pitbull,
00:42:26Ángela Aguilar, Carlos Vives
00:42:28and much more music.
00:42:30Saturday, November 16, 9 at night.
00:42:32With Las Estrellas.
00:42:34Did you know you are part of Teletón?
00:42:36Yes, you. In every dream come true, you are there.
00:42:39With every donation you make,
00:42:40you become his present and his future.
00:42:42Let's join more than ever.
00:42:44To improve thousands of lives.
00:42:46We meet the goal.
00:42:48We are all Teletón.
00:42:50Teletón is Mexico.
00:42:52Teletón, December 14.
00:42:54Your son is involved in a gang
00:42:56that tried to kidnap my son.
00:42:58What happens is that ...
00:43:00Of course, Luz, come, don't move.
00:43:02Mrs. Pura, do you hear me?
00:43:04We have a presentation order.
00:43:06The owner of the gym reported him for the theft of a large sum of money.
00:43:08And I will not allow anyone to take me out of my own company.
00:43:10Monday to Friday, 8 and a half at night.
00:43:40Hey, it's Fer's birthday.
00:43:42Could you take care of Leni?
00:43:44Oh, the comb is out.
00:43:46Are you sure you know how to change diapers?
00:43:50Oh, well, if you change it, you're alone, right?
00:43:52Damn, Dad, did you see my face?
00:43:56On the 40th and 20th, we know how to make you laugh.
00:43:58This Thursday at the end of the Noti.
00:44:00Who would say that such a small car would release so much testosterone?
00:44:02Wouldn't you like to be with an alpha male like me?
00:44:04Mechanic, please take your knee off the sofa.
00:44:06It's not a car, it's a collection ship.
00:44:08It's not a car, it's a collection ship.
00:44:10It's not an expense, it's an investment.
00:44:12In Married with Children, we know how to make you laugh.
00:44:14Tuesday at the end of the Noti.
00:44:16For the stars.
00:44:18And available on VIX.
00:44:20This is third grade sports.
00:44:22The Mexican footballer is conformist.
00:44:24Why are you conforming, David?
00:44:26The way footballers develop what coaches think in Mexico is very poor.
00:44:28They are not intelligent.
00:44:30Footballers, on the other hand, increasingly demand more stars.
00:44:33Third grade sports.
00:44:35Every Monday at the end of the Noti.
00:44:37For the stars.
00:44:38Everyone suspects a romance.
00:44:40I think Medina and the boss have something.
00:44:42Alejandra confesses it.
00:44:44I had a romance with the killer.
00:44:49And Rafael does the same.
00:44:51I'm in love with Alejandra Alvarez del Castillo.
00:44:53Will that relationship take place?
00:44:55Monday to Friday at 2.30 pm.
00:44:57For the stars.
00:44:59These are the Noticias en Punto.
00:45:01The National Republican Convention in Milwaukee is a celebration of identity.
00:45:04They have reported an increase in the number of rescues of people in danger of drowning in the sea.
00:45:09The authorities are still looking for the source of this pollution.
00:45:12Every night your meeting point with the information.
00:45:15In Punto. 10.30.
00:45:17For the stars.
00:45:33We are Teletón.
00:45:35Teletón is Mexico.
00:45:37Teletón. December 14.
00:45:39Fill yourself with energy in the morning.
00:45:41At 9.
00:45:43Exercise tips and the rhythm of the stars dance today.
00:45:45First grade. Perfection.
00:45:48And at the end.
00:45:50Recipes, notes, guests and everything about the famous in Cuéntamelo Ya.
00:45:53Let's go to the world of telenovelas.
00:45:55From Monday to Friday.
00:45:57With the stars.
00:45:59Everyone will fight for a little of this guest.
00:46:01Sorry, I'm looking for an address.
00:46:03I do not know who I am.
00:46:05We got Charlandia for free.
00:46:07We have to get him out of there.
00:46:09That man is ours.
00:46:11In Dola de Locos.
00:46:13We know how to make you laugh.
00:46:15Friday at the end of the noti.
00:46:17For the stars.
00:46:33What's so entertaining, uncle?
00:46:35Things from the factory.
00:46:38Leonor just authorized me to review everything
00:46:41to help Gabriela get out of your extra pain.
00:46:47Uncle, do you really think she's trained?
00:46:51I don't know.
00:46:53I don't know.
00:46:55I don't know.
00:46:57I don't know.
00:46:59I don't know.
00:47:01I don't know.
00:47:03It really doesn't seem to me.
00:47:05It's like she mentioned in the article.
00:47:07Very smart woman.
00:47:09Just that this idiot who sighs around me
00:47:15is trying to get into the factory.
00:47:19Ah, Tomás!
00:47:21That idiot.
00:47:24Gabriela must get him out of her mind completely.
00:47:27For that we must always have a plan,
00:47:29an exit.
00:47:30A way out.
00:47:33The important thing here is not that she forgets Tomas,
00:47:37but that he forgets her.
00:47:44What are you thinking?
00:47:46Don't worry. I'll take care of it.
00:47:48There are many ways to make Tomas understand
00:47:50that Gabriela isn't for him.
00:47:53The point is for him to lose hope in her.
00:47:57I'll see how I do it.
00:48:05The owner of the restaurant says
00:48:07they had an affair with another woman.
00:48:11What woman?
00:48:12I don't know exactly, but they say
00:48:16they saw a description of her.
00:48:20This is the portrait.
00:48:23Look at it.
00:48:24Does this face look familiar?
00:48:30We should ask my aunt Hermosa.
00:48:32Maybe she can give us a clue
00:48:34about where my cousin went that day.
00:48:38I'm sorry, but you can't touch anything.
00:48:42It's the rules.
00:48:44A crane will come and take the car
00:48:46so we can analyze it.
00:48:48You know that.
00:48:50Okay, okay. Sorry.
00:48:52I didn't touch anything.
00:48:54Maybe it's closed.
00:48:56But I have a question.
00:48:58I have a question that might bother us all,
00:49:01especially my aunt Hermosa.
00:49:05Why is Beatriz's car here?
00:49:07She left with Jaime in the car they rented
00:49:11and left her car here at the restaurant.
00:49:13That's what the owner of the place said.
00:49:16Now, this woman left before them.
00:49:21Maybe she's responsible for Beatriz's death
00:49:23and or for Mr. Jaime's death.
00:49:28She could be involved in a crime.
00:49:31You shouldn't make up stories about my cousin's death.
00:49:35If you don't know what you're saying,
00:49:38then shut up.
00:49:41My aunt Hermosa is absolutely certain
00:49:43who's behind all this.
00:49:47No one can take her mind off of Jaime Jimenez.
00:49:53Whatever the hypothesis is, we have to prove it.
00:49:58I'd like for Ms. Leonor to know
00:50:01that there is a portrait of this woman.
00:50:06Would you like to keep the copy?
00:50:19You have no idea how much I miss you.
00:50:23My baby girl!
00:50:25I'm so much needed, aren't I?
00:50:29What's wrong?
00:50:30Don't tell me you're not the pretty one anymore.
00:50:33It's me.
00:50:34No, silly.
00:50:36After everything that's happened,
00:50:39I needed to feel at home.
00:50:42I needed you to help me feel like I can get out of this.
00:50:47Gabriela, come here. Look.
00:50:52Look at this workshop.
00:50:54None of this would exist without your help.
00:50:57If you could get this place out of the way...
00:51:00And that you can't get a chocolate factory out of the way.
00:51:04Thank you, friend.
00:51:09She says this cabin belonged to her father?
00:51:11Yes, that's right.
00:51:16Dolores, my father's right-hand woman,
00:51:18told me this house belonged to my grandmother, Maria.
00:51:22So I came to see the place and I found this.
00:51:29Are you sure the bag belonged to your father?
00:51:32Yes, I'm completely sure.
00:51:36And the bag... I opened it.
00:51:38I don't know if I did the right thing,
00:51:40but it's obviously Beatriz San Jose's,
00:51:42because her license is on it.
00:51:44The restaurant witnesses said that Beatriz and her father
00:51:47saw each other there with her father.
00:51:50They made a portrait of her,
00:51:51but I'm not happy with the result.
00:51:54I'm going to look into it myself.
00:51:57The cameras in the place weren't working.
00:52:02Does that change anything?
00:52:05Why was Beatriz here?
00:52:08What happened in that restaurant?
00:52:13I didn't ask for this,
00:52:15but life is full of surprises.
00:52:18I have to get through this.
00:52:20We understand, Gabi.
00:52:22You'll help us with everything you need, right?
00:52:25Of course.
00:52:27I want this place to keep working as we've been doing.
00:52:31Even though I'm taking care of my family's business,
00:52:35I'm never going to leave them.
00:52:37I'll always be looking out for each and every one of you.
00:52:44I have great news for you.
00:52:46If Tlalli...
00:52:48Yes, you.
00:52:50You're going to stay in my place.
00:52:52Thank you!
00:52:58I'll have news for you soon, Mr. Jimenez.
00:53:00We'll find out what happened with your father.
00:53:04Yes, yes.
00:53:05Thank you very much, Joaquin.
00:53:07What's going on?
00:53:10A gunshot wound.
00:53:13Maybe that's why Mrs. Beatriz and her father
00:53:15left this place and left everything behind.
00:53:20Tell me, did your father use a gun?
00:53:24No, he was never armed.
00:53:26He's not a murderer.
00:53:27Please do all the necessary research.
00:53:29I want to know the truth.
00:53:32We'll keep in touch.
00:53:34Mrs. Beatriz's car must have been stolen.
00:53:38I'll let you know if there's anything new.
00:53:40Excuse me.
00:53:41Yes, sir. Thank you.
00:53:50I live here.
00:53:53Wow, that's great.
00:53:56Will you invite me over one day?
00:53:58Yes, of course.
00:53:59I'll tell Mr. Mercedes to let me invite you over.
00:54:03Hey, what's your name?
00:54:05My name is Simon.
00:54:07It's a pleasure, Mr. Simon.
00:54:09I'm Andres.
00:54:11Hey, we have to say hi.
00:54:14We're going to be friends, right?
00:54:16We're friends now.
00:54:19Let's say hi.
00:54:20We have to make a greeting.
00:54:23One, two...
00:54:36Tomas, why do you have this ring?
00:54:40It was with my father's belongings.
00:54:42The police gave it to me.
00:54:43Why? Do you know who it belongs to?
00:54:45Yes, this ring is the one your father gave to Beatriz.
00:54:50How do you know?
00:54:51He described it to me so many times
00:54:52that I have no doubt.
00:54:54In fact, you can see it in your grandmother's painting,
00:54:57the one in the living room.
00:55:00This ring has a story full of pain and betrayal.
00:55:03What do you mean? I don't understand.
00:55:05Look, for your father, this ring was worth more
00:55:08than you can imagine, and it hurt him so much to lose it.
00:55:12Jaime and Beatriz were very in love
00:55:15and they swore to marry in secret if necessary.
00:55:18He gave her this ring, which belonged to your grandmother,
00:55:21Maria, until he gave it to Beatriz,
00:55:24and that's how they got married.
00:55:27And why would my father have this ring
00:55:29among his belongings?
00:55:30I don't know.
00:55:32She had kept the ring.
00:55:37If there's one thing that's clear to me,
00:55:40it's that my father didn't want to end up with Beatriz,
00:55:43as Leonor thinks, but he wanted to be with her.
00:55:47Like 35 years ago.
00:55:50He wanted to be with her.
00:55:55There's a girl asking about you.
00:55:58I'm going to talk to her about Joaquin.
00:56:09Vera, right?
00:56:10Oh, Tomas, you remembered my name.
00:56:12What happened to you?
00:56:13No, it's nothing. I'm fine.
00:56:16I'm fine.
00:56:17I'm fine.
00:56:18I'm fine.
00:56:20I'm fine.
00:56:21I'm fine.
00:56:22I brought this for you and your family.
00:56:24People here are used to welcoming new neighbors
00:56:28with a little detail.
00:56:29Oh, that's great.
00:56:30What a nice detail.
00:56:32And I thank you very much,
00:56:34but I have an appointment at the factory
00:56:36and I wasn't expecting your visit, so...
00:56:38Look, you're not asking me, but...
00:56:40I'm sorry, but if you're going to see a San Jose,
00:56:43be very careful, Tomas.
00:56:46Especially Gaby.
00:56:49Why do you say that?
00:56:50Because she likes to play with people.
00:56:54Look at her poor boyfriend. He's gone crazy.
00:56:57She left him standing at the wedding.
00:56:59Then she comes back and leaves him again.
00:57:01It's horrible.
00:57:03But I'm very imprudent.
00:57:04You're in a hurry and I'm telling you
00:57:06all the gossip about the town.
00:57:08It's better if we see each other another day
00:57:12and we get to know each other better.
00:57:14I'm sorry.
00:57:16We'll see each other another day
00:57:18and we'll get to know each other better, okay?
00:57:23Thank you very much.
00:57:24What a great detail.
00:57:34What are you doing here, Francisco?
00:57:36Isn't it obvious that I don't want anything to do with you?
00:57:39Don't worry, Gabriela.
00:57:40I'm not here to convince you of anything.
00:57:45I asked Francisco to come.
00:57:55Don't give me that look.
00:57:57Gabriela doesn't have to pay for her grandmother's mistakes.
00:58:00I've been thinking.
00:58:01Maybe I can come to an agreement with her
00:58:03to save the factory.
00:58:04If you make an agreement, Leonor will win.
00:58:06For now.
00:58:07But I'm not going to attack the woman I love.
00:58:10Tomas, what I'm saying is that there are many ways
00:58:12to reach an agreement without you getting hurt.
00:58:15Wait here.
00:58:16I'm going to talk to her.
00:58:17I want her to calm down.
00:58:24Help me with what?
00:58:26The responsibility you're assuming is very big.
00:58:29Your grandmother asked me to support you,
00:58:31and that's why I'm here.
00:58:33Excuse me.
00:58:36What are you doing here?
00:58:39Nice to meet you, Tomas.
00:58:41It seems you're entering your house like Pedro.
00:58:44Don't you understand that you're not welcome here?
00:58:46Don't you realize we're busy?
00:58:48Grandma, please.
00:58:50I think it's hard for you to understand
00:58:53that things are changing, ma'am.
00:58:55With the money you owe me, this factory is practically mine.
00:59:01And you don't understand that no is no.
00:59:12You should know that you and I are nothing.
00:59:15Our relationship is strictly professional.
00:59:17You don't realize her intentions and your grandmother's.
00:59:21Do you think I don't have the ability to decide?
00:59:24Is that what you think of me?
00:59:26We have to leave what she built in her castle
00:59:28so that we can destroy it and make her understand
00:59:30that this is not a good place to live.
00:59:33But didn't she always say that she hated her,
00:59:35that she wanted revenge?
00:59:37And she did it in silence.
00:59:39What happened?
00:59:42Why did you suddenly cross my path?
00:59:46As if everything was going to be perfect
00:59:50just when I had lost all hope.
00:59:53Look, son.
00:59:54Rosalía is such a hot chick.
00:59:56She's going to be your girlfriend.
00:59:58She's going to be your girlfriend.
01:00:00She's going to be your girlfriend.
01:00:02She's going to be your girlfriend.
01:00:04She's going to be your girlfriend.
01:00:06She's going to be your girlfriend.
01:00:08These roses are so pretty.
01:00:10I'm sure you're going to sell them well.
01:00:12Yes, they're very pretty.
01:00:14I'm going to sell them here in the park.
01:00:16I won't be long.
01:00:17Go ahead.
01:00:18Sell them before the sun burns them.
01:00:24Take your roses at a very good price.
01:00:27Young man, some roses at a very good price.
01:00:29Thank you very much.
01:00:31Young man, some roses.
01:00:33Young man, do you want some roses?
01:00:35Very pretty at a very good price.
01:00:38Well, you can't get a girlfriend like that.
01:00:41Roses at a very good price.
01:00:43Get your girlfriend some pretty roses.
01:00:48Young man, buy me these pretty roses for your girlfriend.
01:00:53Well, not right now, kid.
01:00:55She's not my girlfriend yet, and I'm trying to convince her.
01:00:59With these roses, you can even kiss her.
01:01:02Besides, the roses are overshadowed by her beauty.
01:01:06Oh, how nice.
01:01:07Buy her one, please.
01:01:09Go ahead.
01:01:10Besides, I already helped you convince her.
01:01:12Well, how much are they?
01:01:13Tell me.
01:01:14Fifty pesos each.
01:01:16Oh, well, they're a little expensive, aren't they?
01:01:19Well, it's worth it.
01:01:21Isn't it?
01:01:23There's no price for love.
01:01:25Buy me one.
01:01:27Okay, fine.
01:01:28Give me one.
01:01:30Well, okay.
01:01:32Do you like that one?
01:01:36Let's start with one right now.
01:01:41Thank you very much.
01:01:42God bless you.
01:01:58I had a great time with Rosal.
01:01:59I'll feed you right now.
01:02:00How did school go?
01:02:02I got a 10 in math.
01:02:04That's it!
01:02:06My son is the smartest of them all.
01:02:09I'm sure you'll be a great professional.
01:02:11I'll be an architect to build his house, Mom.
01:02:14So he doesn't have to put up with my dad's beatings.
01:02:19Don't say that.
01:02:20Sometimes your dad doesn't know how to control his temper,
01:02:24but he's a good guy.
01:02:25He's a good guy, but when it comes to drinking,
01:02:28he always turns it around and they always end up fighting.
01:02:31I hope I don't get drunk today.
01:02:34I'll feed you right now,
01:02:35and in the afternoon you'll come with me to sell roses, okay?
01:02:40By the way, Rosal is so pretty, Mom.
01:02:42She has a very good hand.
01:02:44You have it too.
01:02:45Because I've taught you a lot about rose cultivation.
01:02:48How to prune them, water them, nourish them.
01:02:51My dad taught me.
01:02:52And now I have to teach you.
01:02:55Mom, in the house I'm going to make for you,
01:02:58I'm going to put a rose.
01:03:00So you have a lot of roses.
01:03:02I'm going to put flowers, everything.
01:03:04And we're going to grow them together.
01:03:06Come on, let's go.
01:03:07It's the picadillo you like so much.
01:03:10How nice.
01:03:16My feet hurt from walking so much.
01:03:18Yes, son, this time we had to walk more,
01:03:20but at least we got something.
01:03:22Go, until they arrive.
01:03:24Here I am alone and hungry.
01:03:26Sorry, son, we got caught up with the roses,
01:03:29I'm in a hurry and I'll make you something to eat.
01:03:31Let's see, give me the money.