• 2 months ago
Amor Amargo Capitulo 57 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 57 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 58 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 59 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 57 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 57 Completo HD
00:00¿Qué le pusiste al té?
00:02¿No escuchaste?
00:04Gotas para el estrés.
00:06Una gotita para que se calme.
00:08Necesito que creas en mí.
00:11Yo me enteré hasta hace unos días
00:13de lo que había pasado en la distribuidora.
00:15Y si no se lo dije a Gabriela fue porque
00:17yo no sabía muy bien qué era lo que había pasado
00:19y lo que quería era primero averiguar
00:21antes de contarle.
00:23¿Tú crees que tu papá tomó todo ese dinero?
00:25No, no, no.
00:27Hasta donde creo que llegó mi papá
00:29fue a contratar a ese tipo para que averiguara
00:31cómo estaba la fábrica.
00:33Pero mi papá no era ningún ladrón.
00:36Pues tendrás que demostrarle a Gabriela
00:38que eso que estás diciendo es real.
00:40Yo lo conozco y sé que cuando toma una decisión
00:42ella es radical.
00:44Si no demuestras esto que estás diciendo
00:46yo no creo que Gabriela de su vez se va a torcer.
00:52Tú me has demostrado
00:55compromiso y lealtad.
00:58Ahora que Gabriela decidió abandonarnos
01:00yo quiero
01:02que tú asciendas
01:04y asumas una dirección dentro de la fábrica.
01:09no sé si estoy preparada para eso.
01:14Lo estás.
01:17Eres mi nieta.
01:20Te sabré guiar.
01:23Ya es hora de que pruebes el poder.
01:28Ya que tus semanas no quieren estar del lado correcto
01:33te corresponde a ti.
01:36Me gustaría hablar con Gabriela para ver qué piensa.
01:40Mientras no regrese
01:43ella no tiene nada que opinar.
01:47Nos abandonó
01:49y eso es lo que cuenta.
01:53Tú eres quien se ha quedado a mi lado
01:55y mereces todo mi apoyo y mi cariño.
01:59Gracias, abuela.
02:02Pero acuérdate que
02:04que Gabriela sigue siendo dueña de su parte de la fábrica.
02:11Desafortunadamente, sí.
02:15Pero si sigue con ese comportamiento
02:20se estará convirtiendo en una enemiga más.
02:28qué tristeza que no me dejaste acompañarte.
02:31Pero sé que es porque estás buscando un nuevo camino.
02:35Y estoy segura que va a ser así
02:37porque te tengo noticiado.
02:39Tienes cita con el patrocinador en la Ciudad de México.
02:42Ahorita te mando todo por correo junto con el catálogo que hicimos.
02:45No quedó muy pro, pero se ve muy bonito.
02:48Muéstrale todos tus diseños
02:50y háblale desde el corazón como solo tú sabes.
02:53Y háblale desde el corazón como solo tú sabes hacerlo, mi Gabi.
02:56Te quiero mucho, amiga Ocha.
03:04¿Y tú qué?
03:06¿No te quedó claro que no quiero nada contigo?
03:08¿Que no me interesa respirar el mismo aire que tú respiras?
03:11A mí tampoco.
03:15Pero es que en este pueblo hay mucho a dónde ir.
03:19Y hay días en los que
03:22uno necesita ir a alguna parte.
03:24Pues yo no te quiero volver a ver.
03:26Lo que le hiciste a Gabriela y a Tomás es imperdonable, Guillermo.
03:29Tienes razón.
03:34Gracias por decirme.
03:42Las cosas van a cambiar.
03:44Ya verás.
03:52No entiendo, no entiendo.
03:54Simplemente no entiendo la actitud de Gabriela.
03:57En vez de ver las cosas como son,
03:59Leonor le está ayudando a dejar descubierto
04:02la clase de tipejo que es Tomás.
04:04Se molesta, tira todo, se marcha sin importarle nada.
04:08Y para colmo, este dolor de cabeza
04:10y este maldito malestar me es común.
04:13No encuentro las gotas que me diste. ¿Dónde están?
04:16Yo las guardé, tío.
04:18Ah, bueno, dámelas.
04:19No, ¿qué no crees que esos dolores de cabeza, ese malestar
04:22es por lo que está pasando con Gabriela?
04:24Claro, claro que es por Gabriela.
04:27Me dan ganas de ir a buscarle y hacerle entrar en razón.
04:31Gabriela no puede dejar así a su familia.
04:34Ven, dámelo en la mano.
04:35Tío, a ver, si Gabriela se marchó sin importarle Tomás,
04:39ni sus hermanas, ni la fábrica,
04:43¿crees que le vas a importar tú?
04:45¿Qué estás diciendo?
04:46Ay, es una pregunta, no te enojes.
04:48No digas tonterías, entonces.
04:52Perdón, te traje un té para el malestar que tienes.
04:56Ay, sí, por favor.
04:58Y mira, le voy a poner una gotita para el estrés,
05:01para que te calmes de todo lo horrible que has vivido hoy.
05:06¿Qué pasó hoy?
05:08No preguntes tonterías, hija, no solo es popó.
05:12¿Qué le pusiste al té?
05:14¿No escuchaste?
05:16Gotas para el estrés.
05:18Una gotita para que se calme.
05:21Bueno, a ver si un día de estos me lo regalas a mí,
05:23también me hacen mucha falta.
05:25Obvio no.
05:27Son costosas.
05:30Son especiales para mi tío.
05:39No seas barbera.
05:42Déjame en paz.
05:43Pásame el té, por favor.
05:46Por favor.
05:53Estoy aquí porque sé que tenemos que hablar.
05:57No me diste la oportunidad de tener un trabajo.
06:00Y gracias.
06:02No es que haga mucho, pero tengo un sueldo.
06:05Rescataste de las garras de mi tía hermosa.
06:08De la desgraciada de tu tía, querrás decir.
06:11¿Cómo te dejaste usar así?
06:13A mí todo el mundo me usa como papel ese, Chavle.
06:18Cada día quitan de mí un poquito.
06:21Limpian aquí, limpian allá, luego lo hacen bolita y lo avientan por ahí.
06:28No sé si tengo más pesar por mí o por ti, por lo que te está pasando.
06:33Sé lo que es amar a alguien.
06:36Y la verdad, Tomás, yo no sé si el amor sea sano.
06:39Mi papá no se robó ese dinero.
06:41¿Qué dinero es?
06:42No sé.
06:43No sé.
06:44No sé qué se traía en él y ese desgraciado de Camilo.
06:47Yo solo sé que ese tipo apareció y empezó a arreararnos con eso de las inversiones.
06:51Se ganó a Carmen.
06:55Mi culpa es que yo no pensaba por mí.
06:57Ella me manipulaba.
06:59Mi sueldo no he casado para pagarle sus gustos.
07:01Entonces, me robaba poquito.
07:06Sí, robé, pero poquito.
07:11No, ella.
07:13Ella se juntó con él.
07:16Pasó lo que pasó.
07:18¿Nunca te enteraste de lo que estaba pasando?
07:22No me enteré hace poco y fue de una manera horrible.
07:25Por las historias que ella subía a la playa con él.
07:30Por el dinero que le sacaban a la distribuidora.
07:34¿Por qué decir que mi padre se robó el dinero si a simple vista él lo está disfrutando con ella?
07:38Ese tipo se robó el dinero y se robó a tu novia.
07:42Esa mujer no se la robaron.
07:47Ella se fue solita.
07:49Bien dispuesta.
07:51Guillermo, te exijo que vayas de nuevo donde está ese tipo y Carmen.
07:56Pero, Tomás.
07:57No, no hay peros.
07:58Lo hiciste para tu tía hermosa, ahora lo haces para mí.
08:01Voy a enfrentar a ese tipo y voy a limpiar la memoria de mi padre.
08:05Yo me siento muy frágil en esta situación.
08:07Mira, me tienes sin cuidado tu fragilidad.
08:10Te estoy dando una orden y lo vas a hacer.
08:16Y lo voy a hacer.
08:19Te lo veo.
08:23Camilo, ya regresé.
08:41Sí, hablo de la habitación 539.
08:44¿Sabes si el señor Camilo Arisa salió?
08:47El señor salió desde hace rato con su equipaje.
08:49Dijo que no cerraba la cuenta porque usted se quedaría unos días más.
09:11Necesito que suban a abrir la caja fuerte inmediatamente.
09:16¿Qué pasa?
09:36Por favor, Nana, dile a todos en esta casa
09:38que nadie puede buscar en los cajones de mi abuela
09:40porque resulta que hay muchos secretos.
09:43¿Pero qué macaderías son estas?
09:47¿Y ahora qué trabajos tiene tu patrón, primo?
09:51Con don Enrique nunca se sabe.
09:54Lo que sí es que le sirve mucho que estés ahí trabajando en casa de los Jiménez.
09:59¿O sabes dónde la ves?
10:01Yo estoy bien relacionado.
10:07¿Ya viste a la viudita?
10:13Ella y yo tenemos una muy buena relación.
10:19¿Ya ves que siempre he tenido buena suerte con las mujeres, primo?
10:22Sí, ¿cómo no?
10:23¿No que tú?
10:24Últimamente andas bien raro.
10:27¿Qué pasó?
10:28¿Qué? La última que te conocí fue...
10:31¿Cómo se llamaba aquella con la que te casaste?
10:34No te metas en lo que no te importa.
10:36Si no sabes, no hables.
10:38Mejor tú ponte a explicar esa relación que tienes con la viudita.
10:41No te puedo dar detalles.
10:56Casi me matas el susto.
10:58¿Estás bien?
11:00¿Qué haces?
11:02Trabajando en mi interior.
11:05Creando mi nueva realidad.
11:07Un hombre que me ame, que me cuide, que me proteja.
11:12Pero cuando intento imaginármelo, algo salta en mi mente y me dice,
11:17¡Los hombres son unos desgraciados interesados que no te dejan nada!
11:21Ay, mamá.
11:22A ti ni cómo ayudarte.
11:24O sea, no puede ser que tu vida sea solo buscar quién responde por ti.
11:29¿A mí no me vas a dar consejos que soy tu madre?
11:32¿No ves que yo no puedo vivir con la limosna que me dejó Jaime?
11:36¿No ves que esa miserable de dolores no me va a hacer la vida fácil?
11:40Yo tengo que encontrar quién me salve de esto.
11:44Ahora extraño a Jaime.
11:46¡Qué horror!
11:47¡Qué horror!
11:48Sí, qué horror.
11:50Pero contigo.
11:52Hoy tú no entiendes nada.
11:54Como me ves, te verás.
11:59Ay, ¿a qué nos quedamos?
12:01A ver, ya.
12:03Ah, sí.
12:04¿El futuro?
12:06¿Que vamos a crearlo?
12:26Niñas, no me gusta la tensión que hay entre ustedes dos.
12:30Por favor, hablen.
12:31Hablen y recuerden que antes que nada son hermanas.
12:38¿Quién estuvo esculcando en mis cosas?
12:41No lo sé, señora.
12:42Seguro alguna de las empleadas que estaban limpiando.
12:45Muchas veces les he dicho que limpien bien esos cajones.
12:48El otro día vi que estaban llenos de polvo.
12:52Eva, ¿fuiste tú?
12:54¿Estuviste hurgando entre mis cosas?
12:57Abuela, Eva, no creo que haga esas cosas.
12:59Te pregunté a ti, le estoy hablando a Eva.
13:01Te hice una pregunta, Eva, contéstame.
13:09Hola, Cid.
13:10Pues ya llegué y el departamento se ve muy bien.
13:14Ay, qué bueno.
13:15Déjale digo a la abuela de Lidio para que ya deje de rezar.
13:19Muchas gracias por estar siempre al pendiente de mí.
13:23Tú también.
13:24Pero antes de entregarte los brazos de Morfeo,
13:26échale un ojo al catálogo.
13:28Sí, eso voy a hacer.
13:29Buenas noches.
13:36Te estoy preguntando si esculcaste mis cajones.
13:42¿Y por qué habría de hacer eso?
13:44Porque todo el tiempo andas metiéndote en la vida de los demás.
13:47No aprendes a respirar.
13:49¿Crees que tienes derecho a estar husmeando todo el tiempo?
13:53Pues yo nada más observo, abuela.
13:55No es mi culpa ver cosas que los demás esconden.
13:58¿Fuiste tú?
13:59Abuela, Eva, no terminemos esto en otra discusión, por favor.
14:02Ay, ya, ya, ya me acordé.
14:04Sí, seguro fue una de las empleadas que no hace bien la limpieza.
14:08No tiene cuidado, no es cuidadosa ella.
14:10Pues averigua quién fue para que yo la...
14:12Por favor, nana, dile a todos en esta casa
14:14que nadie puede buscar en los cajones de mi abuela
14:16porque resulta que hay muchos secretos.
14:19Ay, pero qué macaderías son estas.
14:21Ya tu altanería rebasa todo.
14:25Tú no estás bien, Eva. Yo te veo muy mal.
14:28Estás llegando al límite de la agresión.
14:31Tus groserías, tu altanería se están convirtiendo en un peligro.
14:35Abuela, cualquiera que busque la verdad
14:37se puede convertir en un peligro para quien lo oculta.
14:42Tú no vas a ninguna parte.
14:50A cenar.
14:52Voy por la comida.
14:53Sí, gracias.
15:03¡Empieza, empieza!
15:26¡Contesta, Gabriela, contesta!
15:55Qué bueno que me llamas.
15:58Qué lindo.
15:59Tenía muchas ganas de hablar contigo.
16:02Solo te llamaba para decirte que pases buenas noches.
16:06Y ya me contaron lo que pasó con Gabi.
16:10Ya sabes, en este pueblo todo se sabe.
16:16Sí, sí, sí, aquí estoy.
16:19Me imagino cómo te sientes.
16:21Pero si sirve de algo, te reitero.
16:23Cuentas conmigo para lo que necesites.
16:27Tú no tienes idea
16:28el alivio que puedo ser
16:31cuando se trata de ayudar a alguien como tú.
16:36Pero bueno, ya intenta dormir.
16:37Intenta descansar.
16:39Todavía tienes muchas cosas que hacer en este pueblo.
16:42Gracias, Sumera.
16:44A propósito,
16:45recuerda que estoy a tu completa disposición.
16:50Hay que retomar el plan de ventas
16:51que va a proteger la inversión de la fábrica de chocolate
16:54y de los clientes que te había dicho.
16:56Sí, lo sé.
16:58Me queda claro que mi tío y Leonor
17:00solamente están esperando que me cumplas
17:02para que apietas todo.
17:04No hay que permitir eso, Tomás.
17:06Pero bueno, descansa.
17:08Tú tranquilo.
17:09Que al final,
17:10el tiempo nos demuestra que nadie más hace falta.
17:14Te mando un abrazo, imbécil.
17:41Sé que estás enojada y lo entiendo,
17:43pero quiero saber que estás bien.
17:44Contéstame un solo mensaje diciéndome que estás bien.
17:47¿Es mucho pedir?
17:50Tomás, no estoy bien.
17:52No tengo idea qué voy a hacer con mi vida.
18:01Gabriela, meto las manos al fuego por mi papá.
18:04Lo conocí muy bien.
18:05Era un hombre intachable.
18:07Yo estoy seguro que tu abuela manipuló todo
18:09para ensuciarlo.
18:11Sé que me equivoqué al no decírtelo a tiempo.
18:13Lo sé.
18:20Tomás, ya te dije que necesito tiempo.
18:23¿Qué no te das cuenta de todo lo que hizo tu padre?
18:25Lo que pasó con él, con mi mamá,
18:27lo que está pasando con la fábrica, con la abuela.
18:29Gabriela, lo único cierto aquí,
18:31lo único real es que yo te amo.
18:33Que pases buena noche.
18:49No, no, no.
18:50No, no, no.
18:51No, no, no.
18:52No, no, no.
18:53No, no, no.
18:54No, no.
19:18Entonces me voy a quedar aquí afuera
19:20porque no me voy a mover de aquí.
19:21For me, I can stay for the rest of my life.
19:23At some point, you'll have to leave.
19:25I have the right for you to listen to me
19:27and for us to clear things up.
19:29I saved you last night,
19:30but your grandmother is not stupid.
19:33Let's see, what are you going to do
19:34if she wants to fire one of the employees because of you?
19:37Well, I'll come up with something else, Nana.
19:40Please understand me.
19:41I had to look for my grandfather's file.
19:43Oh, my girl, my girl, my girl.
19:49You're going to get into trouble, my girl.
19:52No, Nana, it's just that my grandmother lies
19:54about everything that has to do with my grandfather's death.
19:56I know.
19:58That happened a long time ago.
20:01You were a little girl.
20:02You suffered from anxiety attacks and things like that.
20:07You weren't well, my girl.
20:10Nana, that doesn't mean that the truth
20:12is what my grandmother told us all her life.
20:15Nana, I don't doubt my memories.
20:17I know what I saw.
20:19I'm going to prove it.
20:21I'm not crazy, Nana.
20:23No, no, no.
20:25Of course you're not crazy.
20:28I do believe you.
20:29You're not crazy.
20:48Were you going to do the toilet last night?
20:51I did.
20:52Why did you do the toilet?
20:59Pues a mí sí se me hizo muy extraño.
21:02Y por eso pensé que lo mejor sería decírselo a usted,
21:05Claro, Lupita.
21:06No, muy bien.
21:08Lolita, ¿sabes dónde está mi hermano?
21:10Parece que no dormió aquí anoche.
21:12¿Qué dices?
21:13¿Que estaba en la cabaña?
21:15It happens here all the time.
21:16Oh, you're dressed up.
21:21It's wonderful to see you again.
21:23I'm here to say hello to my new best friend.
21:28How are you, Magdalena?
21:30Your new best friend?
21:33Excuse me.
21:34New best friend.
21:39Come on, Natalie.
21:46I see that your energy is very low.
21:48My energy is where it has to be.
21:50What do you want?
21:52So it's my energy that's on the floor.
21:54Well, that's your problem.
21:58I can feel how hurt your heart is.
22:06But maybe I can do something for that heart.
22:12If you allow me, of course.
22:14Magdalena, a man like me wouldn't look at a woman like...
22:17No, no, no.
22:18I'm not asking you to look at me.
22:21I'm telling you that I can do things for you.
22:25I learned from my coach
22:27to use the energy of my hands to activate your energy.
22:31Do you allow me?
22:35I don't believe in any of these things.
22:39I don't believe in any of these things,
22:41and I'm not the man you think I am.
22:43Don't expose yourself to what people may misinterpret, okay?
22:46No, don't worry.
22:48Let them say what they want.
22:50I'm one of those beings of light
22:53who can actually illuminate the lives of others.
23:03And let your bad vibe out.
23:05Like this.
23:07Like this?
23:16Like this.
23:31What's wrong?
23:33What's wrong?
23:35You look like you're in a bad mood.
23:39It's impossible, Mrs. Gloria.
23:45A man shouldn't suffer the same humiliation twice.
23:50But in my case, yes.
23:58And I'm not a good human being.
24:00I'm going to bring you some chicken broth.
24:02It's very good for healing the soul.
24:05I think
24:07my soul is so torn
24:10that not even a little broth of yours can revive me.
24:18it's not good to cry anymore, right?
24:22I'll let you know that I'm going on a trip tomorrow.
24:25Don't worry, I'll be back.
24:26If there's anything left of me.
24:39We were worried because we didn't know where you were.
24:43Are you okay?
24:44Yes, I'm solving some issues.
24:46But I'm fine.
24:47And where are you?
24:48I already told you.
24:49I'm solving something I have pending, brother.
24:51But everything is fine.
24:52I'll tell you later.
24:53I love you.
24:56I love you, brother.
24:59It's okay.
25:00He didn't want to tell me where he was,
25:02but I'm sure he's in the office.
25:03He's a little stressed out.
25:05I'm worried about all this that's going on, Andres.
25:08Tomas is convinced
25:10that that woman, Leonor San Jose,
25:13is responsible for Jaime's death.
25:16I think that the one behind that death
25:20is Magdalena.
25:21Yes, and clarify this soon,
25:23because Tomas may be fighting the wrong people.
25:41I know you're there!
25:42Open up!
25:46Who told you I was here?
25:47If you open up, I'll tell you.
25:49I'm not leaving until we talk.
25:51We have nothing to talk about.
25:54And you know what?
25:55I'm not going to open up.
25:57Then I'm going to stay outside
25:58because I'm not moving from here.
26:00I can stay here for the rest of my life.
26:02At some point, you'll have to leave.
26:04I have the right for you to listen to me
26:05and for us to clear things up.
26:17You're not going to open up?
26:20Then I'm going to scream
26:21until the neighbors come out
26:22and know that I'm in love with you.
26:27I'm in love with this woman
26:28who's in here,
26:29but she doesn't want to open up.
26:31Tomas, you know what?
26:32Keep screaming all you want,
26:34because I'm not going to open up.
26:36You know what?
26:37Keep screaming all you want,
26:38because I'm not going to open up.
26:57Maybe I can't get that out of your head,
27:00but the psychiatrists can.
27:02They can?
27:04They have very powerful drugs.
27:07You know, the ones they use
27:09for you to stop being you.
27:21You asked for it, Eva.
27:25You shouldn't have found out
27:26what you shouldn't have.
27:28Tomas, how'd it go?
27:30Were you able to talk to Gabriela?
27:32Everything's in order, I'll tell you.
27:34It hasn't been easy,
27:35but I know everything's going to work out.
27:37And if Gabriela wants proof, she'll have it.
27:40You and I know
27:41what kind of person my dad was.
27:46I don't want to give you bad news,
27:48but I have to tell you.
27:50The investigator called me,
27:52and Camilo Ariza ran away.
27:54Yes, I already saw the videos
27:55you asked me to show you.
27:57And how are you going to get out of that building?
27:59You have a date in a little while, Gabi.
28:03Tomas went to look for her?
28:06That boy.
28:08That's how all lovers should be,
28:10going for what they want.
28:13The thing is,
28:14people don't want commitments anymore.
28:16Did you notice?
28:20I don't know who I'd tell Tomas where Gabi was,
28:22but I think it's a good thing she went to look for her.
28:24What do you think, Grandma?
28:27That boy
28:29is just like his dad
28:30when he was just a kid.
28:33I remember he fell in love with Beatriz
28:35and there was no human power
28:37to keep them apart.
28:39Until they tried to kill him,
28:41my dear.
28:42He was saved by a miracle.
28:45Oh, Grandma.
28:46I love Gabi very much.
28:48But if she has a great grandmother,
28:50it's because of her.
28:52But if she has a terrible grandmother,
28:54what else did that man do?
28:57Well, my dear.
28:58What they did to her, too.
29:02for people to be like her,
29:04there's always a reason.
29:22It's a girl who makes things up.
29:26She's telling lies.
29:29She even claimed that I killed my husband.
29:33It's good to see you.
29:35I want to talk to your grandmother.
29:37Hello, sir.
29:38My grandmother is not here. What do you need?
29:40To clarify some issues
29:41about the agreement we have with you.
29:43The three-year agreement,
29:44the three-year agreement,
29:45the three-year agreement,
29:46the three-year agreement,
29:47the three-year agreement,
29:48the three-year agreement,
29:49the three-year agreement,
29:50the three-year agreement,
29:52we don't have much time
29:53and I don't see any intention
29:54from your grandmother
29:55to allow us to launch
29:56the factory's rescue plan.
29:59Are you insinuating
30:00that we want the factory to go wrong?
30:03Or that we want you
30:04to not fulfill your agreement?
30:05I don't understand.
30:07I don't want to be rude.
30:08I should be talking about this
30:09with your grandmother.
30:10Excuse me?
30:12Look, sir,
30:13I'll tell her that my grandmother
30:14just told me
30:15about the debt we have
30:16to San Jose and the Jimenez family.
30:18So, from now on,
30:19I'm the one
30:20with whom you have to talk about this matter.
30:22Look, I see that you quickly replaced one granddaughter for the other.
30:27Anyway, as I was saying, I don't see any will from you
30:31to allow us to apply the business plan that we have.
30:34You have limited us with prices and discounts that we can offer.
30:37Are we responsible for your business plan not having good acceptance?
30:43Excuse me, but you promised a lot of sales.
30:46New customers from the American Union, and neither one nor the other, sir.
30:51If you don't allow the plan to be implemented, you will be disobeying the agreement
30:55and nothing we sign will be valid.
30:57I recommend that you read the small letters of the agreement.
31:00What do you mean?
31:01That if you continue to close us, the agreement will be canceled.
31:04We are not as naive as you want to see us.
31:07Excuse me.
31:11I was missing those things from the market.
31:13As soon as you leave the lady at the factory, do me the favor of going to buy them, okay?
31:18Be patient, woman.
31:20I don't know how long we've been here.
31:23We didn't go to the factory.
31:25Oh, no? Then where are they?
31:27In the psychiatric hospital.
31:29The lady has a meeting here.
31:32Virgin of charity.
31:33What is Mrs. Leonora doing in a psychiatric hospital?
31:37Well, what is she going to do?
31:39She has always wanted to help Eva.
31:41Eva doesn't need that.
31:43She has been a nervous, introverted girl, but she is not crazy.
31:48Her grandfather's death affected her a lot, yes.
31:51But not to put her in a asylum.
31:54Little woman, you are always such a good person.
31:58Mrs. Leonora says that Eva has crossed the limits.
32:03And you know that she is not the same as before.
32:06And all to get together with the Jimenez.
32:09Those damn people should never have come to this town.
32:19Doctor, in fact, I already did the investigation in the registrar's office of the neighboring town.
32:23And no, it seems that there is no exact copy.
32:26How strange.
32:28Well, that's why I came with you.
32:30Because I guess some doctor had to go to do the body lift, right?
32:34I imagine they could save some file.
32:39I don't remember much, but I have colleagues who may remember it.
32:46Only that...
32:49Doctor, only that what? What happens?
32:53I don't know if their memory works or if they are still alive.
32:58They are very sick.
33:00Doctor, whatever I can do, I will thank you from the bottom of my heart.
33:04Very well.
33:07Ah, thank you.
33:17What was your last name?
33:20Colleague, that man did not die of what they are saying.
33:23His body did not show any signs of carcinogenesis.
33:26That man did not die of what they are saying.
33:28His body did not show any signs of carcinogenesis.
33:32There was no gin either.
33:34He did not die in the fire.
33:36He died before.
33:39Are you sure, Humberto?
33:42You already know that the most powerful family in the neighborhood.
33:46I know.
33:49That's why I have to go.
33:51Because if I stay here, my days are counted.
33:57Doctor, don't worry.
34:00But if you remember anything, let me know.
34:04Yes, of course, Lieutenant.
34:08The situation is becoming a danger for the family.
34:13She's a girl who makes things up.
34:17She's telling lies.
34:20She even claimed that I killed my husband.
34:23What do you think?
34:27That Magdalena woman is not to be trusted, Mr. Enrique.
34:31She's Tomás Jiménez's stepmother.
34:34Besides, I have reasons to think she's dangerous.
34:40Why do you say that?
34:41What do you know?
34:44She and my cousin have something.
34:46And what can a woman like Magdalena have with a guy like Julio?
34:52You know that when my cousin gets drunk, he lets his guard down.
34:56He said he did business with her and he made a lot of money.
35:00What kind of business?
35:03I don't know.
35:05I think it has to do with Jaime Jiménez's death.
35:10Maybe she knows something, don't you think?
35:18That would change everything.
35:20It would be good to find out what that woman is up to.
35:25Well, you tell me and we can pressure my cousin to confess.
35:29Are you sure?
35:31It could be.
35:33And since Magdalena is looking for me,
35:35I think I'll let her find me easily.
35:38And then I want you to bring your cousin here to talk to me.
35:43Yes, sir.
35:44If you don't leave us alone,
35:47Yes, sir.
35:49Simon is waiting for you.
35:50He's anxious.
35:51You know how he gets.
35:54But I want to ask you for a favor and I hope you help me, okay?
35:59Don't let that kid manipulate you.
36:03Sir Mercedes, how can a boy as cute as Simon manipulate us?
36:08Why do you say that? What do you mean?
36:10Simon has learned to survive using all possible alternatives to get what he wants.
36:19Now he invented that he needs a cell phone.
36:23And who do you think he's going to ask for it?
36:27Magdalena, Magdalena.
36:30Vane, why can't he have a cell phone?
36:32He's eight years old.
36:35And it would be a horrible conflict between him and the other kids.
36:40And also, why don't we want our kids to become slaves to those devices?
36:46When he grows up, he'll have one.
36:48But not now.
36:50And less by becoming the victim.
36:52Not that.
36:56Well, let's go see him.
36:57Let's go.
36:58Let's go.
37:00Oh, wait.
37:01It's Gabriela.
37:02I'll catch up with you in a minute.
37:06What happened, Gaby?
37:10Knock, knock.
37:12Godfather, Godfather!
37:17Up, up, up!
37:18Touch the ceiling, touch the ceiling, touch the ceiling!
37:22Oh, Godfather!
37:24Oh, God!
37:25As the Mother Superior says, you saved my campaign!
37:31How are you?
37:36Terribly bad.
37:37Oh, what's that, Simón Alejandro?
37:40It's just...
37:42Do you want a glass of water?
37:45Chocolate would be better.
37:47But without water.
37:49Yes, I told Tomás where you were.
37:51Eva, why did you do it?
37:53Now I have him out here in the apartment and he won't leave until I talk to him.
37:58And I don't want to do it.
38:00Listen to him.
38:02For me, he's telling the truth.
38:04Didn't you see everything that happened?
38:05And what happened?
38:07That Grandma put all this together as part of her strategy to separate them?
38:11Look, if you don't, I do believe in Tomás.
38:14Give him a chance.
38:16One? I've given him a thousand chances.
38:19Well, what's one more?
38:22Okay, I'm going to do it just for you.
38:25Because you know that when I make a decision, I stay firm.
38:29Look, I don't know what Tomás is going to tell me to convince me, but...
38:32For now, all I want is to stay away from this war between Tomás and my grandmother.
38:37I understand perfectly well that you want to stay away from Grandma.
38:40But I ask you not to do it.
38:42Or what would you say to me?
38:45She's my youngest granddaughter.
38:48I adore her, I want to see her well.
38:50Don't be sad.
38:52You're doing the right thing.
38:54And believe me, I've seen cases of families that are destroyed because...
38:59They never accepted that one of their children is not mentally well.
39:03I'm glad you understand me.
39:05It hurts me to have had to do this with her, but...
39:09It has become a serious problem.
39:12Too serious.
39:14We will be willing to support whatever you need, Mrs. San José.
39:19Thank you, thank you very much, Doctor.
39:21In the same way, you know that I am at your service.
39:24I know that this place needs donations.
39:28And I've always been a woman who tries to help others.
39:33I know how to be generous.