Werewolf Game ist eine Adaption des beliebten Gruppen-, bzw. Partyspiels Die Werwölfe von Düsterwald, das auf den Russen Dimitry Davidoff zurückgeht, der es 1986 begründet. In der Kino-Adaption werden 12 entführte Fremde dazu gezwungen, das Spiel zu spielen und herauszufinden, wer unter ihnen die Mörder sind. Doch je länger sie brauchen, desto weniger von ihnen werden überleben. Der Film zeigt den mit dem Film Candymans Fluch zur Horror-Ikone avancierten Schauspieler Tony Todd in einer seiner letzten Rollen.
00:00Welcome. You have been selected to play the werewolf game. Among you are three werewolves.
00:11The villagers task is to figure out who among you are the three sneaky wolves.
00:16Every day at 4pm, we'll decide who you believe the werewolf is.
00:22The group is fracturing.
00:23The villager with the most votes dies.
00:30Between 3 and 4am, the wolves are allowed to come out and hunt.
00:42The winners will receive $100,000 per month deposited into a private bank account for the rest of your lives.
00:52The winner is whoever kills the other team first.
00:58This is insanity!
01:00Will it be the intrepid villagers?
01:03If you do this, you won't die.
01:05With their clever deduction.
01:06I shopped.
01:07You are the werewolf and I know it.
01:10You're gonna die next.
01:11Or the cunning wolves.
01:14They're just hiding among us.
01:15We gotta find out who they are.
01:18I refuse to give them a show.
01:21You cannot fight us.
01:23You cannot escape.
01:24She was my friend.
01:26You can only play the game.
01:27I still want to escape, right?
01:31Or be punished.