• letztes Jahr
Im von Homers Odyssee inspirierten Drama The Return kehrt Odysseus 20 Jahre nach seinem Auszug in den Krieg nach Hause zurück. Doch seit er in Troja gekämpft hat, ist viel passiert - und sein Königreich hat sich sehr verändert.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/the-return--8


00:00Our King Odysseus, the smartest of all the heroes.
00:06He led us for ten years in the Trojan War, before his brilliant plan to build the Great Horse.
00:13The Trojans thought it was a gift and took it behind their walls.
00:18Then, out poured our soldiers.
00:21Odysseus led us to victory.
00:25People love stories.
00:27You were there?
00:30I am Odysseus' wife.
00:32Odysseus is dead.
00:33Not to me.
00:34There is no king. He sailed the Troy years ago.
00:37Took the best men with him.
00:39All year, suitors have been turning up, waiting for his widow to choose a new husband to be king.
00:44Scoundrels. They're just here for your wealth.
00:48Look at this island. A wasteland.
00:51Gangs of thugs terrifying the people.
00:54They need me alive, at least until I choose my husband.
01:00Mother, we can't live with those savages anymore.
01:03I will choose soon, when I finish my wedding cloak.
01:07No one's making a fool of you, of us all.
01:12I know who you are.
01:14A tramp.
01:15If I were free, I'd fight for what was mine. I'd fight for my people.
01:21What will the people say when they see I have returned alone?
01:24That I led all their men to their deaths.
01:28This land is ruined.
01:31I sacrificed it for him.
01:35I have a proposal for you.
01:37A hunting party.
01:39Where is he?
01:42Who are you?
01:44Your waiting is over.
01:47The one amongst you who can string the bow and shoot the arrow through the axes, that man will be my husband.
01:57Close the gates.
01:59How can men find a war but not find their way home?
02:03Some war becomes home.
02:08Give the man the bow.
