Wie geht man mit Verlust um? Diese Frage stellt sich die Kriegsveteranin Merit in der Tragikkomödie My Dead Friend Zoe nach dem ihre beste Freundin während eines Einsatzes gestorben ist. Ihr Therapeut Dr. Cole hat selbst mit einigen Verlusten zu kämpfen, während Merits Großvater nicht nur seine Frau verloren hat, sondern auch dabei ist, sie zu vergessen.
Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/my-dead-friend-zoe
Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/my-dead-friend-zoe
00:00Can you promise me it won't get, like, messed up?
00:04Taliban, can you touch this?
00:05If you ever catch me in some sort of, like, dopey group therapy, you have permission to
00:11kill me.
00:12So we're all here?
00:13Who wants to start?
00:17My name is Merritt, deployed to Afghanistan in 2016.
00:20Okay, okay, aren't we better than this, than this woe is me?
00:26Ouchie, my feelings.
00:27Let's get out of here.
00:28Be quiet.
00:33Everything okay?
00:34I'm sorry.
00:35I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:39Grandpa, I've been dealing with some things.
00:41That's what a soldier does, you suck it up.
00:47First platoon said there's a sniper out there.
00:52You think I'm scared?
00:53Where are you going?
00:55You can't tell anyone.
01:03Damn, what a name.
01:05Don't say that.
01:07I can joke about the dead.
01:08These are my people.
01:10I didn't think, um, have you ever played Buck Hunter?
01:16That's a new record.
01:17Well, damn.
01:18You think I'm crazy?
01:19Your mother thinks I'm crazy.
01:20But as long as you're under my roof, paper goes in goddamn six.
01:21I would think seriously about what living in the past is worth.
01:47Why would you re-enlist?
01:48The world is not my oyster.
01:49You think the world is my oyster?
01:50I'm a black woman in America.
01:52We're the Lake House.
01:53It's my grandparents' lake house, it isn't.
01:54Oh, shut up.