00:00There is someone waiting who will hurry up and rescue you. Just call for Super Chicken.
00:04But if you're afraid, you'll have to overlook it. Besides, you knew the job was dangerous when you took it.
00:09He will drink his super sauce and throw the bad guys for a loss, and he will bring them in alive and kicking.
00:13There is one thing you should learn when there is no one else to turn to. Call for Super Chicken.
00:18Call for Super Chicken.
00:24That Nyeh-hah-hah-hah-hah belongs to actor Briggs Badwolf.
00:28Famous in theaters from coast to coast as the man you love to hate.
00:33This is your last chance, little Red Riding Hood.
00:35Come with me to the Villians' annual picnic, or I'll foreclose the mortgage!
00:40No! No! A thousand times no!
00:44That's Pollenham!
00:46Please, Red, it's only a play.
00:48Oh, sorry, Mr. Henhouse, I got carried away.
00:53Unhander, you cad!
00:55I, Brick Mason, have returned with the mortgage money.
00:59Forget it! I'd rather take Red to the picnic.
01:03Hey, guy, that hurt.
01:06Come on, there's something wrong.
01:07But, but, but, those aren't the lines in the play.
01:10How do you know?
01:11I wrote it.
01:13Yes, carried away by his own acting, Briggs Badwolf had flipped his fright wig and actually believed he was a villain.
01:18For the last time, will you go to the Villians' picnic with me?
01:22You're hiding my face, Briggs.
01:24Yes or no?
01:24They can't see my face, stupid.
01:27Answer me!
01:29We'll see about that, my pretty.
01:32Hold on there, Briggs Badwolf!
01:34Out of my way!
01:35Hey, you can't hit my friend!
01:37You too!
01:39Well, that's all right. Me, you can hit.
01:41Briggs Badwolf dropped Red Riding Hood into the sidecar of his motorcycle and took off.
01:45Red, this looks like a job for...
01:48Super Chicken!
02:18But where? Where the villain always takes the girl in the first act?
02:21The sawmill.
02:22Grown up at that moment inside Chapter Sawmill.
02:24Now, will you go to the Villians' picnic with me?
02:27They have swings.
02:29All right. You two have made your decision.
02:32Two? There's only one of me.
02:34Not for long.
02:37Help! Help!
02:44Stop the presses! I'll save you, little missy!
02:47It's Super Chicken!
02:48Poiled again!
02:50Stop the presses?
02:52With his super fist, Super Chicken then knocked the saw completely loose.
02:56And it cut the mill in half.
02:58One half fell into the ditch canyon.
03:01Guess which half?
03:04An hour later, the demented actor was tying Red Riding Hood to the tracks of the Muncie and Grand Trunk Western Railroad.
03:09You want to go to the picnic with me?
03:11Well, wait here for the 10.40 to Salt Lake City.
03:14They're going to have a sack race.
03:18I really thought the sack race would do it.
03:20Well, let me know if you change your mind before 10.40.
03:23After 10.40, forget it.
03:25But charging to the rescue on a hand car was Super Chicken.
03:33What makes you think he's going to tie her to the railroad track, Super Chicken?
03:36That's the second act closer, Fred.
03:38Riggs is sticking to the script.
03:41Keep pumping, Fred.
03:43You've got to stop that train.
03:45With a hand car?
03:46Let me worry about that.
03:48As soon as I free Red Riding Hood, I'll be back to help you.
03:53Wait right here.
03:54I've got to go help Fred.
03:55Where is he?
03:59Ah, there he goes now.
04:00See ya.
04:01Where are you going?
04:02To Salt Lake City to get Fred.
04:04While the mighty chicken raced the train to Salt Lake City,
04:07Riggs Bedwell carried Red Riding Hood over hill and dale
04:10until he reached a miner's shack far back in the mountains.
04:12Now stop shilly-shallying, Red.
04:15Will you go to the villain's picnic with me or not?
04:17My treat.
04:18No, no, no, no, no!
04:20Come on, make up your mind!
04:23Meanwhile, just in from Salt Lake,
04:24Super Chicken and Fred were sneaking up on the shack.
04:27I don't get it.
04:28Why am I dressed up like a girl?
04:30You'll see, Fred.
04:31The wily chicken knocked on the front door,
04:33then ran around to the back.
04:34Who is it?
04:35Taking advantage of the momentary distraction,
04:37Super Chicken substituted his lion friend for the beautiful actress.
04:41Stall for time till I get back, Fred.
04:44Within moments, Super Chicken had returned Red Riding Hood to the theater.
04:48Yes, I am saved, thanks to Super Chicken.
04:52Thank you, thank you, thank you.
04:55If I go to the villain's picnic with you,
04:58will you take me for a ride in the Tunnel of Love?
05:01Oh boy, who will I?
05:04Suppose they don't have a Tunnel of Love.
05:06I'll dig one.
05:08Thank you, thank you, thank you.
05:10But Super Chicken took one bow too many.
05:14Red Riding Hood,
05:15you've made me the happiest villain in the world.
05:18I have?
05:20Do you realize this is the first time we've gone out together?
05:24But as luck would have it, the hapless pair crashed right through the roof of the police station.
05:29Fred emerged a bit worse for wear.
05:31Briggs Bad Wolf didn't emerge at all.
05:33The mighty chicken had done it again.
05:40Red Riding Hood saved, Briggs Bad Wolf in jail.
05:43Justice will triumph, I always say.
05:46Don't you?