Armand Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Was it just a children's game or something more serious? Elisabeth (Renate Reinsve) is called into her son's school when something happens between Armand and his friend Jon. But the incident triggers a series of events, forcing parents and school staff into a captivating battle -- where madness, desire, and obsession arise.
directed by Halfdan Ullmann Tondel
starring Renate Reinsve, Ellen Dorrit Petersen, Oystein Roger
release date February 7, 2025 (in theaters)
directed by Halfdan Ullmann Tondel
starring Renate Reinsve, Ellen Dorrit Petersen, Oystein Roger
release date February 7, 2025 (in theaters)
Short filmTranscript
00:00The following footage is from our vault of classics, taken ten years ago.
00:24Elisabeth is an open person.
00:26I have to admit, this is a bit strange.
00:30What happened?
00:34Well, it's Armand again.
00:38I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
00:50This is actually not...
00:52I'm sorry.
00:56Stop, Elisabeth.
01:03Goodbye, Elisabeth.
01:22Dear Elisabeth, how can we...
01:52To be continued...