SPIRIT UNTAMED Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: An epic adventure about a headstrong girl longing for a place to belong who discovers a kindred spirit when her life intersects with a wild horse, SPIRIT UNTAMED is the next chapter in the beloved story from DreamWorks Animation...
directed by Elaine Bogan; co-directed by Ennio Torresan
starring Isabela (Moner) Merced, Marsai Martin, Mckenna Grace, Julianne Moore, Jake Gyllenhaal, Eiza Gonzalez, Walton Goggins, Andre Braugher
release date June 4, 2021 (in theaters)
directed by Elaine Bogan; co-directed by Ennio Torresan
starring Isabela (Moner) Merced, Marsai Martin, Mckenna Grace, Julianne Moore, Jake Gyllenhaal, Eiza Gonzalez, Walton Goggins, Andre Braugher
release date June 4, 2021 (in theaters)
Short film