• last year
That said, Farrah tells us she is all about a sex strike in general ... applauding liberal women practicing the same abstinence preached to teens.


00:00I'm their cheerleader for a sex strike, so go sex strike!
00:05I mean, abstinence is awesome, it's been around way before this.
00:08So no matter who's in office, what's up liberal women, what's up?
00:12I think it's a joyful thing on either side, but I also sense that as a teenager once,
00:18you know, abstinence, that's what I heard about all the time, abstinence, abstinence.
00:21It's kind of hypocritical that older women can't embrace abstinence, like it's pressured
00:26and put upon to teens and our younger adults.
00:30So you know, sex strike, abstinence, maybe that's why my OF's blowing up.
00:34But anyways, I wanted to say there's three things that are really important to me when
00:38we're looking at this.
00:39One, Roe vs. Wade probably is the detriment of the future, right?
00:44It's of the past.
00:45We need new acts.
00:46So there's probably about a one, two, three that I'm going to go through real fast.
00:49We need inclusion of contraception for our youth.
00:53So 10 year olds, anyone who can conceive, anyone who can get pregnant, whether by force
00:58or by choice, they need to be included in the contraception prevention talk.
01:05So I hope more teens talk about this.
01:07I see lots of young men online, 16, 15, really advocating for trying to get those non-surgical
01:15And I hope that this law, this act, this new prevention and inclusion of contraception
01:19act can make that real.
01:20So that's number one.
01:21Number two, when we're looking at inclusions of costs for both men and women, storing your
01:28sperm, right?
01:29If vasectomies are going up, like my boyfriends get vasectomies, they need better costs, better
01:34storage, better everything.
01:36Meat Fellow is a company for men that can store their sperm with no blood work done,
01:40which is good because that's why they avoid surgical vasectomies.
01:43Women, women all day long are saying, I'm overpaying for storing my eggs.
01:48They need like a sex inclusion of fertility act.
01:52So let's get a number two act for that.
01:54Now, number three, let's leave nobody out.
01:56You have husbands and wives who are trying to get fertile, have babies.
02:00They end up having miscarriages, stillborns.
02:02It puts health at risk, a lot of things at risk.
02:06Where is an act that is for safety fertility so that they're not looked at as a crisis
02:12It could be looked at all the same.
02:14Some people are getting guilted by that.
02:15It's really not fair of a loss that they're going through.
02:18So those are three things.
02:19One, two, three.
02:20No sex or abstinence is awesome, but sex, strike it up.
02:25Those three things I would love to advocate for.
02:27Trump administration, JD Vance hit me up.
02:29I can guide it.
02:30I can do it.
02:31I love it.
02:32Let's get some new laws in.
02:33After hours, Joe Rogan or kill Tony.
02:36Let's do it.
02:37Austin, Texas.
