Ever wonder why some of your favorite cookies seemed to disappear from store shelves one day? With fun names like Giggles, Magic Dunkers, and Yum Yums, how could they not have been a success? Watch our video to see if any of your favorites have gone missing!
00:00Ever wonder why some of your favorite cookies seem to disappear from store shelves one day?
00:06With fun names like Giggles, Magic Dunkers, and Yum Yums, how could they not have been
00:12a success?
00:13Keep watching to see if any of your favorites have gone missing.
00:17Mr. Big Stuff, who do you think you are?
00:20Such is the question posed by this 1980s Oreo commercial for its product, the Oreo Big Stuff.
00:27This cookie was just like the original Oreos we all know and love, but bigger.
00:33A good three inches wide, the Oreo Big Stuff was a giant, individually wrapped Oreo cookie.
00:39What could possibly be bad about a bigger Oreo?
00:42Unfortunately, the Big Stuff didn't hit the spot, and it was discontinued after about
00:47seven years on the market.
00:49It's not 100% clear why the giant cookie didn't last long, but it might have been too big
00:54for kids' appetites.
00:56It may also be that it required people to completely rework how they ate an Oreo.
01:01After all, the Oreo Big Stuff was too big for dunking in a glass of milk or twisting
01:05apart to get straight to the cream filling.
01:08Still, it seems there are some nostalgic folks out there who want these oversized cookies
01:13to make a comeback.
01:15Kim Kardashian herself even made a plea to Nabisco on Twitter to bring the Oreo Big Stuff
01:21Considering she got several people freed from prison, if she can't revive these cookies,
01:26it's likely that no one can.
01:28Picture this, a chocolate chip cookie stuffed with a gooey fudge filling.
01:34Sounds like a dream, doesn't it?
01:36Well, in the late 80s and early 90s, it was a reality.
01:40Keebler Magic Middle's cookies came in a few varieties, including a chocolate chip cookie
01:44with chocolate filling and a sugar cookie with either chocolate or peanut butter filling.
01:50And as the commercial from the early 90s points out, they were,
01:53"...a virtual genius!"
01:54"...we're pretty proud!"
01:56It's unclear why Keebler quietly discontinued these cookies, and the company has been pretty
02:01mum on the topic.
02:03Keebler supposedly phased them out to use the equipment for a different product, but
02:07unfortunately, this may remain one of life's great mysteries.
02:10Luckily, there are some truly dedicated Magic Middle's fans out there putting in the hard
02:16work on social media to try to get these magical cookies back on our shelves.
02:21Let's hope Keebler is taking notice!
02:24Every ounce of these bite-sized lemony morsels paid tribute to the history of the Girl Scouts,
02:30from their name to their smiley wedge shape.
02:33Released in 2011, the Savannah Smiles cookies were created to celebrate the 100-year anniversary
02:39of the Girl Scouts organization, which was founded in Savannah, Georgia.
02:44Designer Juliette Gordon-Lowe was inspired by the Boy Scouts organization and knew that
02:48girls in America needed a program just for them, and the rest is history.
02:53The Savannah Smiles cookies contained lemon chips to give them a bold lemon flavor and
02:58were coated in powdered sugar.
03:00If held just right, the cookies resembled the iconic brownie smile.
03:05What is the brownie smile, you ask?
03:08It's the smile only a brownie Girl Scout girl can have.
03:12According to the iconic brownie smile song.
03:15Sadly, these delicious-sounding cookies were discontinued in 2019.
03:21Reminiscent of the Oreo, the Nabisco Giggles sandwich cookies that were popular in the
03:261980s featured both vanilla and chocolate cream filling sandwiched between two shortbread
03:31cookies, and the cookies came in either vanilla or chocolate.
03:35But the Nabisco Giggles also had a gimmick.
03:38Each cookie had a smiley face cut into them.
03:43You couldn't eat a Nabisco Giggles cookie without bursting into a fit of uncontrollable
03:48Or at least that's what the Giggles commercials would have you believe.
03:52It's unclear exactly why these cookies faded out in the 90s, but the fact that they were
03:56popular despite ads that featured children laughing in a terrifying and maniacal way
04:02is a true testament to how good these cookies must have been.
04:05While it seems unlikely that Giggles cookies actually make people burst into literal fits
04:10of laughter, they do sound delicious, and perhaps our world would be just a tiny bit
04:15happier if they were to come back.
04:19Lunchables might have been an iconic DIY schoolyard meal from the 90s, but the Lunchables cookies
04:24and frosting packs have remained popular up until recently.
04:28These decorate-your-own-cookie kits came with two cookies and sweet, spreadable icing you
04:33could smear on yourself.
04:35While a quick Google search will show lots of results for places to buy these cookie
04:39packs, you'll see that they're all dead ends, which suggests they were recently discontinued.
04:45In fact, all Lunchables products have been harder to find as the pandemic winds down.
04:50Demand for the cafeteria stalwart has increased as kids have returned to school, leading to
04:55empty shelves across the country.
04:58In response, Kraft Heinz issued a statement saying it's working hard to ramp up its supply
05:04And if you're the type of person who likes to put your own icing on your cookies, there's
05:08even more good news for you.
05:10The cookies and frosting may be dead, but Lunchables did release their own version of
05:14the Dunkaroos in 2020, with the Cookie Dunks and S'mores Dippers.
05:20The classic Moon Pie has been around for over 100 years for a reason — they're delicious.
05:26Marshmallow filling sandwiched between two soft graham crackers, cake-like cookies covered
05:31in chocolate — they're the kind of treat that never goes out of style.
05:35Well, except for one type of Moon Pie — the Moon Pie Crunch.
05:39These were just like the classic Moon Pie, but with crunchy chocolate cookies instead
05:43of the signature soft graham cracker ones.
05:46A review from 2010 reveals that the Moon Pie Crunch came in both peanut butter and mint
05:52Unlike the original Moon Pie, which featured different flavored outer coatings, it was
05:57the cream filling that was flavored inside the Moon Pie Crunch.
06:01While it's important for any company to keep innovating, especially after 100 years, it
06:06seems Moon Pie missed the mark with these cookies, as they are no longer available.
06:11But for the true Moon Pie fanatic, there are still plenty of other Moon Pie products available
06:16to you.
06:17For example, there are Moon Pie Candles, a Moon Pie Rug, or even a Moon Pie Lip Balm,
06:23in case you need that sweet Moon Pie taste on your lips at all times.
06:28Horry's Fudgetown Cookies were yet another sandwich cookie that once enjoyed quite a
06:33heyday, only to eventually burn out.
06:36They featured two flower-shaped chocolate cookies with a fudgy filling.
06:40In fact, according to an old commercial from 1966, they contained so much of their signature
06:45fudge filling that it would overflow from the center.
06:49"'Fudgetown, the cookie that's so full of fudge it pops out of the top.'"
06:52Basically, Fudgetown Cookies were a chocolate lover's dream.
06:57Popular in the 1960s and 1970s, the commercials claimed they were made in an actual place
07:03called Fudgetown, and that's why they were so fudgetastic.
07:06But alas, Fudgetown is not a real place.
07:09In reality, Fudgetown Cookies were probably made in the great state of New Jersey.
07:14Burry's Biscuits manufacturing plant was a quarter-mile-long factory filling Elizabeth,
07:20New Jersey, with the sweet smell of cookies for decades.
07:23Sadly, the factory shut down in 2006, and then, adding insult to injury, burned down
07:29in 2011.
07:30That doesn't bode well for anyone hoping to see Fudgetown Cookies back on the shelves
07:35anytime soon.
07:38While they were decidedly not a papier-mâché animal stuffed with candy, these Iced Berry
07:43Piñata Girl Scout Cookies sure sounded like a party in your mouth.
07:47Shortbread cookies topped with strawberry jam, cinnamon crumbles, and drizzled with
07:52icing, the Iced Berry Piñatas resembled a classic Danish pastry, but in cookie form.
07:58What's not to love about that?
08:00One would think that a cookie like this would stand the test of time, but piñatas were
08:04only on the market from 2003 to 2005.
08:08We'll never know why these cookies went the way of low-rise jeans, but luckily, one former
08:13Girl Scout and Iced Berry Piñata cookie fan over at whatsjessmaking.com has created
08:19a knockoff recipe, so the rest of us can party like it's 2003.
08:24Grab your Motorola Razr and a jar of strawberry jelly and enjoy the fiesta.
08:30We all remember the peak red velvet craze of the early to mid-2010s.
08:35You couldn't walk 10 feet without tripping over a red velvet cupcake, body spray, or
08:40scented candle, so it's not a big surprise that Oreo released a limited edition red
08:45velvet cookie in 2015.
08:48According to a taste test, the cookies actually tasted like a red velvet cake.
08:52What was unusual about this particular Oreo was that not only was the filling in the center
08:58a different flavor — cream cheese, to be exact — but the flavor of the cookie itself
09:03was changed from Oreo's signature chocolate to a true red velvet flavor.
09:08If you call yourself a fan of the pigmented cake, then these were the cookies for you.
09:13But sadly, the red velvet Oreos were discontinued in 2020.
09:18Nabisco claimed the reason was to make room for other new cookie innovations.
09:22Maybe it's a sign the red velvet craze has officially died down?
09:27Only time will tell.
09:29Way back in the year 2000, a couple of mad scientists at Nabisco had a brilliant idea.
09:36What if they could make dunking Oreos in milk even more fun for kids?
09:40Enter the Oreo Magic Dunkers, which turned your milk blue when you dunked them.
09:45And because they were made with food dye, they also turned your fingers and tongue and
09:50probably clothes blue as well.
09:53The Magic Dunker cookies were reportedly invented after the marketing team at Nabisco found
09:58that more than 30 percent of Oreo customers like to dunk their cookies in a glass of milk.
10:03So they brilliantly found a way to make the experience even more interesting.
10:09Nabisco claimed their technologists spent over a year perfecting that blue swirl technology
10:14until they got it just right.
10:16But sadly, it seems they spent more time developing these cookies than actually selling them,
10:22as they didn't stay on the shelves for long.
10:24But your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't
10:27stop to think if they should.
10:29Maybe enough parents got tired of having to wash the stains off their kids' clothes every
10:33time they snacked on Magic Dunkers?
10:36Tough to say.