• el año pasado
[SUB ESPAÑOL] ¡Atención! ¡Alerta del Bebé Adorable!
00:00:00¡Bienvenido a la fiesta de cumpleaños de nuestra ciudad, Mr. Robert Clark!
00:00:06¡Bienvenido a la fiesta de cumpleaños, Roy!
00:00:31¡Bienvenido a la fiesta de cumpleaños, Mr. Robert Clark!
00:00:34Ah, pensé que la noche del tren fue un total error.
00:00:51¿Por qué no recuerdo su cara?
00:01:04Si aún estuvieras viva hoy, serías cinco.
00:01:35¡Ey tú! Hoy es mi cumpleaños. ¿No me regalaste una mamá?
00:01:38No es así, Charly.
00:01:40¡Mira a ti mismo, Robert Clark! Treinta años y aún solo.
00:01:43¿Sabes qué preocupado estoy?
00:01:45Si no me regales una mamá hoy, me iré de casa.
00:01:48¡Charly, espera! ¡Vuelve aquí!
00:01:56¿Estás bien, cariño?
00:01:58Deberías asegurarte de que tu vestido no se caiga y caiga.
00:02:02¿Estás bien?
00:02:06Está bien.
00:02:07¡Papá! ¡Papá! ¡Encontré a mamá!
00:02:13¡Papá! ¡Encontré a mamá!
00:02:17¿Mamá? ¿A mí? ¡No!
00:02:22¡Te mataste a un extraño!
00:02:25Estoy contenta de que no seas mi hija, Scarlett.
00:02:27¡O moriría de vergüenza!
00:02:30¡Tienes que matarla, papá!
00:02:32¡Eso es todo, Scarlett!
00:02:34¡Lárgate de este bastardo ahora!
00:02:36¡O salte de esta casa!
00:02:38¡Estoy bien! No soy más Mason.
00:02:41¡Pueden olvidar que yo existí!
00:02:55¡Felicidades, mamá!
00:02:57Es un pequeño niño.
00:03:00Ahora, dame el dinero.
00:03:02Y salte de aquí antes de que alguien te vea.
00:03:30Síndrome de muerte infantil.
00:03:33No hemos podido hacer nada.
00:03:35Lo siento, Srta. Mason.
00:03:41¡No! ¡No!
00:03:52¡Mamá! ¡Es mi cumpleaños hoy!
00:03:54No tiene cumpleaños, ¿tiene?
00:03:58¡Feliz cumpleaños, Charlie!
00:04:00¿Por qué sigues llamándome mamá?
00:04:02Porque te ves exactamente como la mamá de mis sueños.
00:04:06¿Tienes un novio, mamá?
00:04:08Eh, no.
00:04:10¡Tengo el tipo perfecto para ti!
00:04:12Tiene 6 años, 30 años,
00:04:14está bien, tiene un buen trabajo,
00:04:16no fuma, no bebe,
00:04:18y lo mejor es que te lo lleves
00:04:20y puedes tener un niño adorable gratis.
00:04:24¿Charlie, es tu...
00:04:26¡Quiero casarme con mi papá!
00:04:28¡Charlie! ¡Charlie!
00:04:30¡Quiero casarme con mi papá!
00:04:32¡Charlie! ¡Charlie!
00:04:34¡Está bromeando! ¡Niños!
00:04:36¡No lo soy! Mi abuelo dijo que si no me casé este año,
00:04:40¡Está bien!
00:04:42Si quieres mi silencio, estoy buscando dulces hoy.
00:04:44¡Paga por ello!
00:04:46¡Está bien!
00:04:48¡Está bien!
00:04:52¡Es realmente inteligente!
00:04:54¡Muy inteligente!
00:04:56Entonces, Bobby, ¿qué haces?
00:04:58Eh... Soy un coche.
00:05:00Para Robert Clark.
00:05:02¿Robert Clark?
00:05:04¿El millonario más ricos y misterioso
00:05:06en la ciudad?
00:05:08Suena como si lo sabieras, Sr. Clark.
00:05:12Suena como si lo sabieras, Sr. Clark.
00:05:18Suena como si lo sabieras, Sr. Clark.
00:05:22Bienvenido a la fiesta de cumpleaños
00:05:24de Sr. Robert Clark.
00:05:26Lo conozco.
00:05:28Nunca lo conocí antes o algo así, pero...
00:05:32¡Dios mío! Voy a estar tarde para trabajar.
00:05:36Te daremos un paseo en nuestro coche, mamá.
00:05:42¿Tu coche?
00:05:44¡Charlie, te lo dije!
00:05:46¡Ese no es nuestro coche!
00:05:48¡Papá es solo un coche!
00:05:50¿Qué es un coche?
00:05:52¡Acaba con tu mousse!
00:05:56Tu papá es cierto.
00:05:58¿De acuerdo?
00:06:00Nunca deberías pretender ser alguien que no seas.
00:06:02¡Eres perfecto!
00:06:04Bien, Bobby Clark.
00:06:06Bueno, fue muy agradable conocerte y hablar contigo.
00:06:08Eh... ¡Adiós, Charlie!
00:06:12¿Qué fue eso?
00:06:16¡Dame tu número de teléfono! ¡Por favor! ¡Por favor! ¡Por favor!
00:06:18¡Por favor! ¡Por favor! ¡Por favor!
00:06:20¡Bien! ¡Bien!
00:06:28¡Lo sé! ¡Lo sé!
00:06:30¡Soy un buen hombre!
00:06:32¡Puedes agradecerme después!
00:06:40¿Alguien puede tomar nuestra orden
00:06:42antes de que me cage a la muerte aquí?
00:06:44Hola, señoritas.
00:06:46Lo siento por tener que esperar.
00:06:50Así que esto es lo que has estado haciendo
00:06:52desde que tu mamá y tu papá
00:06:54te sacaron.
00:06:56No voy a mentir.
00:06:58El cinturón de maquillaje te suite.
00:07:00Igual que ese suelo maldito te suita.
00:07:02¡Maldita sea!
00:07:04Eres la mierda
00:07:06que fue atrapada por un extranjero
00:07:08hace seis años.
00:07:10¿Recuerdas su cara?
00:07:14Pensé que sí.
00:07:16Ahora, vámonos a comprar agua.
00:07:18Te daré un tip si nos serves bien.
00:07:28Ya está.
00:07:36¡Te voy a romper, hija de puta!
00:07:38Lo siento mucho, señora.
00:07:40Te prometo
00:07:42que pondré a esta maquilladora en su lugar.
00:07:44¡Mejor! ¡O te juro a Dios
00:07:46que tendré este lugar cerrado al final de la semana!
00:07:50No estás abierta.
00:07:52¡Ven conmigo, ahora!
00:07:56Señorita Travis, por favor,
00:08:00No quiero escucharlo, Scarlett.
00:08:02Estás causando demasiado problema.
00:08:04Y debería dispararte.
00:08:06Estoy atrasada en la renta.
00:08:08No puedo permitirme perder mi trabajo.
00:08:16déjame una razón para no dispararte.
00:08:20Ven conmigo a un date.
00:08:24Ven conmigo a un date.
00:08:26Me olvidaré de que haya sucedido.
00:08:32No puedo.
00:08:34No puedo.
00:08:36No seas tímida, Scarlett.
00:08:38No es como si tuvieras a un hombre o algo así.
00:08:40Es tan triste que el mejor modo
00:08:42de conseguir a un hombre para retirarte
00:08:44es decirle que te has tomado.
00:08:46Tengo un novio.
00:08:48De hecho, nos estamos casando.
00:08:50Sí, tráelo aquí.
00:08:52No te molestaré nunca más.
00:08:56Después de tu descanso,
00:08:58ponte algo bonito.
00:09:00O no.
00:09:04¿Has robado mi teléfono de nuevo?
00:09:06Estoy llamando a mamá para ti.
00:09:08Charlie, por última vez,
00:09:10esa mujer no es tu madre.
00:09:12No me importa.
00:09:14Nunca comeré o beberé de nuevo
00:09:16a menos que prometas casarme con ella.
00:09:22Haz tu elección
00:09:24o no.
00:09:26No me importa.
00:09:28No me importa.
00:09:30No me importa.
00:09:32Haz tu elección, hombre viejo.
00:09:34¿No quieres que tu hijo se hunda a la muerte
00:09:36o dejar que tu ego inútil
00:09:38proponga a mamá ahora?
00:09:44Haz tu elección, hombre viejo.
00:09:46Ni siquiera conoces a ella.
00:09:48¿Qué hago? ¡Es mi mamá!
00:09:50Sabes muy bien que tu mamá es...
00:09:52¡Para con esto y come!
00:09:56Este pollo parece tan bueno.
00:10:02Bien, ganaste.
00:10:04Le pediré a Charlie que me casara. ¿Estás feliz ahora?
00:10:06¡Muy feliz! ¡Gracias, papá!
00:10:08Pero en una condición.
00:10:10No puedes decirle que soy Robert Clark.
00:10:12Quiero que sepa que es buena para ti.
00:10:14No pretendes que sea por nuestro dinero.
00:10:16¡De acuerdo!
00:10:22Ahora, el problema es que no sé
00:10:24si ella querrá casarme.
00:10:26¡Bueno, veámoslo!
00:10:28El teléfono de Bobby Clark.
00:10:30Por favor, agarra.
00:10:34¿Qué dices?
00:10:36¡No digas nada!
00:10:38¿Hola? ¿Scarlett?
00:10:40¡Hey, Bobby!
00:10:42Sabía que era el último minuto, pero...
00:10:44¿Quieres reunirte?
00:10:54Nunca he estado aquí antes.
00:10:56El sol está aquí. Es hermoso.
00:10:58Te estás perdiendo.
00:11:04¿Qué pasó?
00:11:08Solo otro día en la noche.
00:11:10No soy acostumbrada a nada.
00:11:16Deben tener vergüenza.
00:11:18No tú.
00:11:22¿Eres una asistente?
00:11:24Sí, más o menos.
00:11:26También he sido como una mamá
00:11:28que limpia.
00:11:30¡Incluso fui una pluma una vez!
00:11:32¡Guau, tienes muchas habilidades!
00:11:34¿Cómo aprendiste a hacer tantas cosas?
00:11:36¿Quieres saber mi secreto de comercio?
00:11:40Cuando tenía ocho años, mi mamá murió.
00:11:44Tres meses después, mi papá se casó con su esposa,
00:11:46su otra hija.
00:11:50Perderás tu hogar
00:11:52y aprenderás a sobrevivir y crecerás.
00:11:54Porque estás sola.
00:12:00Me estoy arrepentiendo, ¿verdad?
00:12:02Lo siento.
00:12:04Bueno, lo suficientemente triste.
00:12:06De hecho,
00:12:08quería preguntarte
00:12:10si pudieras ser
00:12:14Scarlet, ¿me casarías?
00:12:18De hecho, vine aquí
00:12:20porque quería preguntarte
00:12:22si pudieras ser mi...
00:12:24Scarlet, ¿me casarías?
00:12:28Sé que nos hemos conocido,
00:12:30pero sé que eres especial.
00:12:32Charly nunca ha actuado así con nadie más.
00:12:34Soy solo un conductor.
00:12:36No tengo mucho.
00:12:38Pero si quieres,
00:12:40Charly y yo podemos ser tu nueva familia.
00:12:46No sé qué decir.
00:12:52Dile sí.
00:12:56¿Casaste a un hombre
00:12:58en un día?
00:13:02Soy una Scarlet.
00:13:04¿Por qué?
00:13:06¿Por qué lo harías, jefe?
00:13:08Lo hice por Charly.
00:13:10El modo en que le mira, realmente...
00:13:12Ella cree que soy su mamá.
00:13:14Amor, te amo.
00:13:16Solo pienso que tienes que dejar
00:13:18lo que sucedió hace cinco años.
00:13:20¿Estás de acuerdo con ser
00:13:22el conductor de Robert Clark?
00:13:24¿Qué si no es el que crees que es?
00:13:28¿Qué si no es el que crees que es?
00:13:30No sé qué decirte, pero
00:13:32realmente siento que puedo confiar en él.
00:13:34Y sé que tengo que dejar
00:13:36lo que sucedió hace cinco años.
00:13:38Bien. Pero...
00:13:40Deberíamos probarlo un poco,
00:13:44Para asegurarnos
00:13:46de que todo funcione.
00:13:48Lo siento.
00:13:50Literalmente lo conocí ayer.
00:13:52Bien. No te preocupes.
00:13:54Deberías que le lleven a ti
00:13:56a una fiesta. ¡O a un mall!
00:13:58Un hombre con dinero no puede ser
00:14:00generoso con el amor.
00:14:02¡Guau! ¡Esos mentiras!
00:14:06eso me recuerda a mí.
00:14:08Quiero darle un regalo.
00:14:18¡Tiene que ser un monstruo de oro!
00:14:34¿Quiere que lo compre para ella?
00:14:36Supongo que podría darle un regalo
00:14:38ya que acabamos de casarnos.
00:14:40¿Lo quieres?
00:14:42Eso es $25 por hora.
00:14:44¡Eso es lo que tengo que hacer en mi trabajo ahora mismo!
00:14:48Eso es lo que estás buscando.
00:14:50Sí, lo que sea.
00:14:52Lo aplicaré más tarde, pero...
00:14:54realmente quiero darle un regalo a Charlie.
00:14:56¡Está aquí para comprarle un regalo a Charlie!
00:15:00¿Perdóname, señora?
00:15:04¡Hola! ¡Sí!
00:15:06Realmente quiero darle uno de esos pendientes de ID
00:15:08para mi niña aquí, Charlie.
00:15:10Solo con su nombre engrasado en él.
00:15:12¿Oro o oro?
00:15:14Oro es $650, oro es $2,000.
00:15:20Oro, por favor.
00:15:22Lo siento, el oro es el único que puedo afordar.
00:15:24¡Ah! ¡Más barato en la tienda!
00:15:26¡Pobres personas!
00:15:42¡Espera! ¡Papá!
00:15:44¡Mamá me dio un regalo! ¡Debemos darle uno a mamá también!
00:15:46No, no, no.
00:15:48No, no, no, Charlie. Está bien.
00:15:50¿Qué tal este regalo?
00:15:52¡Mamá estaba mirando antes!
00:15:54¡Esa es una buena idea, hijo! ¿Puedes sacar ese regalo para que mi esposa lo pruebe?
00:15:56Tienen el más barato en la tienda
00:15:58y ahora quieren probar un regalo de $30,000.
00:16:02Este regalo es el diseño más nuevo de la temporada.
00:16:04Está hecho con oro blanco y tiene tres diamantes.
00:16:06Cuesta $30,000.
00:16:08No quiero arriesgarte a romperlo.
00:16:10¿Quién dice que no podemos pagarlo?
00:16:12¡Vamos, papá! ¡Déjalo para mamá!
00:16:16Me he olvidado de mi tarjeta de crédito en casa.
00:16:18¡Pensé que!
00:16:20Vienes aquí solo para comprar lo más barato en la tienda
00:16:22y ahora estás arriesgando aún más mi tiempo.
00:16:24¡Solo déjame!
00:16:26¿Qué está pasando aquí?
00:16:30¿Qué está pasando aquí?
00:16:32¡Ah! Debes ser el gerente.
00:16:34Me gustaría recibir este regalo de mi esposa,
00:16:36pero dejé mi tarjeta de crédito en casa.
00:16:38¿Tienes la capacidad de pagar en línea?
00:16:46¡Sí! ¡Por supuesto que puedes pagar en línea!
00:16:48¡Señor, está engañándote!
00:16:50¡Mira lo que está usando! No podrían arriesgar $30,000
00:16:52si intentaron.
00:16:56¡Eso es todo! ¡Nos vamos!
00:16:58Estoy cansada de hablar con alguien así.
00:17:00Espera, señor Clark.
00:17:02Señora Clark, por favor.
00:17:04Acepta este regalo.
00:17:06Nuestra sincera disculpa.
00:17:08¡No! ¡Oh, no!
00:17:10No puedes comprarnos $30,000 después de la manera
00:17:12en que tu empleada trató a mi esposa y yo.
00:17:14¿Las disparas?
00:17:16Podemos hablar.
00:17:20Te vas a caer, perdedor.
00:17:24Te vas a caer, perdedor.
00:17:26Por favor, escóndela.
00:17:28Ella ya no trabaja aquí.
00:17:30Espera, ¿qué?
00:17:32¡Eso es todo!
00:17:34¡Adiós! ¡Adiós! ¡No! ¡No puedes dispararme!
00:17:46¿Qué dices, amigo?
00:17:48¿Deberíamos ayudar a mamá a poner este regalo?
00:17:58¡Mira! ¿No es hermosa mamá?
00:18:00Sí, es ella.
00:18:02¡Déjame besarte a mamá!
00:18:06El regalo que te regalaron, señorita,
00:18:08está en la casa.
00:18:10No, no, no, eso es demasiado.
00:18:12Nada es demasiado.
00:18:14Después de todo, el Sr. Clark es nuestro VVIP.
00:18:24Por supuesto que no.
00:18:26Creo que me tratan como un VVIP
00:18:28¿No es cierto?
00:18:30Sí, señor.
00:18:34OK, sí, gracias.
00:18:36De nada.
00:18:38Que tengas un maravilloso día.
00:18:40Vamos, Charlie.
00:18:46Necesito un vacío.
00:18:54Vamos a poner esto en ti, ¿OK?
00:19:04¿Tiene el mismo
00:19:06marco de nacimiento que yo?
00:19:12Bien, Charlie.
00:19:14Te vas a dar un par de minutos
00:19:16con papá y yo, ¿OK?
00:19:18Y vas a ir en el auto.
00:19:20Vamos a hablar un poco, ¿de acuerdo?
00:19:36¿Quién es la mamá de Charlie?
00:19:38¿Y dónde está ahora?
00:19:44¿Quién es la mamá de Charlie?
00:19:46¿Y dónde está ahora?
00:19:50Es una amiga de la familia.
00:19:52Una noche...
00:19:54Solo una vez.
00:19:56Ella tuvo a Charlie conmigo.
00:19:58Se mudó a París y se convirtió en diseñador de moda.
00:20:02Lo entiendo.
00:20:04¿Estás bien?
00:20:06Sí, sí.
00:20:12De nada.
00:20:16Tengo que ir a mirar los apartamentos.
00:20:18Mi lisa está casi lista.
00:20:20¡Vamos a vivir juntos!
00:20:22¿Estabas escuchando todo este tiempo, Charlie?
00:20:26Estás casada.
00:20:28Y casados deben vivir juntos, ¿cierto?
00:20:30Tengo que asegurarme que está bien
00:20:32con tu papá primero.
00:20:34Si tienes una habitación disponible
00:20:36o algo así, puedo ayudar a pagar la renta.
00:20:38No te preocupes, mamá.
00:20:40Papá tiene casas en todo el mundo.
00:20:42Sólo escoge la que te guste y podemos volar allí.
00:20:46¿Casas en todo el mundo?
00:20:50¿De qué estás hablando?
00:20:54Papá tiene casas en todo el mundo.
00:20:56¿Casas en todo el mundo?
00:21:00¿De qué estás hablando?
00:21:02Charlie, te lo dije.
00:21:04Monópolis es solo un juego.
00:21:06Esas casas no son reales, niños.
00:21:10¡Deberías venir a vivir con nosotros!
00:21:18¡Esto es hermoso!
00:21:20¿Vincent Van Gogh, Monet?
00:21:22¿Vincent Van Gogh, Monet?
00:21:24Bobby, ¿cómo puedes pagar esto?
00:21:26Todo esto pertenece a mi jefe.
00:21:28Espera, ¿esto es el apartamento de Robert Clark?
00:21:30Sí, uno de ellos.
00:21:32Él nos permite quedarnos aquí porque es un buen distrito de escuela.
00:21:34Él nos permite quedarnos aquí porque es un buen distrito de escuela.
00:21:36Bueno, debe ser un buen tipo.
00:21:38Bueno, debe ser un buen tipo.
00:21:40Sí, creo que intenta serlo.
00:21:48¿Fue difícil tener a Charlie solo?
00:21:50¿Fue difícil tener a Charlie solo?
00:21:52Fue difícil, no mucho.
00:21:54Fue difícil, no mucho.
00:21:56Solo un poco solitario.
00:21:58Solo un poco solitario.
00:22:00Espero que te conozcara más pronto.
00:22:14Mamá, papá.
00:22:16¡Mira lo que encontré!
00:22:18¡Oh, Dios mío!
00:22:20¡Oh, Dios mío!
00:22:22¡Oh, Dios mío!
00:22:24¡Oh, Dios mío!
00:22:30¿Tú te crees divertido?
00:22:32¿Tú te crees divertido?
00:22:36¡Bien hecho!
00:22:38¡Bien hecho!
00:22:40¿Qué pasa?
00:22:42¿Qué pasa?
00:22:44Voy a tratar de perseguirte.
00:22:55¿Disfrutaste la noche, Charlie?
00:22:57Sí. Quiero que cada día sea como hoy.
00:23:00Hasta siempre.
00:23:02Te quedas para siempre, ¿verdad, mamá?
00:23:06Buenas noches, Charlie.
00:23:15Gracias por hacer la cena esta noche.
00:23:17Nunca había visto a alguien tan feliz antes.
00:23:21¿Y tú, Bobby?
00:23:25¿Estás feliz?
00:23:32No importa. Es una pregunta estúpida.
00:23:35Sé que te casaste conmigo por Charlie.
00:23:39Espera, Scarlett.
00:23:44Charlie te gusta mucho.
00:23:46Pero esa razón no me la hubiera propuesto.
00:23:49Dijiste que querías conocernos antes.
00:23:51Y yo lo mismo.
00:23:54Estoy muy feliz.
00:23:56Y quiero que te quedes.
00:24:02Está bien. Me quedaré.
00:24:07Sé que hay algo que podemos hacer esta noche.
00:24:11Sé que hay algo que podemos hacer esta noche.
00:24:15Scarlett, yo...
00:24:16¡Ven conmigo, ¿vale?
00:24:25Pero necesito...
00:24:29¿Cuál es la misión?
00:24:31¿Debería llevarlo?
00:24:42¡Oh, Dios mío! ¡Bobby!
00:24:47¡Oh, Dios mío! ¡Bobby!
00:24:52No estoy aquí. No estoy aquí.
00:24:54¡Charlie, tú lo hiciste!
00:24:55¡No hice nada!
00:25:10Vaya. Tengo que ir a trabajar.
00:25:14Me voy a llevar a la escuela. Te voy a llevar después del vuelo.
00:25:18Bien. Sí. Nos vemos pronto.
00:25:30Bobby Clark es un hombre afortunado.
00:25:32Vete a prepararte, por favor.
00:25:39¡Finalmente un día libre de drama!
00:25:42¿A dónde te vas, Scarlett?
00:25:48¿Te olvidaste?
00:25:51Es martes, tenemos una cita.
00:25:57Es martes, tenemos una cita.
00:26:02Nunca me acordé de ir a una cita con usted, Sr. Travis. Estoy casada.
00:26:05Bueno, eso solo agarra cosas si me lo preguntas. ¿No te acordas?
00:26:10Tengo a ti en cámara. Puedo llevar esto a la corte.
00:26:14¿A la corte?
00:26:17No eres buena en aburrir, Scarlett Mason.
00:26:21Hice mi investigación. Tu marido es solo un maldito conductor.
00:26:25Ni siquiera puedes pagar a un abogado.
00:26:28Y tú, pequeña Missy, no puedes pagar a...
00:26:32¡Quédate fuera de mí!
00:26:36¡Ah! ¡Tú eres un maldito conductor! Eso es lo que me gusta de ti.
00:26:41¡Quédate fuera de mí!
00:26:43¿Qué va a hacer tu marido?
00:26:50¿Qué va a hacer ella?
00:26:54Te voy a decir lo que voy a hacer, tonto.
00:26:57Te voy a asegurar de que pierdas tu trabajo y aprendes tu lección de forma difícil.
00:27:01¿Me disparas? ¿En tus sueños?
00:27:06Soy yo. Sunshine Place.
00:27:09Nick Travis. Ahora.
00:27:11¡Oh! ¡Hiciste un teléfono!
00:27:14¡Ah! ¡Maldita sea!
00:27:22Oh, sí, Sr. Hanks.
00:27:25¿Qué? ¿Me estás disparando?
00:27:27¿Me estás disparando? ¡Esto es un error!
00:27:32Nick Travis, ven con nosotros.
00:27:34¿Qué? ¿Quién te envió aquí?
00:27:36¡Nada de tu negocio! ¡Tenemos que hacer nuestro trabajo!
00:27:41¿Estás bien? ¿Estás herido?
00:27:43No, estoy bien.
00:27:46¿Qué fue ese teléfono?
00:27:49¿Estás bien? ¿Estás herido?
00:27:52No, estoy bien.
00:27:54¿Qué fue ese teléfono?
00:27:55¿Qué fue ese teléfono?
00:27:57Oh, sé el dueño de este lugar.
00:27:59Hace mucho tiempo.
00:28:01¡Guau! ¡Qué pequeño mundo!
00:28:04Gracias por salvarme.
00:28:06Bueno, tú eres mi esposa.
00:28:08Y es mi trabajo protegerte.
00:28:10No quiero que te mires en este lugar más.
00:28:12No quiero que te mueras de nuevo.
00:28:14¡No puedo dejar mi trabajo!
00:28:16Necesitamos el dinero.
00:28:18No te preocupes por eso.
00:28:20Solo quiero que estés a salvo y feliz.
00:28:22Bueno, bueno.
00:28:24Encuentro otro trabajo que no quiero que hagas tú sola.
00:28:27O un equipo.
00:28:29El mejor equipo.
00:28:39Tengo que tomar esto. Voy a estar de vuelta.
00:28:41¡Oh, Dios mío!
00:28:43¡Hemos tenido un desastre! ¡Ayúdame!
00:28:45Boss, tu cena con la Srta. Nielsen no está en el Hilton.
00:28:48¿Está bien el 8?
00:28:49Tengo un poco de ice cream en tu cara.
00:28:52Y nadie me ríe más en la escuela.
00:28:55Porque tengo a ti ahora, mamá.
00:28:59He oído que te casaste con un perdedor que encontraste en la calle, pero...
00:29:02No sabía que era un negocio gratis.
00:29:05He oído que te casaste con un perdedor que encontraste en la calle, pero...
00:29:09No sabía que era un negocio gratis.
00:29:12¿Qué es esto, Scarlett?
00:29:14¿No puedes mantener a tu hijo, así que estás reciclando ahora?
00:29:17Sáquenlo de aquí, señorita.
00:29:21Sé que tu marido es solo un conductor.
00:29:23Este pequeño perdedor se va a convertir en un perdedor, como su padre.
00:29:27Mi padre no es un perdedor. Es el más rico y el mejor hombre del mundo.
00:29:34¡Charlie, Charlie! ¿Estás bien?
00:29:36Estoy bien, mamá.
00:29:38Déjame ver.
00:29:39No duele.
00:29:49Sí, ¿puedo pedir una ambulancia para Hansen y Jefferson?
00:29:52Es tan dramático. El niño está bien.
00:29:55La ambulancia no es para él, señorita.
00:29:59Dame un minuto, ¿estás bien?
00:30:02Es para ti.
00:30:08¿Estás bien, amigo? He oído gritos.
00:30:11Hay esta mujer maldita. Creo que mamá está en problemas.
00:30:17No creo que tu mamá sea la que está en problemas, Charlie.
00:30:19¡Mamá! ¡Ganaste!
00:30:21Por supuesto que lo hice, Charlie.
00:30:23Nunca dejaré que nadie te mordiera, nunca.
00:30:26Lo siento mucho. Debería protegerlo.
00:30:30Lo hiciste mucho más que eso.
00:30:32Estuviste por él.
00:30:33Le estoy llamando a la policía.
00:30:35Esta hija no se va a ir con esto.
00:30:38No seas tan dramática, señorita. Estás bien.
00:30:41Te arrepentirás de este día, Scarlet Mason.
00:30:44Te voy a destruir.
00:30:46Te voy a destruir.
00:31:06¿Qué estás trabajando?
00:31:08Nada, solo...
00:31:09Algo que no es nada importante.
00:31:11¿Estás bromeando conmigo, Scarlet?
00:31:13Estas son hermosas.
00:31:16He oído que la marca de moda de Maria Amato
00:31:18está ofreciendo asistentes diseñadores.
00:31:20Deberías aplicarte.
00:31:21¿Maria Amato?
00:31:23¿El diseñador más famoso del mundo?
00:31:27Bobby, deberías ser un coche de Formula 1.
00:31:30Estoy en serio. Tienes un regalo para esto.
00:31:32Prométeme que aplicarás.
00:31:34No es tan fácil.
00:31:35Solo prométeme.
00:31:37¿De acuerdo?
00:31:38¿De acuerdo?
00:31:43Te prometo que aplicaré.
00:31:47De acuerdo.
00:31:49Tengo que hacer el bacon.
00:31:52¿Cómo me veo?
00:32:01Te ves...
00:32:32Bien, lo tengo.
00:32:34Estaré ahí.
00:32:36Lo siento, ese fue mi...
00:32:39Charlie no tiene amigos esta noche,
00:32:40así que no te preocupes por mí.
00:32:41¿De acuerdo?
00:32:43Puedo cuidarme.
00:33:02Tienes un regalo para esto.
00:33:06Prométeme que aplicarás.
00:33:13Maria Amato.
00:33:23Dile a la firma de Maria Amato
00:33:24que se arregle una entrevista con Scarlett.
00:33:26Para su mayor y mejor inversor, no debería ser un problema.
00:33:28Estoy de acuerdo, jefe.
00:33:30Es lo menos que puedes hacer
00:33:31después de romper mi beso.
00:33:36¿Romper tu beso?
00:33:37No lo entiendo, jefe.
00:33:42La aplicación se encendió.
00:33:51Hola, Abby. ¿Qué pasa?
00:33:52Hola, chica.
00:33:53¿Aún estás a la espera de las fiestas part-time?
00:33:55Mi amiga necesita a alguien
00:33:56para que la llame en el hotel de Callaway.
00:33:58¿Estás libre?
00:33:59Oh, sí.
00:34:01Bobby estará después de trabajar esta noche,
00:34:02así que haré todo lo que pueda para ayudarlo.
00:34:06Este proyecto vale millones, señora Nielsen.
00:34:08Es muy importante para mi compañía.
00:34:10Por supuesto, señor Park.
00:34:11Solo déjame una oportunidad para trabajar contigo.
00:34:13No te lo perdonaré.
00:34:15Señoras y señores,
00:34:16Macallan está en reserva.
00:34:21¿Qué está haciendo aquí?
00:34:26¿Qué está haciendo aquí?
00:34:33Gracias a Dios que estás aquí, Scarlett.
00:34:34Mi jefe está corriendo tarde.
00:34:35Esa mujer está tratando de atacarme.
00:34:37Ella cree que es una recuerda
00:34:38de su ex marido
00:34:39y sigue pidiéndome
00:34:40para beber con ella.
00:34:44Tengo esto.
00:34:47¿Ese chico ahí?
00:34:48Él es en realidad mi marido.
00:34:52¿Tu marido?
00:34:54No te preocupes por él.
00:34:56Él parece...
00:34:57Él parece un tonto,
00:34:58pero en realidad
00:35:00tiene muchas habilidades.
00:35:01Él tiene muchos problemas.
00:35:02Sabes lo que quiero decir.
00:35:05Es solo un conductor.
00:35:07Todo es simple.
00:35:19¿Por qué...
00:35:21su ojo está girando?
00:35:24Eso es lo que obtienes
00:35:25por defamear a tu marido.
00:35:28Tienes agua.
00:35:32Es la primera vez
00:35:34que un bebé se siente así.
00:35:45Sí, voy a sentarme aquí.
00:35:46Ven aquí.
00:36:02Eres algo más,
00:36:03Scarlett Mason.
00:36:16He estado allí.
00:36:17Sé lo que necesitas ahora.
00:36:20Dios mío.
00:36:22Te amo.
00:36:26El café.
00:36:27El café.
00:36:28El café.
00:36:29Estaba hablando del café.
00:36:31Claro, Scarlett.
00:36:32Sé lo mucho que te amo.
00:36:37Veo que el abrigo
00:36:38se te está creciendo.
00:36:39Igual que mi baño
00:36:40se te está creciendo.
00:36:46¿No estabas preparado
00:36:47para recordar la noche anterior?
00:36:49¿O debería refrescar
00:36:50tu memoria?
00:36:59¡Claro que sí!
00:37:07¡Oh, Dios mío!
00:37:08¡Sí, eso es maravilloso!
00:37:09No, ¡gracias!
00:37:15No, no, no.
00:37:16¡No, no!
00:37:19No, no, no...
00:37:26No, no, no, no, no.
00:37:27Eso-eso-eso está bien, sí.
00:37:30Ok, sí.
00:37:31Los veo hoy.
00:37:32Ok, adiós.
00:37:33Soy la nueva asistente del designer para María Amato.
00:37:41Eres tú.
00:37:43¿Qué quieres decir?
00:37:45No hice nada.
00:37:45No, desde que llegaste a mi vida,
00:37:47todo se ha colocado en origen.
00:37:49Eres mi estrella más feliz.
00:37:51Bueno, en ese caso, ¿puedo conseguirme ese beso?
00:37:54Dios sabe que he estado esperando demasiado tiempo.
00:37:57¿Por qué no te llamabas?
00:37:59Porque yo no estaba bien.
00:38:01Y si no estuvieses bien, no estarías aquí.
00:38:03¿Tú no estabas mal?
00:38:05Sí, yo estaba mal.
00:38:07Entonces nos volvímos a ver.
00:38:09¿Por qué no te llamabas?
00:38:11Porque no estaba bien.
00:38:13Y si no estuvieras bien, no estarías aquí.
00:38:15¿Por qué no te llamabas?
00:38:17Porque yo no estaba bien.
00:38:19Entonces nos volvimos a ver.
00:38:21Es un sueño.
00:38:23Pero no tenía ningún sueño.
00:38:25Bien, fácil, cabrón.
00:38:27Tengo que ir a trabajar.
00:38:29Bien, si te cambias, te daré un viaje a trabajar.
00:38:31Espera, un último beso.
00:38:48¿Estás seguro de que está bien que le borremos el coche a tu jefe?
00:38:50No te preocupes, Scarlett.
00:38:52Es una ocasión especial, ¿entiendes?
00:38:54Buenos días, jefe.
00:39:00¿Por qué me llamaste jefe?
00:39:06¿Por qué me llamaste jefe?
00:39:08No, no, me llamó Bob.
00:39:10Esto es Fred, asistente personal de Robert Clark.
00:39:12Ah, sí, hola, Bob.
00:39:14Vamos, yo conduzco, Fred.
00:39:16Después de todo, yo soy el coche.
00:39:18Bien, bien, bueno, las mujeres primero.
00:39:24Es demasiado cerca, Fred.
00:39:26Lo siento, jefe.
00:39:28Bob, Bob.
00:39:38No creo que le voy a hacer como un infierno vivo.
00:39:40Espera, espera.
00:39:42Volveré, volveré.
00:39:54Scarlett, has conseguido cruzar tu camino
00:39:56a una marca de moda real.
00:40:00Felicidades a ti también, jefe.
00:40:02Has conseguido poner una mezcla encima de tu cabeza
00:40:04y hacer que parezca un cabello real.
00:40:08Felicidades a ti también, jefe.
00:40:10Has conseguido poner una mezcla encima de tu cabeza
00:40:12y hacer que parezca un cabello real.
00:40:14¿Quieres jugar?
00:40:16Voy a jugar contigo, Scarlett.
00:40:18Marca mis palabras.
00:40:20No durarás una semana en esta firma.
00:40:24Oops, my hand slipped.
00:40:30Zamato is here.
00:40:32I thought she just launched her collection at Milano.
00:40:38I wouldn't go in there
00:40:40and embarrass myself if I were you.
00:40:42You don't have anything
00:40:44to show me, Zamato, anyway.
00:40:46You don't think I'll go in there?
00:40:48Watch me.
00:40:50Very well, Scarlett.
00:40:52Don't say I didn't warn you.
00:41:00I was hoping for something fresh.
00:41:02Something that can catch my eyes
00:41:04and make me go,
00:41:08But these are just...
00:41:12So, that's it?
00:41:14There's absolutely
00:41:16no new ideas in this room?
00:41:18Miss Zamato,
00:41:20I believe Scarlett over here
00:41:22has some designs to share.
00:41:28What's your name?
00:41:30Um, my name is Scarlett
00:41:32Miss Zamato.
00:41:34Queenie's right, I do have some designs
00:41:36for you to look at.
00:41:42Are these all your designs?
00:41:44Yes, Miss Zamato.
00:41:50I have to say
00:41:52I'm quite disappointed.
00:41:54Stupid bitch is going down.
00:42:00Stupid bitch is going down.
00:42:04I'm disappointed because
00:42:06there are many designers
00:42:10and no one could come up with
00:42:12ideas more exciting than Scarlett.
00:42:18I really like your vision.
00:42:20Can you show me more of your designs?
00:42:22Wow, I've never heard Miss Zamato
00:42:24compliment anyone like me.
00:42:26Who knew the new girl actually had it in her?
00:42:28Not on my watch,
00:42:32That's wonderful, Scarlett.
00:42:34We should go to your place tonight for dinner.
00:42:36This way you can show us more of your
00:42:40No, no, no.
00:42:42I could never take up your time, Miss Zamato.
00:42:44Don't be modest, Scarlett.
00:42:46You've proven to us that you're worthy of our time.
00:42:48Unless you don't
00:42:50welcome Miss Zamato into your home.
00:42:52No, no, no.
00:42:54Absolutely, I welcome you.
00:42:56I just have to call my husband to tidy things up.
00:42:58I appreciate the invite, Scarlett.
00:43:02get back to work.
00:43:06I look forward to tonight.
00:43:16Let me pick up.
00:43:18Please, please, please, please.
00:43:22Please pick up, please pick up, please pick up.
00:43:28Hello, Mommy.
00:43:30Charlie, hi.
00:43:32Where's Daddy? He's not picking up.
00:43:34Daddy's at work. He said he'll be back pretty late tonight.
00:43:36Wait, you're home alone?
00:43:38No, Fred's watching me.
00:43:42Put Fred on the phone, okay?
00:43:44I gotta talk to him real quick.
00:43:54Madame says her boss is coming tonight for dinner.
00:43:56She says she wants us to help her order some carryout.
00:43:58No, no.
00:44:00We have to help Mommy impress her boss.
00:44:02Fred, we have work to do.
00:44:08Good afternoon, Mr. Clark.
00:44:10We only have an hour before Mommy comes home.
00:44:12Everyone, start moving!
00:44:18$100,000 bottles on the top shelf.
00:44:20This is below $50,000.
00:44:24Just put it back in the cell.
00:44:26Right away, sir.
00:44:28And where would you like this Rodin sculpture, Mr. Clark?
00:44:30It will go well with the colors of the van Gogh over there.
00:44:32Good eye, Charlie.
00:44:34No need to act so surprised, Fred.
00:44:42Yes, sir.
00:44:44Yes, sir.
00:44:46You did it!
00:44:48Great job, Charlie!
00:44:50Thanks, Fred!
00:44:52Mommy's home!
00:44:54You should go out the back door.
00:45:02I'm so sorry.
00:45:04I don't really have anything prepared, but I ordered takeout.
00:45:06Ugh, takeout?
00:45:08That's what you're feeding us?
00:45:18Don't you think all of these fake
00:45:20Van Gogh and Monet are a bit pretentious, Scarlett?
00:45:22These paintings are all real.
00:45:24Yeah, right.
00:45:26Next thing you'll say is that your loser dad is a billionaire.
00:45:28These paintings seem to be of excellent quality.
00:45:30I'm impressed.
00:45:32Aren't you going to offer us something to drink, Scarlett?
00:45:34Yeah, of course.
00:45:36Yeah, um...
00:45:38I have some wine
00:45:40right here.
00:45:42That's cheap wine from the gas station.
00:45:44Miss Amato here is a world-famous wine taster.
00:45:46I would put that away
00:45:48before you embarrass yourself.
00:45:50Wait a minute.
00:45:52This bottle costs over $100,000.
00:45:58This bottle costs
00:46:00over $100,000.
00:46:02That's right, Miss Amato.
00:46:04What are you, five?
00:46:06Didn't the grown-ups teach you not to lie?
00:46:08And how old are you?
00:46:12Didn't the grown-ups teach you not to pretend to be a know-it-all?
00:46:16You think we're idiots?
00:46:18This wine is fake.
00:46:20This wine is real.
00:46:22Scarlett, this is too much.
00:46:24We can't drink this.
00:46:26You're mommy's boss.
00:46:28You should deserve the best wine.
00:46:30You're right, Miss Amato.
00:46:32How about you head over to the dining room
00:46:34and tell her,
00:46:36Charlie, what is this?
00:46:38Where's all this stuff from?
00:46:40Well, the truth is...
00:46:42Well, the truth is...
00:46:44You can't tell her I'm Robbie Clark.
00:46:48I'm sorry, Mommy.
00:46:50It's a secret.
00:46:52I pinky-promised with Daddy.
00:46:56Yeah, I'm really, really
00:46:58inspired by your designs
00:47:00and I've always looked up to you
00:47:02I got us cake!
00:47:04I should have never accused you
00:47:06and Charlie of being liars.
00:47:08I'm sorry.
00:47:10Thank you, Queenie.
00:47:12Now let me cut you a slice.
00:47:14I want to try the cake.
00:47:16Here you go.
00:47:28you're so weird.
00:47:32Charlie! Charlie! Are you okay?
00:47:34911! Call 911!
00:47:42Is Charlie okay?
00:47:44Yes, yes. He just fell asleep.
00:47:48Bobby, I'm really sorry.
00:47:50My sister,
00:47:52she made this cake out of peaches
00:47:54in order to poison me and Charlie is allergic to peaches.
00:47:56I had no idea that he was allergic.
00:47:58It's all my fault.
00:48:00It's okay.
00:48:04It's okay. He's safe now.
00:48:06He's alright. That's all that matters.
00:48:08I'm sorry I wasn't there.
00:48:10You're here now.
00:48:14Bobby, I have something to ask you.
00:48:16Sure. What's wrong?
00:48:18So, I came home
00:48:20and Charlie had all these Van Gogh paintings
00:48:22all over the place and a $10,000
00:48:24wine bottle, some truffles
00:48:26and I asked him, I was like,
00:48:28where did you get this stuff from?
00:48:30And he told me that he pinky promised you and he ran off.
00:48:32Bobby, I know exactly what's going on here.
00:48:34You can't keep me in the dark any longer.
00:48:40Bobby, I know exactly what's going on here.
00:48:42You can't leave me in the dark any longer.
00:48:44I know that you took that stuff
00:48:46from your boss, Robert Clark.
00:48:50don't try to be somebody that you're not.
00:48:52Don't try to be one of these rich people.
00:48:54They're not real.
00:48:56And they're not to be trusted.
00:48:58Especially Robert Clark.
00:49:00You don't know him, Scarlett.
00:49:02Maybe I do.
00:49:04Six years ago, I worked at this hotel.
00:49:06One night, there was this huge party
00:49:08for this billionaire.
00:49:10I wasn't allowed in the private venue,
00:49:12but I heard the host.
00:49:14Welcome to the birthday party of
00:49:16the city's finest, Mr. Robert Clark.
00:49:18After my shift,
00:49:20I got drunk and ended up in a room
00:49:22with a man.
00:49:24I've never told anybody this, but my best friend.
00:49:26The next morning,
00:49:28I woke up alone.
00:49:30Ten months later, I had a baby.
00:49:36I think Robert Clark
00:49:38was a father.
00:49:42I think Robert Clark was a father.
00:49:44Did you contact him?
00:49:48I tried to contact him so many times,
00:49:50but he's Robert Clark.
00:49:52I'm a nobody.
00:50:02The child didn't make it.
00:50:04The only thing that I have left
00:50:06of proof is these cufflinks.
00:50:10I wanted to ask him something,
00:50:12but I was so scared
00:50:14that he wouldn't have done anything.
00:50:16I'm so sorry.
00:50:18It's okay.
00:50:22I have you and Charlie now.
00:50:24That's all that matters.
00:50:26Just please
00:50:28don't ever pretend to be somebody
00:50:30that you're not.
00:50:34Can we do that?
00:50:36Of course we can.
00:50:48I gotta go check on Charlie.
00:50:50Go. Go.
00:50:52Gotta make a call.
00:51:10we need to talk.
00:51:12Jessica, we need to talk.
00:51:14Give it to me straight.
00:51:16I'm sorry. I'm only gonna ask once.
00:51:18What happened six years ago after my birthday?
00:51:30Drink up, birthday boy.
00:51:46Oh, it's so hot in here.
00:51:58Oh, God.
00:52:02What do you mean
00:52:04there's a woman in his bed?
00:52:06Bring him to my room
00:52:08before he wakes up. Now!
00:52:16Where am I?
00:52:18Oh, honey,
00:52:20you don't remember what we did last night?
00:52:24Give it to me straight.
00:52:26I'm only gonna ask once.
00:52:28What happened six years ago after my birthday?
00:52:30I told you, Bobby,
00:52:32we both had too much to drink
00:52:34and, uh,
00:52:36we spent the night together.
00:52:38Why wouldn't you have told me you were pregnant?
00:52:40Why wait after a year after Charlie was born?
00:52:42I was ashamed.
00:52:44I was scared you wouldn't want our kid.
00:52:46I would have never given up Charlie.
00:52:48It was you who ran off to Europe
00:52:50and left him with me.
00:52:52If I wouldn't have woken up next to you and saw the DNA reports,
00:52:54I would have thought you faked the whole thing
00:52:56just to get to my money.
00:52:58We grew up together, Bobby.
00:53:00How can you accuse me like this?
00:53:02I don't know why you're digging this all up now,
00:53:04but I'm Charlie's mother.
00:53:06Say that again
00:53:08and I'll have everyone know
00:53:10this is how you treat
00:53:12the woman who gave you a son!
00:53:30It's me.
00:53:32Go check on Robert Clark for me.
00:53:34Let me know if you find anything new.
00:53:42This house,
00:53:44my weekly allowance,
00:53:46and my whole life in Europe,
00:53:50I will die before I give this up.
00:53:54Say that again
00:53:56and I'll have everyone know
00:53:58this is how you treat
00:54:00the woman who gave you a son!
00:54:08How's he doing?
00:54:10He's awake.
00:54:16Are you okay?
00:54:18I'm fine.
00:54:20Just think about what we talked about earlier.
00:54:22Do you hate him?
00:54:24Robert Clark?
00:54:28I just want to move on past that.
00:54:32With you.
00:54:34Can we do that?
00:54:36Of course we can.
00:54:40Come on, let's go.
00:54:48And it's just like,
00:54:50why am I the one taking the photos?
00:54:52I should be in the photos.
00:54:56Hi, Scarlett.
00:54:58How's that bastard you adopted?
00:55:02Come after me all you want,
00:55:04but hurt my child.
00:55:06Come after me all you want,
00:55:08but hurt my child again
00:55:10and I will fucking kill you.
00:55:16Are you okay, Quinny?
00:55:18I can't believe that bitch hit you like this.
00:55:20It's war now, Scarlett,
00:55:22and you are going down!
00:55:26It's war now, Scarlett,
00:55:28and you're going down!
00:55:36What do you want?
00:55:38You think I want to talk to you?
00:55:40Miss Amato has a task for you.
00:55:42This customized necklace
00:55:44is worth $200,000.
00:55:46Miss Amato wants you to personally
00:55:48deliver it to the client.
00:55:52Who's the client?
00:55:54Robert Clark.
00:55:56Mr. Clark?
00:55:58The billionaire?
00:56:00What? Are you daydreaming about crawling
00:56:02into his bed like that stranger six years ago?
00:56:04He fled in the morning
00:56:06when he saw you.
00:56:08Let's not trip over the same stone twice.
00:56:10Okay, sis?
00:56:12And if you don't shut your big mouth up,
00:56:14I'm going to tell the whole office that you peed your bed
00:56:16until you were 12.
00:56:18Okay, sis?
00:56:20This was delivered to you.
00:56:22The guy said door.
00:56:24He needs your signature.
00:56:26Oh my God, this must be from my husband.
00:56:40I was talking to Mindy
00:56:42the other day.
00:56:44Her daughter really wants to meet you.
00:56:46Mom, I've been on more
00:56:48than 30 blind dates in the past year.
00:56:50Don't you think it's time we take a break?
00:56:52Oh, come on. Your mom's just worried about you, Bobby.
00:56:54You're 30.
00:56:56It's time you start your own family.
00:56:58Find somebody you love
00:57:00who loves you and Charlie back.
00:57:04Can I get that, son?
00:57:08Can't talk while eating.
00:57:10Manners, dad.
00:57:12Bobby Clark, why are you acting so weird?
00:57:14I'll get it.
00:57:16Good afternoon. Scarlet has arrived at the entrance.
00:57:20Wait, Scarlet?
00:57:22Who's Scarlet?
00:57:24Uh, no one.
00:57:26Bobby Clark, why are you acting so weird?
00:57:28You don't need to hide anything from us.
00:57:30The woman out there.
00:57:32She's my wife.
00:57:36The woman out there.
00:57:38She's my wife.
00:57:40Robert Clark.
00:57:42You got married
00:57:44without telling us?
00:57:46And you didn't mention she was coming over today?
00:57:48I mean, we didn't prepare anything.
00:57:50That's right!
00:57:52This is our first time meeting our daughter-in-law
00:57:54and we should give her something.
00:57:56A mansion?
00:57:58Some jewelry?
00:58:00How much cash do we have in the house?
00:58:02500,000 enough?
00:58:04Mom, dad, please.
00:58:06She doesn't know who I am.
00:58:08She thinks my name is Bobby Clark and I'm just a chauffeur.
00:58:10Why would you lie like this to Clark?
00:58:12Would you like me to have the gate open for her?
00:58:14There's no time to explain.
00:58:16Please, get up, go change your clothes, just cover for me.
00:58:18Just this one time.
00:58:20Come on.
00:58:22Looks like nobody's home.
00:58:24It's my lucky day.
00:58:26I don't have to meet him.
00:58:36Hi, Scarlett.
00:58:38Bobby, what are you doing at Robert Clark's house?
00:58:42Bobby, what are you doing at Robert Clark's house?
00:58:44Yeah, he's out of town.
00:58:46So I'm here house-watching.
00:58:48That's crazy, because I was just
00:58:50calling you to tell you that I was coming here.
00:58:52Well, you're here now.
00:58:54Scarlett, these are my parents.
00:58:56Oh, my God.
00:59:00My name is Scarlett.
00:59:02It's really, really nice to meet you guys.
00:59:04My dad is Mr. Clark's gardener,
00:59:06and my mom is his personal chef.
00:59:08That sounds like a lot of work.
00:59:10Certainly, yes.
00:59:12I just fertilized the entire garden
00:59:14for Mr. Clark.
00:59:20Well, I just wanted to let you guys know
00:59:22that you raised an amazing son,
00:59:24and we're going to work really, really hard
00:59:26to make sure that you guys can retire soon.
00:59:30You are such a sweet girl, Scarlett.
00:59:32Bobby doesn't deserve you.
00:59:36He makes me really happy.
00:59:38Well, anyway, Scarlett,
00:59:40what are you doing here at Mr. Clark's place?
00:59:42Oh, yeah, um...
00:59:44I came here to deliver something.
00:59:48Open it.
00:59:50Oh, my God.
00:59:54Oh, my God.
00:59:58It was fine when I left the office,
01:00:00and it's...
01:00:02Oh, don't worry, Scarlett.
01:00:04We can...
01:00:06No, I'm going to go talk to her, okay?
01:00:08I'm just here to check on you.
01:00:10Miss Amato might trust you
01:00:12with the $200,000 necklace, Scarlett,
01:00:14but I don't.
01:00:16Look at you, just enjoying the tennis court
01:00:18as if this was your own house.
01:00:20I wonder how Mr. Clark stands
01:00:22the stench of your...
01:00:24That's enough.
01:00:26Queenie, leave.
01:00:28Fine. You want me to go?
01:00:30Just give me the necklace, and then I'll go.
01:00:34Is it broken?
01:00:38You're the one who sent the flowers,
01:00:40not Bobby. You framed me.
01:00:42Save it for the jury, Scarlett.
01:00:44You and I both know you can't afford this necklace.
01:00:46Looks like you're going to jail.
01:00:50Let her go,
01:00:52or when I kick you out, you won't be walking.
01:00:56Let her go,
01:00:58or when I kick you out, you won't be walking.
01:01:00I'm not afraid of you.
01:01:02You're just a driver.
01:01:04She broke the necklace,
01:01:06so she has to pay for it.
01:01:08You're right. She would have to pay for it.
01:01:10If the necklace was real...
01:01:12Of course it's real. What are you talking about?
01:01:14That's interesting,
01:01:16because the real emerald necklace
01:01:18is designed by Robert Clark's mother
01:01:20and is in his safe
01:01:22here in this mansion.
01:01:24Too bad Mr. Clark isn't here,
01:01:26and you have no proof.
01:01:28Oh, but we do.
01:01:30We know exactly where he keeps it.
01:01:40It was fake?
01:01:42Fake or not,
01:01:44we can go see a jewelry expert right now.
01:01:46You're just bluffing.
01:01:48Try me.
01:01:50Now I'll give you three seconds to get out
01:01:52before I change my mind.
01:01:54One, two...
01:01:56Now I'll give you three seconds to get out
01:01:58before I change my mind.
01:02:00One, two...
01:02:02This isn't over, Scarlett.
01:02:04I'm going to take you and your whole
01:02:06family down.
01:02:08Hey, are you alright?
01:02:10Yeah, I'm fine.
01:02:12That's Queenie. She's my stepsister.
01:02:14She's been like this my whole life.
01:02:16Yeah, it doesn't help with my dad
01:02:18always spoiling her.
01:02:20I can't believe she's treated you like this
01:02:22your whole life.
01:02:28what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
01:02:34Hold on.
01:02:36Hold on.
01:02:38I gotta take this. I'm sorry.
01:02:44We cannot let that
01:02:46obnoxious woman walk all over Scarlett.
01:02:48That's right, Bobby. We have to do something.
01:02:50You're right.
01:02:52It's time I dealt with the Masons
01:02:54once and for all.
01:02:58What happened, sweetheart?
01:03:00Scarlett is a bitch.
01:03:02That's what.
01:03:04She insulted me with her loser husband
01:03:06and his whole family.
01:03:08No one has ever insulted me like this.
01:03:10It's okay, honey.
01:03:12We've got some good news.
01:03:14Just got off the phone with Robert Clark's assistant.
01:03:16He wants to meet with us later today.
01:03:18How is that going to help me?
01:03:20Don't you see, sweetheart?
01:03:22If we can get Mr. Clark to invest in your father's factory,
01:03:24business is going to take off.
01:03:26That's right.
01:03:28Plus, my baby girl is so pretty
01:03:30he's going to
01:03:32maybe fall in love with you.
01:03:34And I'll be the father-in-law
01:03:36of the richest man in the city.
01:03:38Stop it, Dad.
01:03:40What are you waiting for? Go get ready.
01:03:42We're leaving in 30 minutes.
01:03:46Masons are here, boss.
01:03:50What are you doing here?
01:03:54What are you doing here?
01:03:56Queenie, isn't that Mr. Clark?
01:03:58Come on, Dad.
01:04:00I'm not a millionaire CEO to you.
01:04:02That's Scarlett's husband,
01:04:04Robert Clark's driver.
01:04:06What's a driver doing drinking at the table?
01:04:08Come on, get up.
01:04:10I'm sorry.
01:04:12I don't understand dogs barking.
01:04:14What did you just say?
01:04:16Are you messing with us? Where is Mr. Clark?
01:04:18He's right here, Miss Mason.
01:04:20I'll wait outside, boss.
01:04:22Please, have a seat.
01:04:24We've a lot to catch up on.
01:04:26Mr. Clark,
01:04:28my daughter has offended you
01:04:30and we're very sorry.
01:04:32Yeah, we didn't mean to cross you.
01:04:36Oh, it's okay to cross me.
01:04:40But you came after my wife!
01:04:44And that,
01:04:46I'm not letting go.
01:04:50What the fuck? Are you crazy?
01:04:52Now, I hate repeating myself,
01:04:54so listen carefully.
01:04:56This gentleman is going to escort you
01:04:58to the train station.
01:05:00You're going to get on the nearest train
01:05:02out of this city,
01:05:04and you'll never come back again.
01:05:06No! Please!
01:05:08Mr. Clark,
01:05:10I still have a house
01:05:12and my factory.
01:05:14I wouldn't worry about that.
01:05:16I checked your financial report
01:05:18and I'm sure you'll be fine.
01:05:20You're broke.
01:05:22What? That's impossible!
01:05:24I'm sure you'll find a nice bridge to live under.
01:05:28Oh, one more thing.
01:05:30If you crawl back to this city,
01:05:32if you tell Scarlet who I am,
01:05:34you'll be very, very sorry.
01:05:38Take them away.
01:05:44I'll only get to check that off the top of my head.
01:05:46I'll only get to check that off the to-do list.
01:05:48Thank you, Fred.
01:05:50I couldn't have done it without you.
01:05:52Where to now, boss?
01:06:10What was that for?
01:06:12I'm just happy to be home with you.
01:06:16That's pretty.
01:06:18What's it for?
01:06:20There's a charity auction next weekend.
01:06:22Everybody in my firm
01:06:24is submitting their own designs.
01:06:26What for?
01:06:32I feel bad for the other designers.
01:06:34With this masterpiece,
01:06:36you're going to get the highest bid ever.
01:06:38I know that, Bobby.
01:06:40I can see into the future.
01:06:42Okay, Mr. Fortune Teller.
01:06:44Are you going to be at the auction then?
01:06:48I wouldn't miss it for the world.
01:06:50You're my wife.
01:06:52I want to support your career.
01:06:54Thank you, Bobby.
01:06:58I didn't get the chance to tell you earlier,
01:07:00but you make me really happy too, Scarlet.
01:07:10You're sure Charlie's asleep, right?
01:07:12Sound asleep.
01:07:40Looks like I'm going to be a big brother soon.
01:07:52All right.
01:07:54Close your eyes.
01:07:58Why are you so secretive?
01:08:00Should I be scared?
01:08:02Just close them, will you?
01:08:04Okay, open.
01:08:10We never got the chance to do this,
01:08:12and you deserve more than just a 10-minute drive
01:08:14to City Hall.
01:08:16You amaze me every day.
01:08:18You're loving, generous.
01:08:20I couldn't imagine my life without you.
01:08:22So, Scarlet Mason,
01:08:24will you be my wife
01:08:34Of course I will.
01:08:36Of course.
01:08:44Oh, my God.
01:08:46This is beautiful.
01:08:48Bobby, how were you able to afford this?
01:08:50It's just crystal,
01:08:52but I promise
01:08:54that I'll get you a real diamond ring someday.
01:08:58You, Charlie,
01:09:00you guys are the best.
01:09:02You, Charlie,
01:09:04you guys gave me the home that I never had.
01:09:06Blood doesn't make families,
01:09:10Love does.
01:09:18Hey, buddy, what's up?
01:09:20My head hurts.
01:09:22Charlie! Charlie!
01:09:24Hey, are you okay?
01:09:26Call 911.
01:09:28We need to get him to a hospital now.
01:09:32There has to be some type of cure for that.
01:09:34Right now, the best option
01:09:36is a bone marrow transplant.
01:09:38Okay, take my bone marrow.
01:09:40Unfortunately, we've already run the test for you
01:09:42and your family, and none of you
01:09:44match Charlie.
01:09:46Charlie's mom.
01:09:48You have to call Charlie's mom.
01:09:50But Scarlet...
01:09:52No buts.
01:09:54Can't you see that this is our only hope?
01:10:00Hello, Bobby.
01:10:02I wasn't expecting to hear from you
01:10:04so soon again.
01:10:06I'm sending my jet over, Jessica.
01:10:08I need you back in the U.S. now.
01:10:12As long as you want me.
01:10:26you're the reason
01:10:28Bobby found while I was gone.
01:10:30Jessica White.
01:10:32Charlie's in bed and Bobby's just coming home from work.
01:10:36Then we can talk in private.
01:10:38You know, girl to girl.
01:10:44I see.
01:10:46He still loves his paintings.
01:10:48They're not his. They're his boss's.
01:10:50Robert Clark.
01:10:52We can't afford that.
01:10:54Oh. Interesting.
01:10:56Listen, Jessica.
01:10:58I just wanted to say
01:11:00I understand that you're Charlie's mother
01:11:02and you want to be a part of his life.
01:11:04But this is my family.
01:11:06And I will do
01:11:08whatever it takes to protect it.
01:11:10You listen, you sneaky bitch.
01:11:12It's about time you gave my family
01:11:14back to me.
01:11:16You don't know what I'm capable of.
01:11:18So you better back out of it while you still can.
01:11:20Get off of me!
01:11:22Scarlett, please, no!
01:11:26What happened here?
01:11:30Scarlett, please, no!
01:11:34What happened here?
01:11:36It's my fault.
01:11:38I didn't mean to upset you, Scarlett.
01:11:40No, I didn't push her.
01:11:42Bobby, I wish you didn't have to see me like this.
01:11:44I think you can help yourself up.
01:11:48Is this how you do it?
01:11:50Is this how you're going to treat me, Bobby?
01:11:52I'm the mother of your son.
01:11:54You lost the right to call yourself that
01:11:56the moment you left him.
01:11:58The only reason I asked you to come back...
01:12:00I know, I know.
01:12:02Charlie's bone marrow transplant.
01:12:04I got the match report
01:12:06from the hospital before coming here.
01:12:12You're not a match.
01:12:14No, I'm not.
01:12:16But I have a better proposal.
01:12:18Cord blood.
01:12:20Divorce this bitch.
01:12:22Marry me.
01:12:24And we make a child that can save Charlie's life.
01:12:30Divorce this bitch.
01:12:32Marry me.
01:12:34And we make a child that can save Charlie's life.
01:12:38Are you insane, Jessica?
01:12:40It's our only chance, Bobby.
01:12:42You said I left Charlie.
01:12:44Well, I'm doing my duty as his mother
01:12:46and so should you.
01:12:48Don't tell me you're choosing this woman
01:12:50over your own son.
01:12:52Get out of my house, you...
01:12:54Wait, wait.
01:12:56Bobby, she's right.
01:12:58She's our only hope.
01:13:00Scarlett, there has to be another way.
01:13:02No, we can't wait.
01:13:04We can't make Charlie wait.
01:13:06Yes, Jessica.
01:13:08We'll get a divorce.
01:13:10You can do whatever you want.
01:13:12Just promise me you'll take care of Charlie.
01:13:14Of course I will.
01:13:16He's my son.
01:13:20Since you're breaking up,
01:13:22you might as well tell her the truth.
01:13:24A good boy shouldn't lie,
01:13:30What did she just call you?
01:13:34Did she call you Robert?
01:13:38And they can't be trusted.
01:13:40Especially Robert Clark.
01:13:42I'm a chauffeur
01:13:44for Robert Clark.
01:13:46Promise me you won't ever
01:13:48try to be somebody in ours.
01:13:50What did she just call you?
01:13:52Did she call you Robert?
01:14:02I'm so stupid.
01:14:04Please, Scarlett.
01:14:06I didn't mean to hurt you. I can explain.
01:14:08Explain what?
01:14:10How you lied to me?
01:14:14How you made Charlie
01:14:16and your parents lie for you?
01:14:22Please, Scarlett.
01:14:24Robert Clark
01:14:26might not have been that man that night.
01:14:28But I got one thing right about him.
01:14:32He can't be trusted.
01:14:34Thank you, Robert.
01:14:36Thank you, Robert.
01:14:38For giving me a reason to actually leave.
01:14:44Mommy, please don't go.
01:14:48Mommy, please don't go.
01:14:54It's okay, Charlie.
01:14:56Your new mommy's here. She'll take care of you.
01:15:00You read to me. You cook for me.
01:15:02Teach me stuff.
01:15:04She's my mommy.
01:15:06But you love me more than she does.
01:15:08Of course I love you.
01:15:10Of course I love you.
01:15:12But sometimes,
01:15:14love doesn't make family.
01:15:16Blood does.
01:15:24Mommy's sad
01:15:26because we lied to her, right?
01:15:28Yes, buddy.
01:15:30But it's not your fault.
01:15:32I'm gonna make things right.
01:15:34I won't lose her.
01:15:36I promise.
01:15:42I still can't believe it.
01:15:44What are the odds
01:15:46that you would end up marrying Robert Clark
01:15:48six years later?
01:15:50It wasn't him, Ivy.
01:15:52He got drunk.
01:15:54He spent the night with Jessica.
01:15:56They had a baby.
01:15:58Mine died.
01:16:00Same story, different characters.
01:16:04I'm gonna go.
01:16:06I'm so tired.
01:16:18No, asshole. Scarlett's friend, Ivy.
01:16:20Listen, we need to meet up.
01:16:22There's something that you have to see.
01:16:32Oh my god, boss!
01:16:34What are you doing?
01:16:36He deserves it. He knows it.
01:16:38You want a piece of this, too?
01:16:40She's right, Fred. I deserve this.
01:16:42Maybe he's not so hopeless.
01:16:44I didn't come here to kick groins
01:16:46or chit-chat, Robert.
01:16:48I have a question.
01:16:50She thought I got rid of these six years ago.
01:16:52I didn't.
01:16:54Are they yours?
01:16:58I didn't.
01:17:00Are they yours?
01:17:04My parents gave them to me six years ago
01:17:06at my birthday party.
01:17:08I thought I lost them.
01:17:10It all makes sense now.
01:17:12Jessica drugged me.
01:17:14Scarlett came to my room by mistake.
01:17:16Jessica took me to her room.
01:17:18She set the whole thing up.
01:17:20That means Charlie.
01:17:22She used this glass, Leslie.
01:17:24You know what to do.
01:17:28Thank you. Really.
01:17:30What can I say?
01:17:32She loves you.
01:17:36What are you looking at?
01:17:38Oh, I, um, I...
01:17:40I'm just messing with you.
01:17:42You look cute when you blush, you know.
01:17:48Is that Jessica White?
01:17:50Her designs are super popular in Europe.
01:17:52I think I've seen her somewhere.
01:17:54I think I've seen her somewhere.
01:17:56Her designs are super popular in Europe.
01:18:00I guess the highest bid is going to her then.
01:18:02I'm surprised to see you here, Scarlett.
01:18:04Shouldn't you be busy dealing with divorce documents?
01:18:06You've gotten what you wanted, Jessica.
01:18:08Just leave me alone.
01:18:10Oh, but I'm having so much fun.
01:18:12Tell you what, Scarlett.
01:18:14Why don't we make a bet?
01:18:16If you get the highest bid,
01:18:18I'll get to my knees
01:18:20and admit defeat
01:18:22and leave you alone.
01:18:24But if I get the highest bid,
01:18:26you will leave the city
01:18:28and never come back again.
01:18:30What do you say?
01:18:38So, what are the results?
01:18:40See for yourself.
01:18:48You okay?
01:18:50Mr. Clark?
01:18:54Gotta go.
01:18:58Fred, get Charlie and bring him to the charity auction.
01:19:02Ladies and gentlemen, the next item up for bid
01:19:04is by the famous designer
01:19:06who just returned from Europe,
01:19:08Miss Jessica White.
01:19:14We are going to start the bidding at $10,000.
01:19:16Do I hear $10,000?
01:19:18$10,000. Thank you, sir.
01:19:20Higher, $20,000.
01:19:22$20,000. Thank you very much.
01:19:28Do I hear $35,000?
01:19:30$35,000. Thank you very much.
01:19:36$50,000 on the young lady in red.
01:19:38Thank you very much.
01:19:40Going once.
01:19:42Going twice.
01:19:48Scarlett Mason.
01:19:50Next up, we have Miss Mason's
01:19:52design, folks.
01:19:54Now, this was called Lily's Fantasy
01:19:56and this is inspired by the flower
01:19:58lily. So, we are going to
01:20:00start the bid at $2,000.
01:20:08Ladies and gentlemen, $2,000.
01:20:12I'm sorry, but if
01:20:14no one is going to bid,
01:20:16we will have to announce a bought-in.
01:20:22Sorry, Miss Mason.
01:20:28I bid $1,000,000
01:20:30on Miss Mason's design.
01:20:34I bid $1,000,000
01:20:36on Miss Mason's design.
01:20:38Robert Clark, what are you doing?
01:20:40Oh, my God! Did the mysterious
01:20:42beauty owner, Robert Clark?
01:20:44He was hot. I didn't know he was
01:20:46smoking hot. I'm bidding on
01:20:48Scarlett's work.
01:20:50She's my wife.
01:20:52The best designer I know.
01:20:54She's not your wife anymore, Bobby.
01:20:56We have a deal.
01:20:58You promised you'd divorce her
01:21:00and marry me. I would never marry you.
01:21:02I know what you did six years ago.
01:21:04You drugged me
01:21:06and stole the baby from the woman
01:21:08that gave birth to my son, Charlie.
01:21:10This is crazy, Bobby. How can you...
01:21:12The man dug up everything.
01:21:14The dealer you got the drugs from,
01:21:16the forged DNA report, and the doctor you bribed.
01:21:18You're out of moves, Jessica.
01:21:20And you'll spend a lot of time in jail
01:21:22thinking about what you did wrong.
01:21:24Don't fucking touch me!
01:21:26Take your hands off him!
01:21:30You'll spend a lot of time in jail
01:21:32thinking about what you did wrong.
01:21:34Don't fucking touch me!
01:21:36Take your hands off him!
01:21:42Take me to jail.
01:21:44Let's go.
01:21:50So everything you said...
01:21:52Was true, Scarlett.
01:21:54I have the DNA
01:21:56and data report of you and Charlie.
01:21:58You are the mother of Scarlett.
01:22:04You know, a man once told me
01:22:06that blood doesn't make fish.
01:22:08A man once told me that blood doesn't make family.
01:22:12Love does.
01:22:14A man once told me that blood doesn't make family.
01:22:18Love does.
01:22:38¡Mamá, ayúdame!
01:22:40Hey, ¿quién te dio el nervio
01:22:42para asesinar a los niños en Broadway?
01:22:44Scarlett, tienes que tener cuidado.
01:22:46No puedes atacar a mamá así.
01:22:48Está bien, Bobby, estoy bien.
01:22:50Esperemos que tu hermana
01:22:52sea más tranquila que tú, amigo.
01:22:54Hey, tú sabes que me amas.
01:22:56Sí, lo sé. Mucho.
01:22:58Vamos, Lily.
01:23:00Mamá, papá y yo nos esperamos por ti.
