• last year
मोबाईल चार्ज है , क्या ? What is charge ?
😀चार्ज या आवेश विधुतिय धारा के प्रवाह दर को कहते हैं। इनकी इकाई को हम कूलाम्ब कहते हैं जो की एक भोतिकशास्त्री कूलाम्ब के नाम पर पड़ा। एक फैरड में 96500C (कूलाम्ब) होता है।😃
💥🔥💥Electric charge can be defined as a fundamental property of subatomic particles that gives rise to the phenomenon of experiencing force in the presence of electric and magnetic fields. These fields exert influence on charged particles, resulting in observable effects.
🏵️Types of Electric Charge🎈
Electric charge comes in two main types: positive and negative charges. Positive charges are associated with protons, which are subatomic particles residing in the nucleus of an atom. They are represented by the symbol “+”. On the other hand, negative charges are linked to electrons, which orbit the atomic nucleus and are denoted by the symbol “-“.
The distinction between positive and negative charges plays a vital role in comprehending the behaviour of electrically charged objects. Opposite charges, such as positive and negative, attract each other, while like charges, such as positive and positive or negative and negative, repel each other. This fundamental principle is the foundation for various concepts in electromagnetism and is pivotal in understanding the interaction of charged particles.
#charge #विद्युतआवेश #physics


