• last year
পটচিত্র ও বেতের কাজে সেজে উঠেছে মানকুণ্ডুর সার্কাস মাঠ সর্বজনীন জগদ্ধাত্রী পুজোর মণ্ডপ


00:00Now this Pujo committee has been selected through Mandok Sojja and Thimma to do the work of painting and painting pots.
00:16This year's theme is Bengali.
00:19In the Mandok Sojja and Thimma theme, the artist Gauranga Koila, who won the national award,
00:26has come up on the circus floor.
00:29Bangla's Potul, Adibas's death, Bishnupur's horse, Dwarf's bison.
00:35At the same time, Netaji Satyajit Rai, Kaviguru Rabindranath Thakur,
00:43Mahanayak Uttam Kumar, King Badulti's death artist Amola Shankar,
00:48Pramukh Kukriti and Bangu Santander's death.
01:18Even if there is nothing to eat here every month, there is rice and buttermilk.
