• last year
Salut à tous ! Devinez quoi - Sammy a encore une autre super nouvelle voiture 🚘
On pourrait penser qu'il est content. Mais il y a un hic : Sam n'a plus de place où se garer ! Oh, non...

Heureusement, Roger ne manque pas d'idées artisanales cool. Alors, attachez vos ceintures ! Nous allons construire une piste de course ultime avec plein de places de stationnement ! Youpi !

Commençons par le commencement, il nous faut beaucoup de carton, car notre circuit de course ne peut se passer de longues courbes complexes. Après un peu de dessin et de découpage, nous avons exactement ce qu'il nous faut ! Mais nous ne devrions pas oublier de faire quelques barrières de sécurité aussi - la sécurité passe avant tout, n'est-ce pas ? Les voitures de course rapides ne peuvent pas tomber de la piste.

Ensuite, nous allons découper et coller beaucoup plus, assembler le tout, puis passer bien sûr à la décoration. Et nous finirons avec un superbe circuit de course à plusieurs étages avec de nombreux emplacements de stationnement ! Et voici un bonus - il y aura même quelques ponts mobiles. Ça sonne fascinant, n'est-ce pas ?

Les amis, si vous voulez voir ce superbe bricolage ainsi que le guide complet étape par étape pour le réaliser, il vous suffit de rester jusqu'à la fin de cette vidéo. Aimez et abonnez-vous pour nous soutenir. Abonne-toi à la chaîne de Sam et mets-lui un pouce bleu pour le motiver à faire plus de vidéos pour toi ! https://bit.ly/2EAEJdV

Tous les produits et noms de compagnies apparaissant dans cette vidéo demeurent les marques commerciales™️ ou marques déposées®️ de leurs propriétaires respectifs. Leur utilisation ne suggère aucune affiliation ni approbation de leur part.

Musique par TheSoul Sound: https://thesoul-sound.com/

Liste du matériel : https://www.depositphotos.com

OPENING THEME Title: Cuckoo Source: https://audiojungle.net/item/cuckoo/20801073

Coucou les fans de Sam ! Découvrez nos chouettes nouveautés avec Sam sur la boutique de Sam le Slime 🎉 https://amzn.to/39dmkxX


00:42Hey, Roger! Look at my new car! It's super cool! I just got it!
00:47Sammy, you have another car? Are you kidding me?
00:50I love fast cars, but I'm missing a parking lot.
00:55Haha! Don't worry, buddy. It's easy to fix.
00:58What do you mean? Do you have a plan?
01:00Of course! We're going to create a circuit with a lot of parking lots!
01:04Wow! Incredible!
01:06Do you need this?
01:08Great! Thank you, Sammy! That's exactly what I need!
01:12Let's do it!
01:16We need a long curve for the track, like this one.
01:20Where are we now?
01:22Good idea!
01:28Wow! It's big!
01:31What does it look like? Hmm, we need something else.
01:35What about a barrier? My cars are pretty fast!
01:38Good idea, Sam! Every race track needs a barrier.
01:46There you go!
01:49I'll do the same inside. We need to glue all the pieces together.
01:53Talk less and work more, Roger!
01:56Haha, OK!
02:04We're going to need a lot more tracks!
02:09Wow! Well done, buddy! Now let's put it all together.
02:17Wow! Yum-yum! It's like a giant bath!
02:21I don't think you'd want to eat that, Sam. It could be a little rubbery.
02:26Now we need to make supports to keep the track in the air.
02:31We don't want it to fall when these fast cars are buzzing around.
02:38These things should do the trick. Let's add them to the track.
02:43I'm going to slide them underneath, then fix them in place.
02:47Yum-yum! Roger is a genius!
02:49Wow! Let me see!
02:51Wow! That's great! It's going to be better than I ever imagined!
02:56I'm going to be like a real race driver!
02:59You really are, Sammy!
03:03Every good race track needs a fast barrier.
03:06A chicane is a tight turn on the track.
03:09It really puts the drivers to the test, you know.
03:13Well, look at that! It's pretty cool, isn't it?
03:17I'm going to make an elevated track.
03:19All of Sam's cars will be able to see the ground slide underneath.
03:24But we need more support for the track.
03:30What do you think, Sam? Do you like it?
03:32Where's the road? I can't drive on that!
03:37Relax! It's not over yet. We're going to build the road.
03:41We just need to attach the supports underneath.
03:44That's perfect!
03:46We also need a way to access this section.
03:48And I have just what we need.
03:50But first, we need to add glue.
03:52Now we can add a ramp.
03:54We should probably test it. What do you think?
03:56I'll do it! Here, I brought my skateboard.
03:59No, Sam! You know the rules!
04:03Remember, this track is only for cars.
04:09What's the next step?
04:11It reminds me of something! Delicious pizza!
04:14It would be great for now.
04:18Yes, indeed!
04:20Why not order a pizza once we're done?
04:23We deserve a reward after all this hard work.
04:26And now, look at this!
04:28Wow! It's amazing! So cool! What is it?
04:31It's a rotating bridge.
04:34It will help it move.
04:36You see? That's what I meant.
04:38This track is getting better and better.
04:40Cool! We need more bridges!
04:44Hey, that's pretty good, Sam!
04:46I have a mini-bridge for that.
04:49Let me pass, Roger!
04:55So, how do you think I did?
04:57You did an excellent job!
04:59This track is going to be epic!
05:03That's exciting! I can't wait to play with it!
05:07Who would have thought that Roger was so good at designing race tracks?
05:11Is that a compliment?
05:13Well, yes! I'm stupefied!
05:15But let me help you!
05:17Here, this piece should do.
05:22Right here, Sammy!
05:24This is the first step of our race track.
05:26Wow! It looks amazing! It's going to be super fast!
05:30I hope so, Sammy!
05:35It's going to look exactly like a race track! I can't wait!
05:39You have to be patient!
05:41Patient? Me?
05:43Come on, Roger! You know it's never going to happen!
05:51So, are you ready?
05:53Not yet!
05:55There's still a lot to do, Sammy!
05:59I can't wait to drive this brand new car!
06:02I know, buddy!
06:04Trust me, your cars will have a smooth ride on it!
06:09Look! I'm a car!
06:11Maybe I'll take you for a ride when we're done!
06:15You're driving too fast for me, Sammy!
06:18Well, the track is done! Let's decorate the rest!
06:21Yeah! It's for the barriers! It's going to be pretty and bright!
06:25That's right!
06:26And let's speed up the work with the magic of video editing!
06:34Wow! How did I do that? I sometimes am surprised myself!
06:37Haha! Don't reveal all our secrets, Sammy!
06:40Okay, what's next? I have a lot of good ideas!
06:44We'll cover the outside!
06:47Wow! It's so colorful! Good choice of colors, Roger!
06:51It's a tricky passage! You have to be precise and stable!
06:55You can do it, Roger! I trust you!
06:58Thank you, buddy!
07:00I cut more cards for you!
07:02Ouch! It's out of control!
07:04Are you okay?
07:06This card wanted to go to his head!
07:08Phew! I thought we could do all the white bridges!
07:11It will really help him get out!
07:14That's it!
07:17It will work!
07:18Intelligence and beauty! I have it all!
07:22Hahaha! You are so modest!
07:25Wow! Oh, you forgot a place! Don't worry, I'll take care of it!
07:28Wow! Roger does it so easily! He has a natural talent!
07:34The other bridge must be done, Sam!
07:36My fabulous design skills will take care of it!
07:39Give me a second! Wait! Here it is!
07:42I guess I should do the others too!
07:48And I'll add bands to the supports!
07:52Wow! It will really add to the atmosphere of the race!
07:56I can't let Roger do all the hard work!
07:59It could help him do it faster!
08:02Hey, Roger! Look at this!
08:05Huh? Let me see that!
08:07Hey, that's a much better idea!
08:09Why didn't I think of it earlier? It looks amazing!
08:17It's so awesome!
08:19I know! And it's thanks to me! You're welcome!
08:24Wow! Now it's what we call a race track, isn't it?
08:31Then we'll have to draw lines on the road!
08:34The only lines I get are from school!
08:38Not those kind of lines, Sammy! I mean like that!
08:44Oh! What a relief! I was a kid for a moment!
09:04Come on! Come on!
09:05Roger, what are you doing?
09:06Can you believe this, everyone?
09:08He doesn't even have a driver's license!
09:10Let's see!
09:11Sorry, Sammy!
09:12Now you're saying sorry, huh?
09:14Incredible! There's only one solution!
09:16I'm going to need this plant!
09:18Here it is!
09:19Hey, you! I'm serious!
09:21Okay, okay! Give me that plant!
09:24Now you talk!
09:26We can put it here and add a little more greenery!
09:29It looks good, but it's not enough!
09:31Keep going like that, Roger!
09:33As you wish!
09:36And it goes here!
09:39Here's another one!
09:50Wow! Look what I found in my toy box!
09:53Stickers! It will boost our parkour to the next level!
09:56You're right, Sammy!
10:01It will guide the cars in the right direction!
10:05What do you think of some traffic lights?
10:07We can put them here...
10:08Traffic lights?
10:09Bah! This track is made to go fast!
10:11But okay, I don't want a fine for speeding!
10:14Let's try the track!
10:15It's time for a road test!
10:19Oops! I guess it was too fast!
10:25Beep beep!
10:28Back up! Slowly and slowly!
10:31Keep going! Like that!
10:33Wow! What a nice road!
10:35Here's a parking lot!
10:37It can't get any better than this!
10:39Wait a second!
10:41Wow! Roger installed traffic lights!
10:43That's so cool!
10:45It's the best day of my life!
10:47I'm so happy right now!
10:50It's going to get a lot better, Sam!
10:52Look at this!
10:53I have these special cars!
10:55Do you want to try them?
10:57Let's see what they can do!
10:58Roger, go ahead!
11:00Let's go!
11:02Wow! That was so fast!
11:27Beep beep!
11:34Beep beep!
11:36Beep beep!
11:41Beep beep!
11:44Beep beep!
11:46Thank you, Roger!
11:47I finally have a place to park my cars and let them run!
11:50Wow! That's amazing!
11:53No problem, Sammy!
11:54That was really fun, wasn't it?
11:56Yeah, but the speed races will be even more fun!
11:59What do you say, Roger? Ready for the challenge?
12:05Let's go!
12:06See you next time, everyone!
12:07Goodbye, friends!
12:26Beep beep!
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15:48Beep beep!
15:50Interesting, je suis sure que celui-là a une pointure différente.
15:55bout to catch his breath.
15:57Compri, une seconde..
16:00On doit construire une salle de bains maintenant et on ferait mieux de se dépêcher
16:05Ah compris!
16:06Mettons-nous au travail!
16:07Regarde ce que j'ai trouvé ici, ça fera une super baignoire
16:10Merci Samy, tu as vraiment un esprit si créatif
16:12You know, you could probably make a career as an interior decorator.
16:17What do you think, maestro?
16:19It's actually pretty good, Suzy!
16:21The little details always make big changes, remember that!
16:25No bathroom is complete without a shower, right?
16:28Let's go!
16:31Phew, the bathtub is great!
16:34Hey, there's water on the floor of the bathroom, Sammy!
16:37It's dangerous!
16:38You'd better not splash!
16:40But why?
16:43If the floor is wet, you can slip, fall and maybe even get hurt!
16:46Okay, I get it now!
16:48Guys, remember, don't run and don't splash in the bathroom!
16:52If the floor is wet, it's slippery!
16:54So always be careful and dry the spilled water!
16:59It will be a mirror, perfectly adapted to our style, cinnamoroll!
17:03Well, let's spend some time magic!
17:08That's how it's done!
17:10Good job, Sammy!
17:11Mirror, my beautiful mirror!
17:13Oh, great!
17:15Cinnamoroll will be so happy!
17:18Oops, hurry up, Suzy!
17:21Oh, okay, okay!
17:22I'm doing my best, Sammy!
17:25Phew, there you go!
17:28One last detail!
17:29A nice bath mat to keep your feet warm, you know!
17:32Ah, it feels so good!
17:41Have you ever heard that slimes are actually intrepid?
17:45Oh, really? Do you have any proof?
17:47Of course! I remember one time...
17:49Oh, my kibidaba!
17:51What is this thing?
17:53It looks like a monster!
17:55Relax, my intrepid friend!
17:57It's just that one of our guests must be really hungry!
18:01That would be me!
18:02Sorry for scaring you!
18:03Oh, we'll make you a kitchen in no time!
18:06But now I could offer you candy!
18:08Sammy, before we start, I need some green clay, please!
18:12I'll bring it to you in no time!
18:14Just a few more touches and it's ready!
18:17I'm going to use this clay to cover the kitchen's work plan.
18:20It's going to look really elegant!
18:22Do you think we'll get another counter from such doors, Suzy?
18:25Wow, so cute!
18:27I know!
18:28And I really like this color combination!
18:30I'm going to add two more doors on this side.
18:34It looks incredible!
18:37The work plan will be in marble,
18:39so I'm not going to mix the blue and white clay, you know?
18:44Yes, that's enough!
18:46Now we can cover the work plan with this.
18:53That's exactly what I was talking about!
18:55Now let's put it all together!
19:04And since we have a sink, we also need a tap.
19:08Voila! Everything is ready!
19:11What do we miss here?
19:14Suzy, help me!
19:15It's too heavy for my slippery muscles!
19:17A crayon!
19:18Oh, it's so cute!
19:20Good job, Sammy!
19:22And here's a cooker, of course!
19:24Hmm, Suzy!
19:25Keroppi is really hungry!
19:29Where is she?
19:30Well, I can cook a meal myself.
19:32It's not a big problem, is it?
19:35What's going on here?
19:37Hey! I just started!
19:38Why did you interrupt?
19:40No cooking without the supervision of an adult, Sam!
19:43It could be dangerous!
19:44Okay, okay!
19:45Suzy, I'm sorry!
19:46I'll never cook alone again!
19:48Well, you promised!
19:49Now, what do we do to prevent the food from spoiling?
19:53I know!
19:54I know!
19:55A fridge!
19:56But I have to tell you,
19:57it's not the best place to hide or live!
20:00That's it!
20:01The fridge is made to store food only!
20:04Not to play or anything else!
20:06But without a door, the cold will escape and the food will spoil!
20:10Thank you, Sammy!
20:11And it's a great fridge door!
20:13And the final touch!
20:17That reminds me of someone!
20:20Now it's time to make room for Cutie White!
20:23I'll draw the outline first!
20:25Can you guess what it's going to be?
20:29I'll tell you!
20:30It's a TV cabinet!
20:31Wait and you'll see!
20:33Cute, isn't it?
20:34Someone said TV?
20:35If it's bigger than mine, I'm ready to trade!
20:38I'm kidding!
20:39Don't worry!
20:40It's not bigger than yours!
20:43Hey, wait!
20:44You mean it's my TV?
20:47I removed it!
20:48Watching too much TV is bad for your eyes anyway!
20:52We'd better start making the folder for our future sofa!
20:55This white clay is perfect for that!
20:57Sammy, help me decorate this, please!
21:01I can do it, Suzy!
21:02It'll be ready in no time!
21:05Don't worry!
21:06I'm fine!
21:07I'm fine!
21:11All done!
21:12How do you like it?
21:13It's perfect, Sammy!
21:15Hi, Tibidaba!
21:18I really like how it turned out!
21:20Our sofa is almost ready, friends!
21:22Can you see?
21:24Now this piece goes here!
21:26Like this!
21:30We almost forgot the feet!
21:31That's better!
21:33And it goes right in front of the TV!
21:36That's so cool, Suzy!
21:37Wait, Sammy!
21:38What are you doing?
21:39I'm watching TV!
21:41Don't sit too close to the TV!
21:42It's really bad for your vision!
21:45And if it's too late?
21:46I've always been sitting too close to the TV!
21:48It's okay, Sammy!
21:49Don't do it anymore and everything will be fine!
21:53Thank you!
21:55Where was it?
21:59Are you kidding me?
22:01I'm sorry to have to teach you,
22:02but Kuromi says she really needs a big closet!
22:05No problem!
22:06It's easy to do!
22:11Sparkling pearls will make perfect feet!
22:14Let's go!
22:15We also need a mirror of courtesy!
22:18What a beautiful slime!
22:19What a beautiful slime!
22:20Hey, Suzy!
22:21Give it to me!
22:22Sorry, but it's a mistake!
22:23Sorry, but it's a perfect fit for our DIY!
22:26Now let's start making a closet!
22:28It will be purple!
22:29Kuromi loves this color!
22:32It's so spacious, isn't it?
22:34And here's a perfect place for that!
22:39I have to admit it's cute too!
22:43What was that?
22:44You hear it too?
22:46Were you playing hide-and-seek in there?
22:48Never hide in closets or cupboards!
22:50It's dangerous!
22:51You might not be able to get out!
22:53Got it!
22:54We have to follow the rules of domestic safety!
22:56That's it!
22:57Okay, you can come in, guys!
23:47Hey, Sammy?
23:48Want to play?
23:49Do you want to play?
23:51You shouldn't play with a ball at home!
23:54Did you already forget what happened yesterday?
23:56Who plays with a ball at home?
23:58Stop that right now!
23:59There, there!
24:00That's why you should only play with a ball outside!
24:04Okay, safety first!
24:07Friends, if you also follow these safety rules,
24:09give this video a like!
24:11And don't forget to subscribe to our channel!
24:13See you soon!
