• 2 days ago
Salut les amis ! Sammy a été tout bouleversé dernièrement. Il a continué à regarder et à re-regarder toutes les vidéos de la chaîne Slick Slime Sam pour trouver un bricolage que lui et Sue n'avaient pas encore réalisé, mais c'était peine perdue. C'est un vrai casse-tête, n'est-ce pas ? 🥒🤔

Mais ne vous inquiétez pas, amis ! Nous pouvons trouver quelque chose ensemble ! Alors accrochez-vous, parce qu'aujourd'hui, Sue et Sammy sont en mission pour créer quelque chose de complètement NOUVEAU ! Dans cette vidéo, ils relèvent le défi de construire une tour de "Rangement de Souvenirs", un endroit pour garder tous leurs souvenirs de bricolage passés.

Suivez-les alors qu'ils expérimentent avec du carton, des anneaux, et même une mystérieuse toupie pour concrétiser leur vision. Vous verrez étape par étape comment ils construisent la tour elle-même, créent des sphères mémorielles et ajoutent des éléments amusants comme un toboggan et une échelle. Ça ressemble un peu à un distributeur de boules de chewing-gum mais avec une certain panache.

Êtes-vous déjà intrigué ? Alors appuyez sur play et préparez-vous à des péripéties hilarantes et des détours inattendus ! N'oubliez pas de AIMER, COMMENTER et VOUS ABONNER !
Abonne-toi à la chaîne de Sam et mets-lui un pouce bleu pour le motiver à faire plus de vidéos pour toi ! https://bit.ly/2EAEJdV

Tous les produits et noms de compagnies apparaissant dans cette vidéo demeurent les marques commerciales™️ ou marques déposées®️ de leurs propriétaires respectifs. Leur utilisation ne suggère aucune affiliation ni approbation de leur part.

Musique par TheSoul Sound: https://thesoul-sound.com/

Liste du matériel : https://www.depositphotos.com

OPENING THEME Title: Cuckoo Source: https://audiojungle.net/item/cuckoo/20801073

Coucou les fans de Sam ! Découvrez nos chouettes nouveautés avec Sam sur la boutique de Sam le Slime 🎉 https://amzn.to/39dmkxX


00:00No, no, no! That's not it!
00:02Oh, yes!
00:04Hey, Sammy, what are you doing here? You look tired.
00:07Oh, I watched our videos all night.
00:10But I still can't find a DIY that we haven't done yet.
00:14Don't worry, I'm sure that together we will find something very interesting.
00:18I would like to have a memory storage like in Vice Versa, you know?
00:22Hey, that's an excellent idea, making a memory storage for you too.
00:25All our DIYs will be gathered.
00:28But first, the cleaning.
00:30Oh, as always.
00:34Let's start by choosing the material for our DIY. Any ideas?
00:38Wait, let me check. Maybe we could knit our DIY on it?
00:43Um, that won't do. It would be too soft.
00:46Okay, so what would you say about colored paper?
00:49Well, the paper is too thin.
00:51But we can use it to decorate the DIY.
00:55So let's take cardboard.
00:57Now we're talking. So first we have to make a circle.
01:02In fact, I wrote the necessary sizes on each piece so that you can reproduce it, friends.
01:07Now we have to measure two and a half centimeters from the side.
01:11Then I will use a compass to draw a circle.
01:17I bet you're going to have to cut it.
01:19That's right. Friends, remember to be very careful with sharp objects.
01:25We will need more pieces like this one.
01:28What is this window?
01:30It's not a window. It's an opening for memories.
01:33Now we need our superglue.
01:42And here we go.
01:44Press it all together and add a few more layers.
01:47It looks a bit like a waffle cake.
01:50Oh, it would be a big cake.
01:54I have to save this poor cake.
01:58Hey, what's going on?
02:00Ouch! You weren't supposed to spot me.
02:03But in fact, I can use this for DIY.
02:06Thank you, oh, mysterious stranger.
02:11Oh, it's a spinning top that never stops.
02:14It spins fast. It makes me so sleepy.
02:17Call me when it stops.
02:19Sammy, there's no time to sleep.
02:21You'd better stay awake and help me.
02:24What do you think we could do with the memories?
02:27I'm thinking. I'm thinking.
02:33Wait a second.
02:35Of course. I think I have it.
02:37Yes, that's it.
02:40Yes, I need your pretty rings.
02:42People say they store the energy of their owners
02:45and your energy is super nice.
02:47Are you sure, Sammy? I love my rings so much.
02:50Couldn't we use something else?
02:53You have to trust me.
02:55Positive energy equals great memories.
02:57Plus, your rings are so shiny and cute.
02:59Okay, Sammy, I trust you.
03:01Here they are.
03:02Thank you so much.
03:03Wow, it's still spinning.
03:05Wow, did you see that?
03:06It's magic.
03:09Okay, let's continue.
03:12We need a circle of five and a half centimeters in radius.
03:16Sammy, where were you?
03:18I'm not in the mood for work.
03:21Very good.
03:23A little more lace on this part.
03:25Barbie, I need help.
03:27Sammy, can't you see I'm getting ready for the ball?
03:30What do you need?
03:31You see, I have to train for the fast cardboard cutting competition.
03:34I thought you could help me.
03:36I really don't have time for that, but...
03:38Okay, I can't say no to you.
03:42In the meantime, guys, here's what I like.
03:45Let's cut it.
03:47We need two pieces like this one.
03:49And of course, we'd better make them come alive.
03:52And now, let's count how many we have.
03:55Let's count.
03:56I have one, two, three.
03:58And you?
04:00And I have just one.
04:02Do you really think you're going to win with such results?
04:05Here, go train more.
04:07As for me, I'm going back to my dresses.
04:09Now let's put it all together.
04:11It is important to make sure that this piece goes like this.
04:15And this one must be placed upside down.
04:19Yes, I'm done.
04:20Fast as lightning.
04:22Yes, it was really fast.
04:24They are also very clean.
04:26Did you cut them yourself?
04:28Of course.
04:29Who else?
04:32Very good, if you say so.
04:35These are the side pieces.
04:37They will give a neat look to the whole.
04:41Hey, the glue came out of your nails.
04:45It's true.
04:46I didn't do it on purpose.
04:49I found this piece in the corner.
04:52Do we need it?
04:53Yes, thank you.
04:54I thought I had forgotten something.
04:56Ah, Sammy, could you take this?
04:58Your memory spheres are delivered.
05:02Sammy, look how cute they are.
05:04Let's test one right away.
05:08Come on, come on.
05:09Yeah, it works.
05:12Now we have to assemble the tower.
05:16This piece goes here.
05:18And a piece like this one goes here.
05:21Yes, I really want to help you.
05:23But all these pieces are so small.
05:25I'm afraid to ruin everything.
05:27Don't worry.
05:28I'm just going to use my magic
05:30and you'll help me with something else, okay?
05:33Now we need an extra wall.
05:39And finally, the last wall.
05:42Sit down.
05:43I'm going to add color to make it shine.
05:48Wait, haven't we already done something similar?
05:52No, Sammy, it's a totally different DIY.
05:55It will be the handle.
05:57A little magic in the mix.
06:03Just a few final touches for more comfort.
06:06The handle goes here.
06:08It works perfectly.
06:10Yes, yes, I'm stuck.
06:12Help me, please.
06:14Oh, poor little one.
06:15Actually, that's exactly what I need.
06:24Do you know what this is?
06:25It's the roof of our tower.
06:27It opens and closes easily.
06:30And it's a toboggan for the memory spheres.
06:35Let's test it.
06:36Yeah, it works!
06:38I came to help.
06:42I'd better be careful with this ladder.
06:45There we go.
06:47Sammy, have you seen a piece that looks like this one, but bigger?
06:52I thought it was a ladder.
06:55Not quite.
06:56Look at this.
07:02And whoosh!
07:06What am I doing here?
07:08I'm coming!
07:09Answer me!
07:10Answer me!
07:11Answer me!
07:12Let go of your hair!
07:13Okay, okay.
07:14Is that good?
07:15A little more.
07:16Come on!
07:17I still can't reach them.
07:19Guys, could you go play somewhere else?
07:21Answer me!
07:23I have to start working on the second part of our DIY.
07:27Sammy, I need your help.
07:29I'm at your service.
07:31I need those pieces I told you about.
07:33Ah, got it.
07:37I see where the problem is.
07:38Hey, Ken!
07:39Would you mind if I borrow a few spare pieces?
07:43Take what you need!
07:44Good, good, good!
07:45No, that's not it.
07:48There we go!
07:51Sue will be happy.
07:53Thanks a million, Ken.
07:57My pleasure, buddy.
07:58See you later.
07:59Wait, I thought I put those pieces here.
08:01Where did I put them?
08:02You need that, Suzy?
08:04Yes, thank you.
08:06Let's keep working.
08:13And this piece needs to be cut.
08:17Now it goes here.
08:20And the top part.
08:22Now look carefully.
08:25I know what it's going to be.
08:26We've already done it before.
08:28Sammy, it's a totally different DIY.
08:32I just need to add a few pieces.
08:36It worked!
08:37Just as I imagined!
08:41Yes, I prepared the base.
08:42Take it.
08:43Good job, Sammy.
08:44But let's cover it with green grass.
08:47There we go.
08:48Now we just have to assemble everything.
08:51This tower will go here.
08:52We also need a few pieces to connect the DIY parts.
09:07Let's test it.
09:08I can't wait any longer.
09:09Be patient.
09:10We're almost done.
09:11I promise.
09:13I'm going for a walk while you finish here.
09:16Hi, Sammy.
09:17Do you want to join us?
09:18We're going to the beach.
09:19Of course.
09:20I'm just going to take my things.
09:21Suzy, if anyone asks, I'm at the beach.
09:24Wait, what's in your bag?
09:27I think it's a DIY beach chair or something.
09:31No, it's not.
09:33Look, it's a closure.
09:34I just need to assemble it.
09:39It's done.
09:40Now I'm going to put it in place.
09:45And the final touch.
09:47No, Suzy.
09:48This is the final touch.
09:49My memories.
09:50My name.
09:51Yes, you said it.
09:52Friends, look at this beautiful memory storage we have.
09:57Now let's test it.
09:58I want to remember all our DIYs.
10:04Let's do it.
10:35Let's do it.
10:36Let's do it.
11:04Now I can remember everything we made.
11:11So cool!
11:13So, are you inspired?
11:16In fact, a great idea just came to my mind.
11:18I have to write it down.
11:20Oh, and like this video, guys.
11:22See you soon.
11:24And don't forget to subscribe to our channel.
11:31What a day!
11:33I'm exhausted.
11:35You had a hard day, didn't you?
11:37You're talking.
11:39Okay, I'm going to check again just in case I didn't see it.
11:45Oh no!
11:47Oh, something's wrong, Suzy.
11:49You won't believe it.
11:50Someone stole my wallet today.
11:52Oh my gosh!
11:53You must be very upset.
11:57It could help you feel better.
12:00And a soft pillow for extra comfort.
12:03And here's some tea for you too.
12:06Oh, thank you for your support, Sammy.
12:10At least there wasn't a lot of money in this wallet.
12:12Just coins.
12:13It's a shame.
12:15But I know how to fix everything.
12:18Here, take some chocolate to spread.
12:20It will help you feel better right away.
12:24Thank you, Sam.
12:26What if my new wallet was stolen too?
12:29I know.
12:30It needs a disguise.
12:31A chocolate pot to spread?
12:34What a great idea!
12:35It's going to be great!
12:37But how is your wallet going to fit in this pot?
12:40And will it become all sticky?
12:43Oh no, Sammy.
12:44I'm not going to sweep the pot with me.
12:46What are you going to do then?
12:48I'm going to sculpt my new wallet like a chocolate pot to spread.
12:52Ah, so no one will guess it's actually a wallet.
12:55That's right.
12:57You're very clever.
12:58You got this idea thanks to me taking care of you.
13:00Of course, Sammy.
13:01So, let's go to our DIY table.
13:03To the DIY table!
13:05Hi, everyone!
13:07Thanks to Sam's help, I'm not stressed anymore.
13:12Even better, a great idea came to my mind.
13:15Today, we're going to…
13:16Yes, look at this!
13:18It's my sewing box.
13:19Why did you bring it?
13:21Weren't you going to sew a new wallet?
13:23Not really, Sammy.
13:25Okay, so I'm going to take it back.
13:27Wait a second.
13:29I think we're going to need this.
13:33That's weird.
13:34Okay, let me put that away for now.
13:36Because for the first step, we need this and this.
13:40Let's trace these chocolate pots with a marker.
13:49There you go.
13:50And if you're a chocolate pot fan, like this video.
13:53Now, let's cut.
13:54Be careful with the scissors, everyone.
13:56Take your time.
13:57Don't go too fast or better yet, ask an adult for help.
14:00Wait, wait.
14:01Do you need fabric anyway?
14:02Of course.
14:06Something like this?
14:07No, Sammy.
14:08This fabric doesn't match our DIY.
14:10I need felt.
14:11Do you mean brown felt?
14:13How did you guess?
14:15Can you bring me some?
14:16Oh, I know the color of my favorite dessert.
14:19Why did I bother asking?
14:21So, here's what we're going to do with the brown felt.
14:33A little more and we're done.
14:39In fact, our piece of felt should be a little smaller than the actual outline.
14:43You'll soon find out why.
14:47If you don't sew, how are you going to attach the details?
14:50The heat will help me.
14:51The heat?
14:52Are you going to cook it all?
14:56No, but I'm going to need felt anyway.
14:59I'll bring it.
15:01Oh, how lucky I am to have an assistant like Sam.
15:04He's so helpful.
15:10I got you.
15:12Felt, you come with me.
15:17I hope that's what it takes to sew.
15:19She's going to be happy.
15:20Oh, what would she do without me?
15:24Here you go, Suzy.
15:28Is this the source of the heat you mentioned?
15:31Yes, but I haven't turned it on yet.
15:33It's still cold.
15:35Friends, always be careful when working with a iron.
15:39Ask for help from an adult.
15:42So, where's the paper?
15:44Right here.
15:46OK, it's time to plug in the iron.
15:48And I decided to use the fabric you brought.
15:51Ah, I knew it!
15:53Now here's the plastic detail,
15:55then goes the piece of felt,
15:58and then another piece of plastic.
16:00So we have to make a felt plastic sandwich?
16:02Yes, something like that.
16:04Then I'm going to cover it with a piece of sulfurized paper
16:07and slowly and carefully iron the seams.
16:11It would be better to be precise
16:13so that our wallet doesn't fall apart.
16:17Great, the base is ready.
16:19Now let's make some pockets.
16:21First, a small one for the coins.
16:26Oh, that's delicate.
16:27The more I do it slowly, the better it is.
16:31Here's another piece.
16:35Let's see.
16:37What's wrong?
16:38While you were busy,
16:40I was busy with something very important.
16:42So what did you do?
16:44I cut the labels.
16:47Oh, great job!
16:51Well, the wallet is almost ready.
16:53It's so cute!
16:55But to make it even more realistic,
16:57we have to decorate it.
16:58Oh, my favorite part!
17:01Hey, you know what?
17:02What is it?
17:04Tell me.
17:05I need you to cut pieces of white felt
17:07for the chocolate wallet cover.
17:10No problem!
17:11And the size?
17:12You can use this as a reference.
17:14Oh, great!
17:16In the meantime, I'll take care of this.
17:29There you go!
17:30The labels are ready.
17:33Why is it so hard?
17:35How do I do it effortlessly?
17:38Go ahead!
17:40I did it!
17:41Ha ha ha!
17:42Subscribe to this channel to celebrate with me!
17:45Suzy Q!
17:46I'm coming to you!
17:48I'm going to use double-sided adhesive tape
17:50to attach the labels to the wallet.
17:52It goes like this.
17:55Someone asked for this?
17:57Thank you, Sammy.
17:58Now we can make the covers for our pots.
18:01It's quite simple.
18:02I'm just going to apply hot glue here and here.
18:06Now, gently, gently.
18:10A little more hot glue goes right here.
18:13Now, I'm going to glue the labels to the pot.
18:16I'm going to glue the labels to the pot.
18:19I'm going to glue the labels to the pot.
18:22Right here.
18:23Now, I'm going to press and fold.
18:26Press and repeat.
18:30Looks like the filling inside will stay put.
18:33Exactly, Sammy!
18:35Well, look how pretty it is now, folks.
18:37It's almost real now, isn't it?
18:40Hmm… don't you think something's missing?
18:43Maybe this one!
18:45This is why we need velcro.
18:52Et le ferroir se met comme ça.
18:56Est-ce qu'on voit si ça fonctionne?
19:02Wow! Si! Le résultat est fantastique!
19:05Merci, Samy!
19:06Maintenant, essayons de mettre de l'argent dans le portefeuille.
19:22Génial! Je n'ai plus besoin de m'inquiéter pour mon portefeuille!
19:30Je crois que ce slime génial générateur d'idées mérite une récompense!
19:35D'accord! Je vais acheter un pot de pâte à tartiner au chocolat pour toi avec mon portefeuille en pâte à tartiner au chocolat!
19:42À bientôt les amis!
19:53Maintenant, tu peux vérifier le chapeau!
19:57À moi, à moi!
19:59Qu'est-ce que...
20:12Bonjour les amis! Bienvenue au spectacle magique de Samy!
20:16Merci, merci!
20:19Alors, pour mon tour spécial, je vais avoir besoin d'un volontaire!
20:25Hé! Je suis là! Je suis volontaire! Choisis-moi!
20:27Super! Choisis une carte!
20:29Vas-y, ne sois pas timide!
20:32Hé! Tu n'es pas censé me la montrer!
20:35D'accord! Voici les cartes! Voyons si je peux deviner celle que tu as choisie!
20:40Il peut vraiment faire ça?
20:42Je ne sais pas! On verra!
20:43C'est tellement palpitant!
20:45Alors, est-ce ta carte?
20:50Il ne peut même pas faire le tour de carte le plus simple!
20:53Si je peux! Ça arrive à tout le monde de se tromper! Continuons!
20:56Est-ce ta carte?
20:58Euh... non!
21:00Où est ta carte alors?
21:03La voilà! Je te l'avais dit! Tu te souviens?
21:05Quoi? Tu as fait ça exprès? Va-t'en!
21:11Escroc! Va-t'en d'ici!
21:13Je ne suis pas un escroc! Je vous jure les amis! Croyez-moi!
21:19Ah! Ce n'était qu'un rêve! Ouf! Je dois le raconter à Sue!
21:24Salut les amis! Comment ça va? Ça fait longtemps qu'on ne s'est pas vus!
21:27Je me demande ce que nous allons faire aujourd'hui!
21:29Arrête de bavarder Sue! Il vaut mieux regarder ce qu'il y a sous cette chose!
21:34D'accord! Je me demande ce que c'est?
21:36Tout ce que tu aimes! Je l'ai fait moi-même!
21:39Oh! C'est gentil de ta part! Mais le thé est déjà froid! Et les guimauves sont à moitié mangées!
21:45Eh bien, tu aurais dû venir plus tôt! J'avais faim!
21:49Oh eh bien! Merci quand même d'avoir essayé!
21:52Alors, quelle activité amusante allons-nous faire aujourd'hui?
21:55Peut-être un concert de rock?
21:58Un défi culinaire?
22:00Oh! Et si on lançait un Fight Club?
22:03Non Sammy! Nous allons faire des tours de magie super cool!
22:06Comme celui-ci! Regarde ça!
22:10Et à l'intérieur du chapeau magique, il y a...
22:13Un bébé girafe! N'est-il pas adorable?
22:17Ouah! C'est mon tour! Apporte le chapeau!
22:20Abracadabra! Maintenant, vérifie le chapeau!
22:23Oh non! Un gamin! Aaaaah!
22:26Ça va, Sammy?
22:27Ouais, juste un peu! Ouah!
22:29D'accord! Arrêtons de plaisanter et passons aux choses sérieuses!
22:32Je suis prête! Je ne vais pas échouer comme dans mon rêve!
22:35Je crois en toi! Dépêche-toi et apporte-moi deux verres, s'il te plaît!
22:39Ouais, je m'en occupe, Sue! Je ne te laisserai pas tomber, je te le promets!
22:44Très bien! Voici quelques-uns des biscuits préférés de Sam!
22:48Ouh! C'est lourd, Sue!
22:50Je prends le relais!
22:52Ouf! Merci! Hé! Ce sont mes biscuits!
22:55Oui, et nous en avons besoin pour nos tours!
23:01Attends une minute! Le paquet est vide! Où sont les biscuits?
23:04Tu vois, c'est une histoire amusante! J'avais vraiment faim!
23:07Quoi? C'est bon, tu as intérêt à ce que ce tour soit génial!
23:10Eh bien, les amis, comme vous pouvez le voir, nous avons besoin d'un emballage et de deux grands verres.
23:14Maintenant, l'emballage va ici.
23:16Et je vais retirer ce verre très lentement.
23:21Oh non, Sue! Arrête! L'emballage va tomber!
23:24Ne t'inquiète pas, c'est bon! Tu vois?
23:26Ouah! Comment c'est possible? Ça flotte juste dans les airs comme ça?
23:31Oui, je t'ai dit que je te montrerai un tour! Un tour de magie!
23:35Non, il doit y avoir de la triche! Je dois le découvrir!
23:39Pas de triche, promis! Je peux t'apprendre plus tard, d'accord?
23:42Si tu le dis! Maintenant, regarde ce que je peux faire!
23:45Un, deux, trois! Que la magie opère!
23:52Voilà! Tu vois, ça a disparu! Plutôt cool, hein?
23:55Maintenant, je vais le faire réapparaître!
23:57Trois, deux, un, voilà!
24:02Pourquoi j'ai autant la poisse aujourd'hui?
24:05Aurais-tu soif, par hasard?
24:07Bien sûr! Tu sais que j'ai toujours soif! J'ai soif de pouvoir!
24:12Eh bien, tu vas certainement apprécier ce soda à l'orange, alors!
24:17Ouh, j'ai hâte!
24:18Attention, Sammy! Comment je fais pour verser du soda si le gobelet est retourné?
24:24Je pensais que cet épisode devait porter sur des tours de magie!
24:27J'en fais un pour toi en ce moment!
24:29Maintenant, regarde ça! On prend le verre et hop! Le soda a disparu!
24:34Où est-ce que c'est allé?
24:36Vers un endroit magique!
24:38D'abord mes biscuits et maintenant mon soda!
24:41C'est mieux! À moi, à moi!
24:43Pas encore! Laisse-moi juste en verser un autre, celui qu'on n'a pas utilisé pour ce tour, d'accord?
24:53Oh, tu ne peux pas l'atteindre! Laisse-moi t'aider!
24:57Mesdames et messieurs, cochonnets! Aujourd'hui seulement, la crème glacée la plus savoureuse de toutes!
25:02Oh, c'est le vendeur de glace juste à temps!
25:07Donne-moi la meilleure glace à la fraise que tu as!
25:10Avec plaisir! Ça fera trois pièces!
25:12Je dois avoir trois pièces, non?
25:14Quoi? J'en ai qu'une seule et c'est tout?
25:17Oh non, ce n'est pas possible!
25:19Sue! Sue, aide-moi! J'ai besoin de plus de pièces!
25:22Bien sûr, viens avec moi!
25:25J'ai un tour de magie spécial parfait pour ça!
25:28Un tour de magie pour de l'argent infini? Prends tout!
25:33D'accord! Pour ce tour, nous aurons besoin de deux assiettes et d'une pièce.
25:36Mettons-la ici.
25:38Regardez bien, les amis!
25:43Eh bien, qu'est-ce que t'en penses, Samy?
25:46Ouah! Comment t'as fait?
25:48Incroyable! Est-ce que je pourrais avoir mon argent maintenant?
25:51Bien sûr, prends tout!
25:53Oh, merci! Mais quand je reviendrai, tu me diras tout!
25:57Tiens, trois pièces, tu as dit?
26:01Une glace à la fraise arrive tout de suite!
26:05Miam! Oups! La règle des cinq secondes!
26:09J'espère que personne n'a vu ça!
26:13Sue, je veux mes réponses!
26:15D'accord, petite impatient.
26:17Je suis prêt à te dire comment faire ces tours de magie. Garderas-tu le secret?
26:20Bien sûr! Les amis, vous le promettez aussi!
26:23N'est-ce pas? Alors abonnez-vous à notre chaîne et apprenons un peu de magie!
26:28Commençons depuis le tout début.
26:30Pour le tour de l'emballage, j'ai caché quelque chose à l'intérieur à l'avance.
26:33Jetons un coup d'œil.
26:36Plutôt sympa, non?
26:38Oh, brillant! Comment ça a pu m'échapper?
26:42Et pour ce tour, j'ai utilisé un gobelet à double fond.
26:45Tu vois?
26:46Ah, je comprends. Donc le fond est tombé dans le gobelet.
26:49C'est pour ça que tu ne m'as pas laissé boire dedans. Plutôt malin!
26:52Et enfin, nos assiettes sont également à double fond.
26:55On met simplement nos pièces juste ici.
26:58Et puis on fait woosh! Si facile, si simple!
27:03Donc les pièces ont été là tout ce temps? C'était poustouflant, Sue!
27:08D'accord, d'accord. Maintenant, je vais te montrer mes tours.
27:12Bienvenue au spectacle magique de Samy!
27:15Oh, j'espère vraiment que ce ne sera pas comme dans mon cauchemar.
27:19Allez, Samy! Hourra! Montre-nous ce que tu as dans le ventre.
27:23D'accord. Pour mon premier tour, je vais...
27:28Maintenant, j'ai besoin que tu prennes la couverture et que tu la déplies devant moi. Peux-tu faire ça, Sue?
27:34Pas de problème. En fait, j'ai une très belle couverture juste ici.
27:39Ah! Parfait!
27:41Tu es prête? On y va, Suzy!
27:45Quoi? Qui êtes-vous?
27:47Je suis Sam! Et moi, c'est Sam!
27:50Wow! C'est incroyable! Bravo, Samy!
27:53Merci, merci. C'est à moi qu'elle parle, les gars.
27:57Enfin bref. Les amis, merci beaucoup d'avoir été avec nous aujourd'hui. On se voit dans la prochaine vidéo. Au revoir!
