• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Sappiamo che se trattiamo abbastanza in tempo la malattia psoriasica con farmaci biologici, questi pazienti hanno una protezione superiore al 90% dallo sviluppo di artrite. Vuol dire che se i pazienti con malattia psoriasica non trattati hanno un rischio del 30% di sviluppare in seguito l'artrite, con un farmaco biologico hanno un rischio inferiore al 3%”. Così Antonio Costanzo, professore di Dermatologia presso Humanitas university e responsabile dell’unità operativa di Dermatologia presso Humanitas Research Hospital, a margine dell’evento dedicato a bimekizumab, una nuova opzione terapeutica sviluppata da Ucb alla quale l’Aifa ha concesso l’estensione della rimborsabilità per l’artrite psoriasica attiva (Psa), dopo quella ottenuta nel marzo 2023 per la psoriasi a placche da moderata a severa.


00:00Diagnosis of Ipsoriasis
00:04Diagnosis of Ipsoriasis in the vast majority of cases is a simple diagnosis,
00:10so we calculate that in Italy there is about 3% of the population affected by this disease,
00:18naturally including mild and severe forms.
00:23Thanks to biological drugs we can now prevent the development of arthritis as dermatologists,
00:29so we know that if we treat the Ipsoriasis disease in time enough,
00:35these patients will never develop arthritis, or rather,
00:39there is a protection with biological drugs greater than 90%,
00:44which means that if untreated patients have a 30% risk of developing arthritis later,
00:54with a biological drug they have a risk less than 3%.
00:58B. mechizumab is a monoclonal antibody that links two fundamental inflammatory factors
01:05for the development of the disease, which are interleukin A17 and F.
01:09It was finally approved also for Ipsoriasis,
01:14so we can block both the progression of Ipsoriasis to arthritis,
01:22and also the pain and arthritis itself, using a single drug that blocks two inflammatory factors.
