Love's Unending Legacy (2007) is the fifth installment in the Love Comes Softly film series, based on Janette Oke's novels and directed by Mark Griffiths. The film follows Missie LaHaye (Erin Cottrell), now a widow, as she returns to her father's home to rebuild her life and care for her young son. While grappling with grief, Missie finds renewed purpose through an unexpected bond with a young girl in need. The film addresses themes of healing, hope, and family, with an emphasis on faith and community support.
Initial release: April 7, 2007
Director: Mark Griffiths
Adapted from: Love's unending legacy
Theme music composer: Kevin Kiner
Initial release: April 7, 2007
Director: Mark Griffiths
Adapted from: Love's unending legacy
Theme music composer: Kevin Kiner
Short film