• last year
With Royal British Legion Industries, the club organised an inclusive event so those with disabilities can take part.

Henry Luck reports.
00:00The disability branch of the Maidstone United Football Club Raiders are paying tribute by
00:12bringing remembrance to the players and public.
00:15Straight after training, bugle players and standard bearers marched onto the pitch to
00:21deliver a hearing and a performance of the last post, serving the purpose of teaching
00:28about the tradition.
00:29We have the flag bearers, the bugle player and some of the servicemen march the players
00:36out and obviously give them a life experience and obviously teach them about the reason
00:45we have freedom today and people that gave their lives for that reason.
00:50So basically it's educating our disability players on their history.
00:56As someone on the autistic spectrum, going to remembrance parades like this one here
01:02at Gallagher Stadium is really helpful for me because I only need to take a five minute
01:09train journey to Maidstone Barracks and then only a ten minute walk.
01:15The procession at the football club is now in its second year and has been met with a
01:20similar successful turnout.
01:22There's 21 teams here, all different disabilities and they don't usually attend anything like
01:29a remembrance service because it's not in their comfort zone and it's a bit loud for
01:33some of them.
01:34But when Lorraine asked me to do it last year, I thought, yeah, come on, we'll do that.
01:39And it turned out to be fantastic, they all appreciate the fact that we've come special
01:42to give them that service which they wouldn't normally attend and I thought, well, let's
01:47go and do that and make sure that everyone gets a remembrance service, whatever their
01:51age and disability.
01:52Also included in the march are veterans, members of the Royal British Legion and Kent Fire Brigade.
01:59Remembrance is for everybody, it doesn't matter whether you're disabled, able, or anything,
02:06you're all there to remember the people who gave it their all so that we can do a service
02:12like this.
02:13Remembrance Sunday will take place on Sunday 10 November, where Kent will be united in
02:19remembering the glorious dead.
02:22Henry Luck for KMTV in Maidstone.
