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(Adnkronos) - "E’ molto importante considerare il rapporto tra queste politiche attive e la sostenibilità del sistema previdenziale. Infatti, stiamo andando incontro ad un periodo di breve/medio periodo, con qualche difficoltà nel sistema previdenziale dovuto a un problema di cassa temporaneo: esiste il problema dell’entrata in pensione progressiva di tutta la corte, molto numerosa, dei cosiddetti baby boomers, che incideranno sulle casse dello Stato e sul sistema pensionistico, ma sarà soltanto un problema temporaneo perché andremo incontro velocemente all'entrata in vigore a pieno del sistema contributivo puro”. Lo afferma Valeria Vittimberga, direttrice generale Inps, a margine dell’evento intitolato “Le politiche attive del lavoro nel Rapporto Inps 2024”, organizzato presso l’Aula Magna Gobbi dell’Università Bocconi di Milano.


00:00It is very important to consider the relationship between these active policies and the sustainability of the presidential system.
00:13In fact, we are going against a period, a short period, a medium period, with some difficulties in the presidential system due to a temporary cash problem.
00:25In fact, there is the problem of the entry into retirement of all the very large cohort of the so-called baby boomers,
00:35which will naturally affect the state coffers, the pension system.
00:41But it will only be a temporary problem, because we will quickly go against the full entry into force of the pure contributory system.
00:50The pure contributory system is, by definition, an unbalanced system, because so much is poured, so much is received from the pension coffers.
00:59This means that in order to have an unbalanced presidential system, it will be necessary, in the short and medium period in which there will be these cash problems,
01:11to implement the contributory base through an implementation of the number of workers who pour.
01:17And, of course, it is about creating non-discontinuous working careers, so that there is a constant flow that will then lead to dignified and sustainable pensions
01:29and the entry into the world of work of these underrepresented subjects.
01:34Which also means to remove from the list of subjects susceptible of mere assistance and to insert, instead, in a context of social inclusion based on the full participation in the world of work,
01:48of all the subjects that, for a mismatching between the demand and the offer, have so far been on the margins.
01:58We believe that this is the right way and that these policies, which, of course, have some short-term effects,
02:06but need time to germinate and bear fruit, in the long term will certainly have a stabilizing effect on our system.
